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Nature Boy

ABOVE: The life he loves is makin’ music with his friends On a recent drive across Nevada’s barren moonscape from Mesquite to Las Vegas, Mark Noonan lets his mind wander toward his two favorite subjects: Bible stories and topics on which he disagrees with college sophomores who smoke grass and pierce their noses: We are, […]


The Dumbness That Passeth All Understanding

Little Green Footballs, September 6th: Osama Bin Dead: Still Talking* The SITE Institute says a new video is coming from Osama bin Laden, but I expect more old footage recut to look new. I remain 97.33% convinced that bin Laden’s been dead for a long time. Little Green Footballs, September 7th: Osama Bin Laden: A […]


Try Sponsoring One Frickin’ Puma, Mark

Here’s Mark Noonan at Blogs For Bush, once again getting all grandiose about the measurable and not-at-all-number-juggled evidence of progress in Iraq: Remember back in January where the President was supposedly on the political ropes and would shortly be forced to begin withdrawing from Iraq? “Lame Duck” didn’t even begin to describe President Bush as […]


Look At That Big Hand Move Along, Nearing High Noonan

Hey, since when do I write about Blogs For Bush? The world has gone topsy-turvy. I mean, I don’t even read that site. What possible interest… I mean to say, what is there over there that could possibly draw my… What I’m getting at is that the whole thing is beneath my… All right! All […]


Tonight At Noonan

I turned on the TV and there was a show on about solving crimes through forensic procedures. This has proven a reliable indicator as to whether there’s something silly going on today over at Blogs For Bush. Above: Ma-wa-wark Noo-woo-woonan of Blah-wah-wahgs for Boooshkpfthp They’re loony, you know. The Defeatists are Wrong By Mark Noonan […]


Shorter Ann Althouse

Let’s Take A Closer Look At Bill’s Carrot And Hillary’s Onion Ring. Why dearies, it was all a little trick to make you think I’m craz. . .Graah! Zarg! Fleen! I can sue you! ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Update: Apparently, everybody wants a piece of the action. Leo […]


Three Quarks For Muster Mark

We find the following at Blogs For Bush: A Word to Our Lefty Readership Woo, I think he means us! At times lefty comments here state that the Multi-National Force Iraq news sources we use are unreliable – essentially telling us that our story is worthless because it is anchored by a MNF-I news report. […]


Yakety Came The Sax

From Conservapedia, the ‘trustworthy encyclopedia’ in which evolution is just a theory and George W. Bush’s presidency is an American triumph: Conservapedia:Contest This will be a contest with the purpose of exponentially increasing the number of well written articles. There will be several categories. Each category will have a judge who will review nominations and […]


There Is Always Another Dawn Risen On Noonan,
And Under Every Deep A Lower Deep Opens

I turned on the faucet and water came out. This has proven a reliable test as to whether there’s something ridiculous going on over at Blogs For Bush. Is There a Right to Privacy? Most infamously, it was in the Supreme Court’s asinine Roe decision that a “right to privacy” first really caught the public […]


The less-famous Noonan speaks

I love this fucking guy: Liberals May Be Descended From Apes, But This Conservative Was Created by the Lord, Our God, in His Divine Image Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) says this in response to the “do you believe in evolution” question: People of faith should be rational, using the gift of reason that God has […]