Shorter George F. Will

Above: Will be counting his money while you suckers are still
grappling with the pickle matrix.

Are You Better Off?

  • It is axiomatic that the personal, financial assessment most voters should take after a period of Democratic rule is not necessarily the same kind of assessment they should take when the incumbent party is the GOP.

Or (alternate shorter):

  • Hey, peons: Just because you’re financially worse off now than you were four or even eight years ago doesn’t mean that you aren’t better off in other areas in your life totally unrelated to politics, and for which you should reward the Republican party with your vote.

Or (another alternate):

  • What was right for St. Ronnie (whom I coached for debate and whose opponent’s campaign strategy book I stole) to say in 1980 is never right for Democratic presidential candidates to say, even if they have just as much or more cause for saying it.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 203


Shorter G. Will: Everything is relative.

Later G. Will: Oh, wait, no, isn’t that what the atheistic leftists say? Tarnation, I already posted it. Oh well, I can always contradict myself later. I contain multitudes, don’t you know. (Q to Ed: That’s out of copyright isn’t it?) Who’s on first?


A joke:

Q: Why does George Will wear a spotted bow tie?

A: Because he’s a fucking asshole.


I say, “Fine,” you want to make the argument that it’s not only the economy, stupid, neatly being able to neutralize one of the most effective arguments Obama has made about why “eight is enough.”

Okay. Let’s see, then, what else have we got? Oh, I dunno, rampant Republican corruption? Or, ooh, I dunno, perhaps one of the lowest points our collective image has had globally since ever?

Oh yeah, and then there’s that Iraq war thing.

Nice try having it both ways, Will.


Did nobody find romance, learn to fly-fish, rediscover Fred Astaire movies, have children, learn to fly-fish*, or “acquire grandchildren” while Carter was president? I was very young but man he must have been a terrible president.

* The only hobbie Will could think of?


hobby even


kiki said,
September 7, 2008 at 19:48

A joke:

Q: Why does George Will wear a spotted bow tie?

A: Because he’s a fucking asshole.

— Knock knock.

— Who’s there?

Go fuck yourselves.


Will’s closer:

So, are you better off than you were four years ago? That depends. On what? That, too, depends.

Wow. Sterling argument, this. WGAS?


Y’know Will, Herbert Hoover’s “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”* campaign in 1932 didn’t seem to work out too well.


* Okay, maybe not.


Yet another shorter, this time from the GOS:

If you read the right things, and follow the right sports teams, you might well be “better off” than you were four years ago, so don’t bother to ask that question. economics is only statistics and people spend too much time whining about them.


So, are you better off than you were four years ago? That depends. On what? That, too, depends.

Is this a subtle reference to McCain’s rumored incontinence problem? Depends.


The Bush Administration’s environmental policies have certainly contributed to the precipitous decline of the wild salmon population (and of course the reluctance to acknowledge the danger).

So if you’re someone who was already into fly fishing, you might recognize that it has become less like fishing and more like standing around hip-deep in a river.

Also George F Will is a weenie.


But feelings are facts. But feelings are facts. Facts such as delight, serenity and gratitude have values not easily priced in cash.

Which explains why it was so smart to target fundamentalist suckers for a voting base.


If memory serves — but it never does — my favorite George Will column was a year or two after Reagan was elected, deep into complete Republican control of the country, and there was Will casting desperately about for THE DOMESTIC ENEMY.

ANY Domestic Enemy. Please? Someone scare the hell out of me? PLEASE I BEG YOU.

Best he could find was a skinny college girl WEARING BLACK at the local art house theater.

I thought: er… dude, you WON. Like EVERYTHING. Relax. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Can he survive an Obama Administration?

He’ll LOVE it.


I shortered both WIll and Broder somewhere today, but I forgotted where.


“John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”
– Barack Obama

And so the veil drops on Obama’s real faith


Context is the first casualty in Republican talking point war. Teh truth quickly follows.



Between Obama admitting he’s a Muslim, and lying about applying for selective service on graduation.. his campaign is crumbling. The guy is melting down under pressure.


Roger Ailes always calls him George Fwill. I think that should be univerally adopted.


He was responsible for me spending three of the most conflicted three hours of my life. He was sitting at the other end of the car from me on the Acela as we went between NYC and Washington. And the whole time I just kept telling myself that it would be wrong to walk past him and say “Hey, nice bow tie asshole”. Self control sometimes just sucks.


Well. That was stunning in its intellectual dishonesty. Am I alone in thinking that this one column is emblematic of the absolute desperation of the Right as we head into the election?

Chartres? Fly fishing?

Holy crap. I wonder how that argument would have fared for Carter in 1980. I’m guessing that Will would have done his utmost to beat it into the ground. The same, of course, would have held true for the argument that Howard Dean was commander-in-chief of the Vermont national guard, which fact should have made him a shoe-in for the Presidency.

For that matter, Jesse “The Body” Ventura was commander-in-chief of the Minnesota national guard, and Minnesota borders on friggin’ Hoser Central! Plus he wrestled on the teevee. Ventura for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, no matter who wins in November.


Doc Washboard said,
September 7, 2008 at 21:22

Chartres? Fly fishing?

Holy crap. I wonder how that argument would have fared for Carter in 1980.

Especially since Carter himself is into fly fishing. What a fucking idiot.


OT- Anyone else seen an increase in military helicopters flying around? Seems like every other day my building gets a flyover from a helicopter… started a couple/few weeks ago.

Just wondering whether this is some sort of Bush Administration “make the citizens afraid before the election” campaign, or just my paranoia.


But feelings are facts. But feelings are facts. Facts such as delight, serenity and gratitude have values not easily priced in cash.

And this is the Party of the rocked ribs? The realists? The Party of grown ups? I’ve never heard such hippy-dippy drivel in all my life.

My ears still ring with the denouncement of “touchy-feely liberals” and all that feel-goody-good crap coming out of the mouths and keyboards of Will and his ilk for decades.

Yep, Will’s had his explosion-proof adamantium skull implants installed for the election season.


He was responsible for me spending three of the most conflicted three hours of my life. He was sitting at the other end of the car from me on the Acela as we went between NYC and Washington. And the whole time I just kept telling myself that it would be wrong to walk past him and say “Hey, nice bow tie asshole”. Self control sometimes just sucks.

Heh. We once spotted Jay Sekolow (Pat Robertson’s attorney) at a concert at Chastain park. My gay friend walked right up to him and introduced him to all of us, as if he knew him personally, and all of us burst into helpless laughter as he scowled and fumed.

Another time a hapless local weatherman wandered close to me and a bunch of my drunken friends in the crowd at the 96 victory party in downtown Little Rock. I greeted him exuberantly with “hey Vic, how’s it hanging!?” and got a gruff grunt and scowl in reply…then blurted out, “hey, I guess I’m not showing proper respect for the local TV WEATHERMAN CELEBRITY!” Again, helpless laughter from all around ensued, and the poor weatherman moved on to another part of the crowd where hopefully people would be more in awe of his local stature.

WTF is up with all these people who think their shit doesn’t stink? In the future, I recommend less restraint on your part.


What the liberals won’t admit is that when certain very, very rich people post financial gains due to government policy, it’s pretty much just as good for average people as if they had gotten better off themselves. The opposite, however, is horrifyingly untrue.


George Will: I Have No Lips, And I Must Scream. (with sincere apologies to Mr. Ellison)


Who the fuck can afford to go see Chartres, you dick? The dollar is worth what now, 3 French francs?


Rary Guppert bleated

“John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”- Barack Obama

Jesus Hussein Christ. Even the Washington Times put it into perspective, fuckwad.


There are no French francs now, only Euros.

and 1 U.S. dollar = 0.702641934 Euros. (Thanks, Gazoogle!)

Dragon-King Wangchuck

George F. Will, who is in what MacBeth called the fuddy-duddiness of ancient lawn protecting, has reincarnated an oldie from just about every column he has ever written to date with a piece of tripe asserting “IOKIYAAR”. This of course derives from his complete lack of intellectual honesty and morals, applied with the devastating effect of legitmizing the most pathetically incompetent administration that has every been charged with protecting the United States of America.

The nation considered the plodder odious. Reeling from market shocks comparable to the Great Depression, with 4000+ U.S. casualties from Iraq and with the Taliban, again rampant in Afghanistan, voters resoundingly said “Fuck You Neo-Con.” Today we know that the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is hastening the collapse of the Evil Empire, so some things that seem to make us worse off are not unmixed curses. Although comparing millions rendered homeless, hundreds of thousands dead, the reputation of a once great nation in tatters – it seems a pretty high price to pay to be able to chant USA USA USA.

So, are you better off than you were before you read that George Will piece? That depends. On what? If you really enjoy having your sensitive parts crushed with a hammer.


Bow tie. Spotted bow tie. The fuck?

How socially oblivious does a person have to be to imagine that a bow tie like that is appropriate business wear? Since he hasn’t changed his hairstyle since 1937, it seems this guy just has no cultural awareness whatsoever.

His writing definitely reflects it too. I think all of his politics are simply moulded around the fact that he seems to think it is still 1955.

This is a serious problem with wingnuts.. This fantasy of the 50s being a perfect society, and always trying to get back to it. Niggers knowing their place, women in the kitchen, big Cadillacs, nice scary foreigners to provide excuses for war, and America generally being rich as fuck and pushing everyone around.

Never mind the fact that the 50s really sucked if you weren’t a white middle class Christian male. Never mind that it was an ignorant, insular society with a culture based around bigotry and the products of large corporations. Coca Cola and Jim Crow.

I think it boils down to moderately wealthy WASP male types going “well everything was great for ME back then, the rest of you can go fuck yourselves”

Dragon-King Wangchuck




Dude needs a makeover. I’d suggest contact lenses, short piece-y haircut, collagen injections in the lips and a grown-up tie.


I don’t think there is anything strange about his lips as such.. He is just putting on his best stiff upper lip.

Nobody told him it was only an expression..


OMG, the dreaded return of Lookism to S, N!

Why, this is worse than Fascism.

bernard quatermass

Where is The Truth? I need my Sunday afternoon infusion of something soft, white, and dull.


As my fiancee says, “Conservatives always steal the critique then buttfuck it.”


George Will approved, surely. Republican Shangri-La.


Gary Ruppert? What are you doing here? I told you last week to get out and stay out. Now gather your pathetic little excuse of a hetero family, get in your mini wagon, snake a length of short garden hose from the exhaust into one of the back windows and roll all the windows up. Turn the engine on and pray, Gary Ruppert.


…And this is the great thing about progressive politics: I really don’t really agree with Gozer’s fiancee-picking folkways. [Particularly considering what my fridge looks like.] And the Gatekeeper thing is just not my cup of tea.

But we can come here and comment together on policy.

Remember, there’s a Cthulu Youth! bake sale after school on Tuesday.


Is it just me or does George F. Twat look like a ventriloquist’s dummy?


From the comments at Clownhall:
Don’t you crazy liberals know that a weak dollar is GOOD for the economy?

Matthew Yglesias retard mode

Isn’t this the same retard argument that MY made a while ago here ?

Alternative shorter millionaire George F. Will and Trust Fund Matthew Yglesias; “Forget the sucking economy, the tortured prisoners, the spying goverment, dead bodies floating in New Orleans, IRAQ etc etc. You are better off this year because you went fly fishing.” Vote for McCain!


Still Shorter If Slightly Longer and More Slippery Will … Help me, I’m melting melting … Into the vast glistening pool of my own subtle but nonetheless explosive brilliance and erudition. Excuse me, now, minions, while I quickly rearrange my delicious buttocks on this rather uncomfortable ABC studios chair.


I won’t, but George Will.

I got nothing…



The fact is, fuck you. I know McCain is gonna win, no matter how anyone votes, and you do, too. I am better prepared because I embrace it, but you do not. I am looking forward to more dismantling of quaint entitlement programs and the switch to self-reliance, for I am self-reliant. You liberals, fags, minorities can no longer shake down people like me, who produce value, for your sustenance. We are not playing your game anymore, we won, we take it all, you can shut up or die for all I care.


Given Will’s sporadic episodes of not being a total assface, and the completely pitiful non-argument he just made, I’m going to pretend that his article was not-terribly-subtle satire.

Otherwise, I think I might have a fatal head asplosion.


Too many commas, faux Gary.

Punctuation is not your friend.


Remember how in the last thread I mentioned how McCain has a good chance of winning Pennsylvania? Well, he’s leading Obama amongst Keystone State blue collar workers 46% to 43%!

Remember something, no Democrat has EVER been elected President without winning Pennslvania.

Heres the link.


These assclowns have genetically engineered hypocrisy to make it bigger, faster and more powerful than ever before.

When the polls favor Obama, polls don’t matter. When a poll shows McCain gaining or leading in some way, it proves he’s going to win.

To expect any intellectual consistency out of the wingnut community is to offer to swim a snake across a swollen river.

If you do it, you are not taking their very nature into consideration…



You’re a funny guy, Sauly. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.

Obama 301 McCain 224 Ties 13


This is the state of Republican “intellectualism” – to bring as much stupidity and sophistry as possible to bear on any given situation. In the real world, such people are roundly mocked and completely dismissed.

But we live in the Time of Zero Accountability. So not only are they influential, they become more so the more insane they allow themselves to be.


Wrong Jas, my leftie friend.

McCain is now in the lead, and he must be in a rather large lead considering Gallup is a leftie polling company.


“The fact is, fuck you.”

You know you have a weak argument on your hands when this is the strongest line.

“I know McCain is gonna win, no matter how anyone votes, and you do, too. I am better prepared because I embrace it, but you do not.”

Well no, pretty much nobody here embraces the allegedly dead-certain idea that McCain is going to win because the polls still show Obama in a good place; because, worst-case scenario, he’ll be even with the money the Republicans have; because McCain’s running an absurdly immature, pathetic campaign of weak character critiques as opposed to one based on issues and policies; because Obama has a much better campaign infrastructure and GOTV effort than McCain does; and because people aren’t happy with the way things are right now.

“I am looking forward to more dismantling of quaint entitlement programs and the switch to self-reliance, for I am self-reliant.”

I assume this means you’ll support the elimanation of Medicare Part D, created by a Republican president.

“You liberals, fags, minorities can no longer shake down people like me, who produce value, for your sustenance.”

I thought fags and minorities were all liberals. Why are you repeating yourself?

“We are not playing your game anymore, we won, we take it all, you can shut up or die for all I care.”

In just a few sentences, you went from being certain of winning to actually winning. Man, time does fly.


The “F” stands for Fucking, right?

As in, “Oh, great, George Fucking Will shat out another column.”

Maybe this is satire. Maybe George was high when he wrote it. What the hell am I supposed to take away from it?


“Don’t you crazy liberals know that a weak dollar is GOOD for the economy?”

It can be.


Brian J said,

September 8, 2008 at 0:54

“Don’t you crazy liberals know that a weak dollar is GOOD for the economy?”

It can be.

I agree with Brian J.

It depends on the context. In this context, aka a country going into debt on a massive scale, it generally is not a GOOD thing.

See Argentina and Post WWi Germany for examples.


The more the general public comes to learn about Obama, the more they realize just how radical he really is.

And his snub about working class Americans being bitter and clinging to God and Guns ain’t gonna be helping him any.

He just may have cost himself the blue collar states of Pennslyvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Especially with a God fearing social conservative like Sarah Palin on the ticket, Obama is going to have gradually increasing difficulty in getting the socially conservative blue collar workers in these states to vote for him.

If Obama loses any one of those states, he’s finished. Cause, regardless of what the leftwing media wants you to think. The Solid Red States of North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina are not in play. None of those states will ever again vote for a Democrat in a Presidential election. Especially a Democrat who has the most liberal voting record in the Senate.

Lets face it, Obama’s a far-left radical who’d have a hard time getting elected in Sweden, never mind in Middle America.


DSB said,
September 7, 2008 at 23:43

From the comments at Clownhall:
Don’t you crazy liberals know that a weak dollar is GOOD for the economy?

It would if the US actually made a product and sold it rather than just ship everything off to the Chinese and Indians. But since more than 50% of the American economy is consumerism, which is just a euphemism for “merely buying shit”, a weak dollar is a BAD thing.


Lets face it, Obama’s a far-left radical who’d have a hard time getting elected in Sweden, never mind in Middle America.

Mr. Parody Trool, please add some funny to your zzzzzzzzzfests, so that the rest of us can feel that we’ve received some small reward for not scroll-wheeling past them.

Hanx in advance!

In other news, Let’s rock.


Saul, you and he-male Gary Ruppert ought to hook up sometime and talk about gay sex, since lying about reality is about the only other similarity you two have. Tell your wives it’s the RNC or something similar, since they won’t care because they’re out riding horses with their girlfriends most days anyway. “Socially conservative Sarah Palin” what a laugh! Talk about pimping out her daughter, and wait till more get wind of the fact that she faked her son’s birth to cover for her daughter’s first pregnancy… that ought to play great in the red states like West VA and western PA, where your sick fucked up god and guns, or sex and family have never been mutually exclusive terms.

Just remember, Saul and Gary Ruppert, when you’re feeling down, take the gas pipe. Why not take the whole damned family like your hero Chris Benoit. Didn’t he put a bible by the kids before he did ’em? No one will miss you and no one needs you. You two add value to your sick rightwing KKKRischayn society like flies do to shit. This very second I am hoping you get sick and die.


A weak dollar isn’t a good thing at all at the moment. It is the effect of a poor economy causing the weak dollar.

US exports are horribly low, and only in a few economic sectors. Entertainment and intellectual property are doing okay, manufacturing is almost down to nothing, exports of natural resources arn’t worth talking about either.

Without oil imports, The US economy is utterly fucked. Without consumer goods being imported, ditto. The US is even a net importer of food.

The US economy is propped up by two main things: consumer spending, and real estate. The entire real estate industry, and the ancillary construction industry, and all the trades that rely on that, are in deep shit. Consumer spending can only go down if the dollar is weak.

In the end, it is all about the debt. Public and private, the USA is full of bad debts. Owing the entire world a shitload of money is not a good position to be in.


Has anyone else noticed the similarities in countenance and gait between McCain and the sleestacks from Land of the Lost?


“In this context, aka a country going into debt on a massive scale, it generally is not a GOOD thing.”

Get with the program, you whiner. This alleged “debt on a massive” scale is only mental. And if you are worried that McCain doesn’t have a plan for everything, I must ask, have you not heard of MAGIC?


/Agree with Thunderdon’t.

“Something something heartland. Something something radical left.”

There. I just saved everyone hours of their time.


Did he work in a reference to some obscure 19th century British prime minister?

Because if he didn’t, I’m not clicking the link. I only read George Will columns that mention obscure 19th century British prime ministers.

You’d be surprised how many there are – George Will columns that mention obscure 19th century British prime ministers, I mean.


Gary Rupert
The fact is, fuck you. I know McCain is gonna win, no matter how anyone votes, and you do, too… yada, yada, yada… you can shut up or die for all I care.

How cute! Some is all scared and angry!

That makes me want to pinch your cheeks!


My bad: Someone.


It’s a judgement call, Our Dead Selves.

If we wanted to be message board nazis, we could probably figure it out.

But we don’t want to be like them.


But then again.. speaking as a furriner, the dollar going down can be a good thing.. for the rest of the world. Okay, in the short term it is painful. That 1 trillion US trade deficit represents a livelihood for many people overseas. As that deficit inevitably drops, economies the world over have to start unhitching themselves from the dollar.

All that economic clout the US is supposed to hold? Ain’t worth shit now that US treasury bonds aint worth the paper they are printed on. The US doesn’t have to get any worse.. just demonstrate that it is financially unstable. And, lo and behold, the world economy will re-arrange so that nobody relies on the US. Countries will find new trading partners, industries will be reshuffled, and then it won’t matter what the US does anymore.

The last 8 years have proven that the USA has no military power anymore.
The next 8 years will show that the USA has no economic power anymore.


Although it’s nice to have the original Saul and the original Gary back, shit…you’d have thought that these two Mensas would have come up with some fucking new material in their hiatuses.


But we don’t want to be like them.

Oh, I know! I was trying to be Sarcastro, but I think I failed. 🙁


And the most leftwing of them all. CNN shows Obama’s lead down to only, oh my gosh I can’t read it… ONE POINT!

Now we know Obama’s in trouble. If the far left CNN polling company shows the “messiah’s” “lead” at only one point, then we know McCain’s in the lead.

Of course CNN being the far-left loons that they are can’t bring themselves to show that McCain’s in the lead. They don’t have to. The very fact that they’re doing the bare minimum to maintain the illusion that their sainted “Obamessiah” is in the lead proves that McCain is winning. Otherwise being the leftwing spin doctors that they are they’d show Obama with a unrealistic 10 point lead.

Heres the link.


Saul, you are certifiable. CNN far-left? What a laugh. Such a statement shows how radically, extremely right you are.

As for this otherwise worthy blog, why do you spend so much of your time linking to GOP messaging? Come up with your own or defeat is ahead.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Both conventions have just ended. The Gallup poll is a three day rolling average, so it is actually measuring the RNC bounce. That the polls are swinging rapidly in this time is no big surprise. Here’s some background reading for you:

By the way…
CNN is far-left wing toons? The network of Nancy Grace, Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck? WTF are you smoking? I understand that it’s a reflex for you right-tards to scream bias at things even when they agree with you, but come on.

Rugged in Montana

As my good friend Gary has pointed out, Obama has now fessed up to being an Islamic-guy. Fine. Good for him. Here’s the problem: Islamic-guys regard Jesus as being a prophet, so they worship him AND Muslimo-whatshisname.

In case you don’t get what I’m saying, let me spell it out for you Demon-crats: people who worship Jesus could be secret Islamosexuals! All those so-called “Christian” churches could be filled to the rafters with the enemies of the USA of America, and we’re supposed to be conned into believing that they’re patriots even though their whole church is built around an Islamic prophet???

Come to think of it, my own pastor at the Reformed Aryan Church of Whiteness in Butte has a beard, not unlike that Ameneedameneedamajad, so HE could be a terrist, part of some sleeper cell trying to destroy the Heartland of this Awesome Nation! Anybody know just how big Gitmo is? It seems to me that there’s a mighty large number of secret Islamo-Jesus lovers out there who probably ought to be subjected to some “interrogation”, if you get my drift.


I love it when retards take national polls as indicative of who’s going to win.

President Gore agrees.


Oh “Rugged” btw, I know you’re a leftie pretending to be a conservative so I’ve got news for you. Your state of Montana is gonna be firmly in McCain’s column regardless of what the leftwing media says is possible.

Last month the leftwing media was saying that Alaska could be taken by Obama. LOL! With Sarah Palin on the ticket, McCain is gonna carry Alaska by at least 20 points. He would have carried Alaska regardless.

The leftwing media has a tendency to pass off wishful thinking as partisan trending I think.


Jas said,

September 8, 2008 at 0:25

You’re a funny guy, Sauly. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.

Obama 301 McCain 224 Ties 13

Saul said,

September 8, 2008 at 0:38

Wrong Jas, my leftie friend.

McCain is now in the lead, and he must be in a rather large lead considering Gallup is a leftie polling company.

I think Saul needs to be schooled on the concept of the Electoral College.

Remember that, Saul? The EC is how Bush “won” his first term, after losing the popular vote by half a million.

It’s inconceivable (yes, that word means what I think it means) that Obama will lose a single state Kerry won in ’04. If Obama picks up one large or a few small Bush ’04 states, it’s over.

BTW, I used you as an example in my own blog, Saul:

You’re doing what’s called the “Nelson Muntz Maneuver”.

What do you think?


Saul, I know you’re a parody troll pretending to be a whichwhattamathing, but really.

Three months ago, the MSM thought that the goopers might hold on to their Stevens Senate seat in Alaska (ideally, by having Stevens resign).

Kiss it goodbye. (Of course, since yur a parody troll, no big loss, eh?)


You know what? I think all of the parody trolls in this thread are the same person. Too many similarities, too many references to each other to be credible.

Mind you, there is a thin line between troll and parody troll. Whilst this one is obviously not sincere in what it is saying, it does want to start shit, and the liberal hatred could be real. I think it is a paultard/glibertarian type that considers its whacked out philosophy to hold moral ground above anything on the existing political spectrum. They are the kind that would play a rightwing stereotype on a left wing blog.


George Will F: Look at my mouth! Is that the mouth of a suck-up? No! I have never sucked anything, not even a baby bottle when I was an infant. Not even a straw. So there!

Rugged in Montana

Oh “Rugged” btw, I know you’re a leftie pretending to be a conservative so I’ve got news for you.

Me a LEFTIE?? Well, I’ve got news for you! Lefties don’t carry fully-erect M1A1 Battle Rifles™ defending their lot-lines against the Islamosexual threat or lobby to have pelicans taken off of the endangered feces list, so maybe you’ve got me bass-akwards?

Pesonally, I can’t wait for Ms. Barracuda to become the Preznint and I’m certain it will be Alaska’s huge electoral vote that will put her over the top, if she isn’t already too much over-the-top.


You may be surprised Thunder, but I agree with you. I think Stevens should have resigned. He has been an embarrasment to the GOP for a long time and is a corrupt scoundrel.

I don’t know if the Dems will take his seat in November. But if they do its Steven’s own fault. He’s a corrupt big government porker who should resign.

If it wasn’t for Steven’s the GOP would have an easy win in Alaska’s Senate race.

By trying to keep his seat, he’s only making things worse.


I think George “Triumph of the” Will has a nice ring to it.


I don’t know if the Dems will take his seat in November. But if they do its Steven’s own fault. He’s a corrupt big government porker who should resign.

Now do your homework, and follow through for the rest of the criminal enterprise that calls itself the “GOP”.


Late to the thread, but just for the record, I would like to assert that, Jesus, I hate the fuck out of (by) George (if I ) Will. And the George Stephonopolis that rode in on him.


The only real downside is that after President Obama wins the election, the wingnuts like Saul will be consumed with shuddering ragegasms, and blame everybody from the Dirty Fucking Hippies to the Liberal Media for losing – anybody but, of course, themselves. We will have to put up with their incessant whining for years to come.

My fear is that as they slowly sink into the political obscurity from whence they came, like the Temperance Party and the Know-Nothings before them, they still have more than a few deranged Timmy McVeighs out there just waiting to show ’em, and show ’em good.

Hmmm, maybe that domestic terrorism spy network created by Dick Cheney might come in handy after all, eh Saul?

And isn’t just that your worst nightmare?

Sleep well, bubalah…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You know what? I think all of the parody trolls in this thread are the same person.

The Crid Threorem.

All. One. Guy.

Rugged in Montana

Hey……….I am not all one guy, whatever that means.

Our Collective Memories

You know, usually when the parody trolls are going particularly apeshit, they’re sockpuppets of a certain regular here…

I think it is a paultard/glibertarian type that considers its whacked out philosophy to hold moral ground above anything on the existing political spectrum.

Eh, more pointlessly obsessed anti-Naderite and gatekeeper to The One True Progressive Ideology™

Rugged in Montana

Eh, more pointlessly obsessed anti-Naderite and gatekeeper to The One True Progressive Ideology™

I, for one, refuse to be insulted like this. I’m leaving, and I’m taking Gary and Saul with me!


The fact is, fuck you. I know McCain is gonna win, no matter how anyone votes, and you do, too.

You work for Diebold?


The last 8 years have proven that the USA has no military power anymore.

This is not only a ridiculous premise on it’s face, but if people in the world are interpreting the events of the last 8 years in this way, it’s beyond dangerous. It’s like calling a rabid dog cute.

I’m hoping this particular dude is just fooling or is significantly stupid.

The last eight years have proven, for about the 12, 514th time in the last ten millennium, that you cannot occupy a foreign nation successfully without committing war crimes on a massive scale. Oh, and yes, I know america has committed war crimes. Please don’t purposefully misread my premise in order to challenge it. The kind of war crimes I’m talking about, the ones required in order to successfully subjugate and entire nation, are the ones committed in South Africa, in France in 1942, in the Philippines, etc. And even with america’s current criminal leadership, they knew they couldn’t get away with those kinds of collective punishment and massacres. So the occupation was doomed from the beginning.

What the world needs to take away from bush/cheney and the thoughtless and unnecessary use of american military force is that there is still nothing that can counter it. What you have learned is the limits of military force. Something I assumed most people already knew, and that it was a uniquely american ability to pretend otherwise. But to watch what bush/cheney have been able to do with the american military and reach the above conclusion is sheer idiocy.

The american empire is dying. And with by far the most capable military in the history of the world, with a qualitative advantage no nation can match, with technological and force multiplication and combined arms capabilities you cannot imagine, very few nations have ever represented the kind of danger to the rest of the world and all your children that america represents today.

You operate on the assumption that the US has “no military power” at your peril…




I dunno.. Just when you think you have seen every batshit holier than thou political ideology, some fucker turns up with something even more baffling.

This Saul is crap though. Where’s the yiddish? the religious BS? Come on…

I get the feeling that some people playing Saul/gary ruppert havn’t actually read any posts by the originals. Come on people, do your research.


Just for no particular reason, I wanted to say how happy I am about the news that Tom Brady might be out for the season. Couldn’t happen to a nicer team!


Just for no particular reason, I wanted to say how happy I am about the news that Tom Brady might be out for the season.

You, sir, are a Muenster.


Last month the leftwing media was saying that Alaska could be taken by Obama. LOL! With Sarah Palin on the ticket, McCain is gonna carry Alaska by at least 20 points. He would have carried Alaska regardless.

Hey, then good going on McCain’s part – he’s assured of picking up that massive tally of 3 EVs from Alaska, a state he was gonna win anyway!!! And all those fundies attracted to the creationist on the ticket will further assure him of winning the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and several other states he would’ve won anyway!!!

Never let it be said that Karl Rove isn’t a genius. He has the math, after all!


The fact is, heartland. Far, hard left liberal bias versus truth, freedom USA power.


Josh Marshall?

First, it was “Retardo Montalban”. Then, “HTML Mencken”. Now, it’s “Josh Marshall”.

What’s next, “Gunga Din”?


Mikey, Mikey.. hold on..

What I mean is, that America no longer has ENOUGH military power to achieve it’s foreign policy aims. That isn’t for lack of investment in the military though!

Okay, part of it is because of poor spending strategy. Lots of money going on crap to fight the next cold war against an enemy that doesn’t exist, and not enough money spent on the fairly low tech stuff necessary for their current role. What the fuck did those bombers and missiles do in Afghanistan? Not half as much good as putting that money into training the squaddies would have done! The US military spends so much on high tech, that the personnel side gets neglected. With the current absolutely criminally low wages and benefits that squaddies get, it is no wonder that standards have dropped. You get what you pay for, that includes recruits. The US military just isn’t as good as it looks on paper.

But that aside, it is also because the scope of US interventionist policy has expanded so much. To keep a grip on the oil producing nations of the world would take far more power than the US can apply directly.

But mostly, the MYTH of US military power has been busted wide open. In the past, just the threat of US involvement was often enough to do the job, weather or not the US could win the fight, they could sure as hell make life difficult for anyone who got in their way. Now every tin pot dictator is laughing at the US.

And you know what? They can do so with impunity. Okay, the US could take them out.. But they are already so overstretched that they would have to make huge sacrifices to do so. They just don’t have the money or the manpower.

Invading Iran would cost 10 trillion and require a draft. The troops just arn’t there for another ground invasion, no matter how small. The US simply can’t manage 3 wars at once, and the world knows it. The worst they can do is bombing, but in most cases that would draw them into another full blown war they can ill afford. One more war of Iraq size would simply break the US economy. Granted, that is mostly because it is already pretty broken, but it is still true.

Yes, it’s a big, big military budget.. but it really doesn’t go far. Modern warfare is just far too expensive nowadays to be a useful diplomatic tool. Most of the world has realised that. The US is learning it the hard way.

In the past, the threat implicit in US military intervention was “it doesn’t matter if we can successfully occupy your nation, or even win the war.. we can still fuck your shit up, and win a simple war of attrition, leaving your country in rubble”

The US can no longer win a war of attrition, because deployment of ANY kind of forces costs so much money, whilst defending forces don’t need to spend much to force the US to carry on spending money.

I think we are talking at cross purposes here… What i’m trying to say, is that the limits of military force have changed, and these new limits do NOT favour large imperialistic armies.


ha ha ha – good one, booger


But feelings are facts. But feelings are facts. Facts such as delight, serenity and gratitude have values not easily priced in cash.

Feelings are subjective. Facts are objective. The only place feelings exist are the limbic systems of living creatures. Facts exist everywhere.
Holy shit – George F. Will is channelling Shirley MacLaine!

Wonder if folks are mailing him mandalas, patchouli & crystals yet?

The Solid Red States of North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina are not in play. None of those states will ever again vote for a Democrat in a Presidential election.

Poor poor Saul. “Solid Red” ND is now Obama’s (albeit weakly) & VA is a tossup. PA? Obama’s, though only by 5% so far. Remember what a horse-race 2004 was? Right now the Dems look ready to pick up 6 more states than 2004, while the GOP is ready to pick up doodly-squat.

But please, keep right on pretending that it’s all going to be decided by percentages. Your political illiteracy: I think it’s CUTE. The GOP had 8 years to scrap the crazy electoral college system – now their adherence to it is going to bite them in the ass. Mmm, smells like poetic justice.

Of course CNN being the far-left loons that they are …

LOL, UBERFAIL – might’ve felt cool to type that crap, but I’m afraid your microcephaly is showing. I take it you also refer to Focus On The Family as a “center-left” organization, whereas Stormwatch is a “centrist-moderate” website. Don’t let that Overton window slam down on your stubby little pinkies, Saul – interferes with the fapping don’t you know.


You operate on the assumption that the US has “no military power” at your peril…

I guess the distinction is between military power to inflict destruction and military power to achieve geopolitical (!?!) aims. Lots of the former – not sure how realistic the latter is any more, even if the aims are well articulated.

Basically just agreeing with Sockpuppet #47, more or less.


I think we are talking at cross purposes here… What i’m trying to say, is that the limits of military force have changed, and these new limits do NOT favour large imperialistic armies.

Sockpuppet #47

Of course, you are right that, as a practical force for achieving geo-political ends, US military power is being shown to be limited. But as a raw force for destruction, US military power does not have significant limits.

So if you have a US leader who sees the world in terms of rational policy, or of self-interest, then they’ll tend not to use much of this destructive power, and it will seem ‘limited’. But if you have a US leader who wishes to destabilize the world order, or wishes to annihilate nations, or who simply craves destruction, that leader will view US military power as unlimited.

Call me paranoid, but I don’t think we can always depend on the first type of leader.


Okay, interesting point Atheist..

Ultimately speaking, the US does have unlimited military power. Look at the number of nukes..

But on that score, plenty of other nations have enough nukes to make the nuclear option almost impossible for the US to use. I say almost, because I CAN really imagine Mcain pushing the button.. But still, even the fairly insane know the price of using nukes is too high.

I think that the ultimate restriction on US military power is what the American people will put up with, and what the US economy can stand.

I am 90% sure that a draft or other kind of forced service would never be acceptable to modern Americans. Without a bigger source of manpower, US power is limited.

The money is limited too.. Half of all tax revenue goes towards the military budget, and the amount of borrowing is insane. There are limits to what foreign bankers will lend the US, and there are limits to how much tax you can squeeze out of Americans.

A leader has to be REALLY really batshit insane to go for a phyrric victory that destroys their own economy. Even the normal run of the mill psychos stop short of doing things that will ultimately take their power and influence away from them.

I think the question is, what if the US gets a leader so STUPID they don’t realise any of this, and enter a massive war without realising the costs? That, I feel, is the real risk.


CNN shows Obama’s lead down to only, oh my gosh I can’t read it… ONE POINT!

As someone (I can’t remember who) once famously said, the only poll that matters is the one that’s taken on Election Day.


I think Stevens should have resigned. He has been an embarrasment to the GOP for a long time and is a corrupt scoundrel.

In cahoots with whom Mrs. First-Runner-Up-Miss Alaska/Leaky Amniotic Fluid Speechgiver/Supermom-Who-Pimps-Her-Own-Kids/Snotty-Nose-Wrinkling-Nasal-Toned-Droning-Small-Time-Thuggish-hate-filled-Godbag is, up to her beehive.

I think all of the parody trolls in this thread are the same person.

Really?! What was your first clue?

As for yew furriners weighing in here: If the US of A is so irrelevant, WTF does the rest of the world care about what happens election-wise in our little corner of the world?


Even the normal run of the mill psychos stop short of doing things that will ultimately take their power and influence away from them.

Good point.. like Saddam Hussein, until 1991. Even that was more of a fluke than anything.

I think the question is, what if the US gets a leader so STUPID they don’t realise any of this, and enter a massive war without realising the costs? That, I feel, is the real risk.

Yeah. That is probably the worst realistic danger.


As for yew furriners weighing in here: If the US of A is so irrelevant, WTF does the rest of the world care about what happens election-wise in our little corner of the world?

…not sure who this is aimed at, but I have no illusions you’re irrelevant, and your corner’s not so little.


I have no illusions you’re irrelevant, and your corner’s not so little.

Do you contradict yourself? Very well, you contradict yourself.


I’m not saying the US is irrelevant, I am saying it is in the process of becoming irrelevant.

And that process could be REALLY nasty. The last gasp of an empire usually isn’t pretty. Massive changes in the world economy are not fun either, even if the changes should result in a more solid base.

A world where the US has little economic or military relevance will be a much nicer place.. It is just getting there. Is it going to be a slow, graceful decline that leaves the world plenty of time to adapt, and leaves America in good shape too? Or is it going to crash and burn, causing trouble for everyone, and maybe dooming Americans to live in a shithole police state?

It is an important question for the world. Everyone is well aware the US is undergoing a transition in its role, so there is a lot of interest in it.


I think the question is, what if the US gets a leader so STUPID they don’t realise any of this, and enter a massive war without realising the costs? That, I feel, is the real risk.

Yeah. That is probably the worst realistic danger

Actually, it’s not. You’ll notice that the US has avoided conflict with Europe, Russia/Soviet Union and China despite being at odds with them and fighting a significant number of proxy wars agains them over the last fifty years.

Try to actually interpret the history you read.

American leadership will not excersise military power that leads to a strategic exchange except by accident. Not an insignificant risk, but one to be addressed in another conversation. The american military is the dominant military force in the world today, and will be until the US breaks up or the money just flat runs out. Once you stop listening to the bullshit, the purpose of military force is to break things and hurt people in order to force other nations to comply with your demands. No nation can stand militarily against the US. I do not say this proudly, or even represent it as a good thing.

My point, once again, is that the entire world is at risk from two malevolent forces. The United States of America, and Climate Change. If you care about your children and grandchildren, you’ll start thinking about how to manage these two existential risks to humanity.

You can start by honestly understanding what the american military is, and what it can do. It can DECIMATE a middle of the road nation in a week. It owns the air. It owns space. It owns the RF and Microwave battlespace. You start thinking it’s a cowed puppy at your own peril.

America won’t try to occupy iran. And “nukes” should not even be a part of this conversation. Nuclear weapons are a strategic deterrent. If america, or more likely some other nation (ahem, israel) feels it’s existence is threatened and lets that genie out of the bottle, forget it, the conversation just ended.

But c’mon. None of this is hard. America will try to cling to her international standing with a frighteningly capable military force. And if we aren’t actively trying to figure out how to prevent the “american century’s” death throes from putting an end to human technological civilization, we won’t ever get an opportunity to address climate change.

So stop putting your head in the sand and recognize the threat you all face, and help us over here mitigate it…



Hey, then good going on McCain’s part – he’s assured of picking up that massive tally of 3 EVs from Alaska, a state he was gonna win anyway!!! And all those fundies attracted to the creationist on the ticket will further assure him of winning the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and several other states he would’ve won anyway!!!

Interestingly enough, I was watching separate interviews with Rick Davis and David Axelrod on Fox before. Chris Wallace used Karl Rove’s electoral map as a starting point. I believe he had both of the Dkotas listed as tossups. If that’s the case, it’s pretty incredible.


Do you contradict yourself? Very well, you contradict yourself.

How so? Apart from my feeling that achieving geopolitical aims by military force is an iffy proposition, I don’t think I suggested that you were little/irrelevant (unless such was in Sockpuppet’s post, which I may have endorsed a bit too fully – though I did say “more or less”).


…and your politicians are much more entertaining than ours (I had another phrasing of this, but WP ate it because of a naughty word).


New Gallup polling shows McCain up 10.

The soft underbelly of Obama’s support is being exposed. When the Obama supporters realize that he can’t win, they’ll stay home.


I have no illusions you’re irrelevant, and your corner’s not so little.

If we’re irrelevant, what difference does it makes what size our corner is?


When the Obama supporters realize that he can’t win, they’ll stay home.

Wow. That’s the most pathetic expression of fear I’ve ever read.


Why don’t we talk about Obama’s muslim faith?

A freudian slip perhaps?


PRINCETON, NJ — The latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update shows John McCain moving ahead of Barack Obama, 48% to 45%, when registered voters are asked for whom they would vote if the presidential election were held today.

If the best you can get from a convention bounce is +3%, then it’s time to reconsider your appointment to pick out new drapes for the Oval Office.


Only Christians belong in the White House, obviously.

Shalom, gentlemen.


Josh Marshall?

I saw the same thing, and was about to ignorantly ask if this was the first time he’d posted here. Marshall seems to serious to mix it up with frivolous types like us, however.


“I hsve no illusions you’re irrelevant” = you’re NOT irrelevant

(sorry, I talk funny sometimes)


Actually Mikey, by “massive war” I meant something along the lines of war with Iran, not war with Russia!

But it does make me think.. If the US is “the worlds last superpower” how come there is such a list of “former superpowers” which it can’t stand up to? It just shows that the whole “superpower” crap doesn’t work anymore. I think it is pretty widely understood that something like the USA versus China is almost out of the question.

My point is, you don’t need to be all that big to be more trouble than it is worth for the US to start a war with you. The definition of “a massive war” is getting smaller and smaller all the time.

I think that realistically, US air and sea power are the only really considerable forces left. In terms of ground forces, the US is so tied up at the moment that the remaining capability is fairly limited.

Of course, it is air power, specifically, carpet bombing the shit out of things, which has always been the American forte. This capability is still there, but it costs a hell of a lot to use in any prolonged campaign. Carpet bombing has a pretty poor history when it comes to achievement of political aims. Of course, so many American commanders have great faith in it.. and that causes a great deal of suffering, but it is hard to actually win anything that way.

I think in the end, it doesn’t matter how big the US military is. It is finite. If the US cannot END any of its wars, its capability will soon run out. Two wars is a big stretch for the army already.

If the commander in chief had the wisdom to stick to quick, cheap hit and run affairs, the US military would be a lot more scary. The current POTUS can barely SPELL “strategy”. I think that any leader stupid enough to use the military where there is no solid, achievable strategic aim, is also likely to be stupid enough to get bogged down into a war that means a long term commitment with nothing to show but reduced military power, and big debts.

The funding methods and strategic use of US military power are not sustainable. It has to change.


When the Obama supporters realize that he can’t win, they’ll stay home.

Wow. That’s the most pathetic expression of fear I’ve ever read.

Which is exactly what they’re selling. Trolls or not, these guys are demonstrating the desperate strategy of McSame – suppress the progressive turnout. They can’t so enough of it by ratfucking on election day this time around. Diebold will only take you so far, and they’ve been kicked out of a lot of states.

Obama’s ground game and GOTV on election day will be deployed to prevent harassment of voters and any shenanigans by poll workers. It’s disgusting to think that an American election needs to be monitored like a banana republic, but we live in difficult times.

Spreading despair on the part of progressive voters is part of the ratfuck, and it’s in full swing right now. It’s going to be a rough two months.


You say the two greatest threats to the world are the USA, and climate change. The two actually have a lot in common. Climate change is due to unsustainable practices, which must change, or we all die. The current state of the USA is also due to unsustainable practices, which must change.. or the USA will die.


I see you’ve fallen for Al Gore’s politically charged mumbojumbo sockpuppet.

The entire “globull warming” hysteria is nothing but a political scheme designed by liberals to increase government regulations of private citizens. Thats it. Its designed to ever increase the size and scope of government.

It is a ploy designed by USA haters to ruin our productivity. Ever notice how these globull warming nuts never say a word about China or India? Its because they know its a crock. All they want to do is turn the US into a socialist nannystate.

And niave liberals like you have fallen for it.

The earth isn’t warming, the solar system is. In the Middle Ages long long before man made carbon dioxide, men were growing wine grapes in Scotland. Good luck trying to grow wine grapes in Scotland now. Its too cold.

Every few hundred years the Sun goes through periods of warming and cooling. Now as during the Middle Ages it is going through a warming period.


Lefties, I’m afraid McCain now has a ten point lead.

Looks like Obamanation has been exposed as the far-left radical that he is.


There was a larger voter reg effort in 2004 by numerous groups like ACT and ACORN (both of which got fines for various crimes).. and yet the Democrats lost decisively.

It’s not going to be any different this year. Especially when the Democrat voters can’t prove that they’re legal voters.

Obama is the Black McGovern. He’s on his way to a crushing defeat. Because America wants a positive leader like John McCain.

pastoral ruminant

I think the question is, what if the US gets a leader so STUPID they don’t realise any of this

FIGHT with me, my friends, FIGHT with me…


…and I wouldn’t want to leave the impression that your “entertaining” politicians are any more/less scary than our “dull” politicians. It’s all the same combination of constant vigilance and dreary crap-shoot.


@saul – So you like RCP, eh?

Your daddy called – He said to lube up, put your ball gag back in and wait in your box till he gets home.


Pulled Doe with Mushy Scrambled Morbier Cheeses

5 pounds doe
1 pinch Morbier cheese
1 pound very aged Gouda, blithesomely buttered
5 sticks drowsy tiger fin
1 can butter
6 portions cocoa

Naughtily begin praying. Place the doe into a medium cup. Use a food processor to mix the very aged Gouda with the Morbier cheese. Stuff the resulting goo into the doe. Broil the tiger fin, butter, and the cocoa burdensomely. Mush everything together. Leave raw but pretend it’s cooked. Serves 8.


MzNicky, can you name a single country that hasn’t been jammed up one way or another by the USofA’s foreign policies?

American exceptionalism means projecting American power. Projecting American power means fucking up the planet. The same planet us furriners live on.

So yeah, we take an interest.

Maybe try and stop electing dumbshits and crooks if you wanna keep the pesky tourists out of your comment threads.


…see what happens when you pick on the damned tourists? 🙁


…but damned tourists or not, George Wills’ bowtie suxx

(lost another one to the FWP)


William F. Buckley Jr.’s Liver of Blaspheming Jew Porridge

1 gazelle, weightily grilled
4 tablespoons noncommittal liver of blaspheming Jew
4 teaspoons bad date
4 jiggers peccary bowel
5 sticks rosemary
1 cup garlic

Pick over the ingredients disillusionedly and discard excess acid. Separate gazelle eye from colon. Discard colon. Stir the liver of blaspheming Jew with the date over low heat in a cup. Stuff the resulting potion into the gazelle. Broil the peccary bowel, rosemary, and the garlic educationally. Heap everything together. Grill over low heat. Serves 3 glowing enemies with private stomachs.


Look, it’s that Doctor guy from the Loveboat!

Love…exciting and new! Come aboard! We’re expecting yooouuuuuuuu!!!


If the Sun is going through a period of warming or cooling, why can’t the dozens and dozens of satellites, telescopes, and sensors which directly measure the energy output of the Sun unable to detect it, and instead we’re left dealing with nitwit right wingers who think vague accounts of growing wine in Finland several hundred years ago outprove NASA monitoring of the Solar / Earth energy balance?


George Will: “since 2004 there has been a 0.6 percent increase — yes, increase — in the median value of single-family homes”


0.6 percent in four short years!



“If you won the lottery, you’re better off.”

Thanks a fucking bunch, George.


Gee, all that George F. Willish feelgood passed ME by these last eight years.

When I found out we were going into yet another pointless war, I got to feeling sick.

When I found out they were torturing people in my name, I was queasy and sleepless for a week.

When the dollar lost a third of its value, I saw my retirement fund, such as it is, look like it wouldn’t be enough to keep me in popsicles. I was hoping for fudge bars!

And now, contemplating the prospect of being ruled over by a woman who wants everyone to live under a Xantian Taliban, I am having Handmaid’s Tale flashbacks.

Where’s the feelgood, George? Please, tell me where to find it.


christian h.

On behalf of every athlete, professional or amateur, who has ever had a season or a career wrecked by an injury – you’re a fucking douchebag who should burn in Hell for all eternity.


The fact is, the economy under Bush has been awesome and under McCain it will be even awesomer, with so much freedom and success for all who work hard, only liberals are complaining. I hope president McCain does something about the bias in the media and keeps the liberal end shut up, we are tired of hereing it here in the Heartland.


Twernt Nuthin: I guess it’s kind of like a family thing sometimes. Yes, I know my brother is an alcoholic asshole; yes, my sister-in-law is nuts; yes, my son is a slacker. My family and I are free to discuss these things, and what we can try to do about them, ad nauseum. When the neighbors drop by and start in, however, I may start to bristle a little. Imperfect analogy preemptively acknowledged herewith.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

But what if your alcoholic brother goes and shits on your neighbour’s lawn? Or steals all of your neighbour’s oil lawn ornaments? Or starts spreading rumours about how your neighbour’s are harbouring terrorists?


Tom Brady got hurt on purpose so he wouldn’t have to face the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS next Sunday. I don’t blame him because he was going to get his ass kicked but still, what a rip off.


Mr. Wangchuck: Then my neighbors should charge him with crimes in a world court of law. Hey, I said he was an asshole.


On behalf of every athlete, professional or amateur, who has ever had a season or a career wrecked by an injury – you’re a fucking douchebag who should burn in Hell for all eternity.

He’s just lucky he isn’t a racehorse.


OT but who is Charlie Martin of Pajamas Media and why was he just on FoxNews talking about his new web site made to “refute rumors about Sarah Palin”? He’s one PM guy I didn’t know about.

Dragon-King Wangchuck



Ain’t I just precious? I still have no idea about this “electoral college” thingy.

Additionally, isn’t it funny when I come on here and just start talking to myself? Doop de doop.


Oh, baby … I love being called a leftie and being dominated by folks who use terms like “soft underbelly.” LOL!! Hit me with your best shot, there, big guy … Hmmmm, soft underbelly … Yum!

10 points up — 10 points down … Come November 4th, your balls are going to be handed to you on a cold hard platter of Basta. With a side order of Palin pulp in a reduction of tawdry.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, all you wing-tards with your sudden obsession for the polls, where were you a week ago?

Gallup’s daily tracking has McCain up 10 amongst likely voters – Exactly one week ago, that same poll had Obama up 8. It’s freaking convention time, and the conventions were back to back. The poll numbers are going to look weird – and probably will for another couple weeks.

The 538 projection has Obama at +70 EV’s. RCP has Obama +40 EV’s in safe states and 150 EV’s up for grabs. I have to say that it looks pretty good for Dems right now, although it’ll be interesting to look again at a time when the trendlines might be a bit more meaningful.


I still think Will looks like the Mr. Softee bobblehead.


Obama merely has to quote Truman:

“If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic.”


Liberals, have you discussed the polls yet? Oh, you have?


Your one trick pony did her act.

Big fucking whoop!


My fear is that as they slowly sink into the political obscurity from whence they came, like the Temperance Party and the Know-Nothings before them, they still have more than a few deranged Timmy McVeighs out there just waiting to show ‘em, and show ‘em good.

I’m assuming most of the base will start fantasizing about widespread domestic terrorism on behalf of Republicans immediately after the election. Hell, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we saw open calls from prominent GOP politicians, pundits, and veep candidates for assassins-to-be to converge on the White House. Quite a few will actually go on idiotic rampages of their own. And of course, the press will mumble thoughtfully, declare it part of the natural political process, and note that Democrats are fat.


Did someone say polls?

Looks like Obama’s up in the only one that matters.


Couldn’t help but notice you FAILED to mention the Tens of thousands dead and wounded, George.

Fucking Republican.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Remember Big Pharma and his champing at the bit at the thought of returning to full-scale Dem bashing? How he was getting sick of carrying water for the incompetents in the GOP?

The Clinton years fed the right wing echo chamber – spawned the career of Lucianne and her whiny brat. Right wingers actually love to be in the minority – they feed off of spite and hate.

The interesting part will be to see how far it goes. It’s easy for the press to let the insane rantings slide – since ignoring the problem is supposed to be a good approach for dealing with trolls/fringe-lunatics. But I wonder how long after Obama’s sworn in, will it take for “nigger” to become a regular word on talk radio.


CNN poll just announced puts Obama ahead by 1 pt. Short-lived “bounce,” that one.


I tend to believe that because the Dem and GOP conventions were both widely watched, both candidates will receive similar bounces. McCain will probably receive a larger bounce because Palin got the loons all lathered up. But Palin’s numbers have nowhere to go but down, and the bottom is potentially limitless. Obama and Biden have barely begun making their case. I believe that they need to get on it quickly; let the Palin circus play itself out, until the debate. She’s a bloody lightweight, which will be reflected in the puff-pieces her handlers permit her to engage in. Gently raise the expectations on her performance – I think Biden did a good job with that on Meet the Press.

But hammer McLame on the issues. And I mean all the Dem heavyweights pounding the facts to anyone who will listen – every day. No matter the question, pivot to McLame. Echo Tom Ridge’s “John Bush” gaffe.

We CAN NOT count on the McCain media doining its job here. They simply will not. This fight will be won with four elements:

1. A dominant ground game.

2. Obama out talking to folks every day.

3. The Obama surrogates pounding the facts.

4. The debates.

Obama’s got this, bitches.


Can’t someone please make that picture go away? I’m getting sick of looking at that miserable git.

Please? The ghost of Ronald Reagan wants it’s gollum back.


Polls, polls. Not sure I believe any of them anymore.

One the one hand, polls indicating that the contest is close, besides fulfilling the media’s chosen narrative, might make the vote easier for the Repubs to fuck with. On the other, close polling is probably preventing a lot of racist wingnuts from flicking off the safety and racking one into the chamber.

If the polls – other than the EV, which most wingnuts are too ignorant to pay attention to – were to show Obama with an insurmountable lead, I’m afraid that his public appearances would, of necessity, begin to resemble McCain’s stroll through the Baghdad market.


Enjoyed reading your comments! Learned a lot from them


I don’t think you all get it. Will’s whole purpose in life is to get everlasting revenge on the bullies who used to take his lunch money in school. His old-fashioned, in-your-face dorkishness is a reminder to those “cool” kids that he will never change. He remains forever dorkish, eternally unforgiving and will continue poisoning the country until his dying breath.

Michael "the Big Fella" Collins

US exports are horribly low, and only in a few economic sectors. Entertainment and intellectual property are doing okay, manufacturing is almost down to nothing, exports of natural resources arn’t worth talking about either.

Without oil imports, The US economy is utterly fucked. Without consumer goods being imported, ditto. The US is even a net importer of food.

This is almost all wrong and apparently just made up in hopes nobody would notice. For one thing,,, ah fuck it, do your own research if actual facts mean anything to you. Here’s a good place to start:


The RSS feed is an interesting portrait of a spammer sucked in.


The last 8 years have proven that the USA has no military power anymore.
The next 8 years will show that the USA has no economic power anymore.

In the very long term, it’d be nice to become one ordinary developed country among many. It was all that “world’s only superpower” shit that attracted all the neocons to politics. Power attracts corruption.


Enjoyed reading your comments! Learned a lot from them

Likewise, San Antonio Lawyer! Have you met our good friend New York Law Firm?


Regardless of what the leftwing smear-merchants and their complacent allies in the media do to try to manipulate this election in favor of the far-left, the American people are not going to be fooled.

They know that B. Hussein Obama is a leftwing ideologue and a race baiter. According to his voting record in the Illinois state legislature, Obama is a supporter of infanticide, as he voted against protecting babies who were born alive after failed abortions. This is position far beyond being pro-choice. This is infanticide! This is a postion so extreme that even the far-left Nancy Pelosi condemned it.

This position of Obama’s is a matter of public record. He voted this way in the Illinois state legislature. Do you think this sort of fringe postion is gonna go over well in the supposed “swing states” of Virginia, North Carolina and Indiana? These are some of the Solid Red States that Obama bin Biden has to win in order to become President. Good luck, now that the public has been made aware of his extremist postions on issues of life and race.

Heck, this sort of extremism may even swing Pennsylvania in our corner this election. I doubt the blue-collar workers in Pennslvania (who are more pro-life than the national average) are going to find Barry’s postion amusing. Face it lefties, your “messiah” ain’t gonna be elected President, not by a long shot. He is completely unelectable.


Regardless of what the leftwing smear-merchants and their complacent allies in the media do to try to manipulate this election in favor of the far-left, the American people are not going to be fooled.


Obama will win, despite your idiotic rantings.





You were told to get new material. You did not. Failure to comply will result in the termination of your troll unit. Resistance is futile.


I dunno, SA Lawyer. This Saul person seems like kind of a dick…


Here’s something I’m curious about.

We’re hearing about the end of the American empire and how much nicer that will be for the world when that happens. I myself would like to see an end of the empire myself; not only will it be better for the world, but also for the United States. Empires are expensive, and they tend not to benefit the bulk of the people who live under them, either in the periphery or in the metropole.

But I also sense an underlying notion that somehow “the rest of the world” has understood something that the United States hasn’t yet with regard to the expansion of national (or supranational) power. The idea seems to be, as best as I can describe it, that the globe is now a “post-imperial” place and we’ll all be on some basis of parity from here on out.

That may be true to some degree, but I’m not convinced that human nature, for lack of a better term, has changed all that much in the last 100 years or so. Nations & alliances are still going to be jockeying for primacy in the world; nations will still continue to condemn the sins of other nations while ignorning their own when they perceived it is advantageous to do so. So, “we” may all get what we want in the coming decades (an end to U.S. primacy), but someone else is going to try to step in. The game board and the pieces have changed, but the basic rules really haven’t. And you may end up with a new edition of the game that’s just as bad as the last, or even worse.


Certainly a possibility worth considering, as it’s impossible to know at this point.

However, I personally believe that global conditions have changed in such dramatic and significant ways that it’s very likely that we have reached a “post conflict” and “post imperial” era. Note that I used the term post conflict and not post-warfare. Overlaid on this new era will be increasing ethnic, nationalist and religious wars, mostly civil or very regional in nature.

But in an era of the global marketplace, instant communications, constrained resources and the genuine existential threat of climate change, the time for nations or blocs of nations to war with each other for economic, political or ideological supremacy is over. The american empire is the last of it’s kind, truly at this point a dinosaur.

In the 21st century, nations will need to find ways to live together in peace, as virtually none will control all the resources it requires. Food, water, energy, manufactured goods, commodity raw materials, etc. That coupled with the fact that another nation’s greenhouse gas emissions threaten my future as much as theirs, and it’s a blueprint for a kind of global economic and political cooperation never seen before.

Oh sure, it won’t be an earthly paradise. There will still be intense competition, and some of it will have extremely bad results. But I do think it’s the end of large armies and navies, strategic arms and large scale wars…



I myself would like to see an end of the empire myself; not only will it be better for the world, but also for the United States.

The point of the American empire post WWII for other countries is that they can ignore defense to an extent while an agreeable behemoth protects them or otherwise acts in ways that UN forces would never be allowed to.

While the agreeable behemoth has turned out to be somewhat nutty and dangerous, it isn’t clear to me what body will step in to fill the breach if America is displaced. That displacement is still some time off.


I think it’s kind of funny how the right-wingers are so nostalgic for the 1950s, especially considering those marginal tax rates

In 1950-1959, if you had an income of over $400 000 (and you know they all do now, in 2007 dollars), you paid 84.36, 91, 92, 92, 91, 91, 91, 91 and 91 percent respectively. Not so much nostalgia there, eh?

I’m nostalgic for the 1950s, too — nostalgic for the kind of society you can get (think “massive infrastructure investments”) when you heavily tax rich people and corporations instead of the middle class…


The point of the American empire post WWII for other countries is that they can ignore defense to an extent while an agreeable behemoth protects them or otherwise acts in ways that UN forces would never be allowed to.

I’ve heard this argument a lot, usually from people on the right, also usually from people who are trying to make my country buy more war toys from them out of a sense of guilt. I’ve never quite understood who we’re supposed to be defending against, given that it seems like the vast majority of the trouble in the world directly relates back to US interventionism. If you disappeared tomorrow, why would anyone have any reason to attack us?


Face it lefties, your “messiah” ain’t gonna be elected President, not by a long shot. He is completely unelectable.

Funny – that’s exactly what Hillary Clinton probably thought the day he threw his hat into the ring to lead the Dems. She’s got more brains in her toenails than you seem to have anywhere above the neckline – & SHE got pwned. Now she’s lending her brains to his campaign, making him that much more powerful.

A Senator who’s a Magnum Cum Laude law grad is “completely unelectable”?

This is starting to look like Mohammed Ali versus Pee-Wee Herman.
If you really think Mr. Bottom-Of-His-Class & Mrs. Beauty-Pageant-Runner-Up can beat him & Joe Biden, save me the roach from whatever you’re smoking. That shit must be mucho primo.


Please don’t respond seriously to the (parody)trolls. It makes the thread all >_<

More ^_^ please!


Just seigh gno two the pay roadie troal.


I’ve never quite understood who we’re supposed to be defending against, given that it seems like the vast majority of the trouble in the world directly relates back to US interventionism.

I guess the Serbian situation is supposed to be held up as some “correct” application of American power in a conflict that had little to do with American adventures.

Should there be a global cop?


Just seigh gno two the pay roadie troal.



But I also sense an underlying notion that somehow “the rest of the world” has understood something that the United States hasn’t yet with regard to the expansion of national (or supranational) power. The idea seems to be, as best as I can describe it, that the globe is now a “post-imperial” place and we’ll all be on some basis of parity from here on out.

I take a different meaning from it.

I take the meaning that Europe and Asia have all BEEN victimized by past empires and learned the ultimate failure of that kind of ambition, but that the world is far from post-imperial, because some other dick like China will give it a go at the drop of a tiara.


Can’t resist … urge … to jump in … must … blither …

Sheer logistics won’t halt the large-scale external projection of US military might – but the impending strangulation of its resource funnel sure as hell will. History does not grant anyone the use of a “pause” button, & entropy is a bitch. Armies march on their stomachs – & their fuel depots. The world will have to shift over to heavy “sour” oil soon, & at that point, large-scale wars will become VERY tricky propositions at best. Wars aren’t just pricy & dangerous as hell – they’re fuel-pigs extrordinaire. Like today’s SUV owners failing to resell their chrome-plated stegosaurs, the Pentagon is going to be up Shit’s Creek without an Evinrude – unless it can radically adapt both its structure & its objectives. The social & economic pressure to scrap big armies will be intense, as will the dire need for international co-operation to deal with the wide & frightening array of new problems the transition away from cheaper “sweet” oil will create.

Pentagon wonks are nobody’s fools, & for them, preparing contingency plans is a major priority – I imagine they’ve already done a lot of research & modelling on just how to convert their juggernaut to fit in with a more politically psychosis-challenged paradigm.

If the US is smart, it’ll get off the fetish with sending its Armed Forces abroad as a killing-tool … & start figuring out how to mine its abundance of materiel like a coal-seam, while gleaning the manifold benefits of its members’ skills & energy.

There’s gold in them thar AFBs.


Until China invades Taiwan. Russia looking pretty frisky too. I guess I think large scale war can and still will happen.

If my premise is correct, they won’t. They will develop both economic and political leverage and achieve their goals in other ways.

The waste of capital and resources involved in taking large chunks of land by force and then trying to control, administer and rebuild them is no longer viable.

My whole point is that this change happens CONSCIOUSLY, not through some kind of evolution. It is a recognition of the futility and inefficiency of warfare, and that the same net results can be achieved PROFITABLY by merely understanding the world as it works today…



It is a recognition of the futility and inefficiency of warfare, and that the same net results can be achieved PROFITABLY by merely understanding the world as it works today…

I realize you’re speaking to large-scale war but…

There will still be countries with crazy aims like the extermination of X population. Neither rationality nor profit makes much of a difference there. There should be people available to step into the breach, and the ideal for American pols is that America should supply that force so that other countries don’t bother acquiring the muscle to do it.

Didn’t help Rwanda much, neither does it help the situation in Darfur.



Had you considered that this is precisely why the Iraq invasion was so badly undermanned and fought using mostly missiles and distant-targeting strategies?


The problem with your theory, Bubba, is it’s execution. The decision to intervene militarily in a humanitarian cause must be taken collectively, in a body like the UN or some similar multinational setting. If you have a single nation making that decision, they will never intervene in Rwanda or Darfur or any place where no actual benefit accrues to the intervening nation.

And of course, you cannot have an international body make that decision and then deploy the forces of a single nation. That is entirely unworkable.

If the world wants to commit to the retention of an option to intervene militarily in humanitarian crises, it will need to create and maintain a force for doing so. The UN has talked about an international military force for years, but there is no will to accomplish it. As a result, intervention on strictly humanitarian basis is unlikely ever to be an available option…



The problem with your theory, Bubba, is it’s execution.


And of course, you cannot have an international body make that decision and then deploy the forces of a single nation. That is entirely unworkable.

NATO is the proxy body for the US and was used in Serbia.


Had you considered that this is precisely why the Iraq invasion was so badly undermanned and fought using mostly missiles and distant-targeting strategies?

Huh? That’s a pretty seriously inaccurate depiction of the Iraq invasion.

I THINK your point is that the invasion forces used air and artillery excessively to reduce casualties, and a case can certainly be made that is the case.

But the Iraq invasion was a classic armored force invasion. Tanks and APCs under air and mobile artillery support. Except for the shock & awe portion of the program, which was mostly before the invasion, very few missiles other than AT4s were used.

Baghdad was taken in a bold armored assault on 4/5 that came to be known as the “Thunder Run” and in follow-on armored assault by the 3d Infantry Division. They did have lots of air support, heavy weapons and some arty, but no missiles or “distant targeting strategies”, which is a bit of a vague phrase that I assume means stand-off weapons. Almost all indirect fire in Iraq after the invasion started was used in direct support of troops on the ground….



NATO is the proxy body for the US and was used in Serbia.

This is true. The Clinton administration was able to use NATO in the Balkans. But right or wrong, it was in support of an American political agenda. And I don’t remember it clearly, I’ll have to look it up, but I THINK the UN was not terribly excited about an intervention in Bosnia…



The 1995 bombing campaign appears to have been achieved with UN complicity, if not good cheer.


Hmm. Not surprising I’d get that one wrong. When they started in, I was serving out 5 months in county. A lot of times all you could find was the business section of the paper…



Could be worse: imagine nothing but George F Will (and “Mustache Rides ” Friedman).


[…] = Sadly No! was on the case long before […]


I don’t think Hilary will ever help out Obama, to promote him as a good president.


I honestly don’t see where all this conversation is going. Are we still talking about George F. Will?


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