Way to Give Bisexuals a Good Name

Seven-six-two decibels. Full metal wingnut

Robert Oscar Lopez, American Wanker:
The Soul-Crushing Scorched-Earth Battle for Gay Marriage

Bisexuals often have a raw deal in our society. They have little visibility, few if any iconic characters, movies, or spokespersons to call their own. The few they have are often complete fail or are bizarrely referred to as completely heterosexual or homosexual (such as Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

In addition, bisexuals are often thought of as either absent, lying, or sluts. If they aren’t regularly fucking both genders back and forth indiscriminately, then obviously they are lying about their attraction to the sex they aren’t currently dating. And it gets more complicated when you factor in the Kinsey Scale and have to explain that not all bisexuality is middle of the road 50/50 attraction to both sexes.

And it really doesn’t help that what few activists break through this noise so often end up being either airy-fairy types who are more concerned with “moving past labels, man” or bitter egomaniacal idiots who are more interested in bashing gay culture for perceived slights in the dating scene than working for better bi visibility in general.

Also probably not helped by the unfortunate fact that a number of young gay men and women do use “bisexual” as a temporary self-identification while they are figuring out who they are which makes people unfairly skeptical when people self-identify as bi.

But you know what really doesn’t help?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • I’m bi and was raised by two lesbians, therefore my homophobic campaign against any gay rights I don’t benefit from personally couldn’t possibly be gay bashing. And if that doesn’t prove my case, then surely penning an article for the totally queer-affirming American Thinker will!

Hear that sound? That’s the sound of bi visibility being kicked in the balls so hard, it’s been knocked back 5 years.

Let’s see how much more damage he can do before he’s finished.

How much is victory worth? And after you win, if you win, what do you have to show for it?

Well, if the Olympics taught me anything, you win a shiny medal with upwards of 6% of the metal it’s supposed to contain.

As these principles go with warfare, so they go with propaganda. The Greek word polemos, “war,” led not to the English word “war,” but rather to the English word “polemics.”

Yeah, English is a crazy amalgamation of edited words cribbed from all over Europe and given new contexts and definitions.

I mean, take the word “homo*phobic” for instance. By its greek root, it should mean fear of similarity or sameness. Or more specifically, the fear of conformity. And yet not even the most crazed right-winger would use this to argue that it’s young anti-authoritarian Hot Topic shoppers who are the real homophobes, because even the Junior Etymology Club realizes that language undergoes some level of evolution over time.

So what is supposed to be your point other than, “dur, I must be iz smart, because I’z can look up things on etymonline.com“?

The gay movement is not a random assortment of motley rebels. It is highly organized, with major nerve centers in places like the Human Rights Coalition. The movement has its prominent generals, such as Dan Savage and Wayne Besen.



Oh wow.

Surely mixed metaphors are the Stalin of Liberal Etymology or something, but I’m sorry.

Every time I look at this I find something new to laugh at. Wayne Besen and Dan Savage are A) the heads of the gay rights movement and B) generals of the ilk of Patton, preparing their tank march across the front lines of marriage equality. Human Rights Coalition totally controls the gay rights movement like The Brain from Doom Patrol and isn’t just a cynical lobbying organization often despised by most queer activists.

Hee hee hee. It’s just so utterly wonderful. I want to frame it next to my bedpost so I can start every morning with a smile.

Also, not to break the mood, but what’s with all these conservative “queers” and their 0% understanding of the LGBT community that “totally neglected and abandoned me”. Fuck, I think Bryan Fischer understands the LGBT community better than this bisexual man does and that’s just sad.

In other words, this is a movement equipped to pick its battles. In 1999, history was made because Vermont’s high court legalized same-sex civil unions. The battle plan then could have been to focus on civil unions, forging a new model of romantic commitment in a nation where the old notion of “marriage” had long suffered from stasis.

The war could have been won and over by now. In polls that break down three choices for respondents — (1) no recognition of same-sex couples, (2) civil unions, or (3) marriage — civil unions tend to get the highest support.

As evidenced by how when gays were fighting for civil unions, movement conservatives thoroughly embraced them and gladly helped them pass laws enshrining civil unions into the law of the land and ensuring they were given all the rights due a marriage-level romantic coupling.

What’s that you say? Movement conservatives fought just as bitterly against civil unions and have only begun rewriting history in favor of supposedly supporting civil unions once the gay movement began fighting for and winning legislative victories on behalf of full marriage equality?

Well, that just doesn’t seem right, magic talking voice that is surely not a schizophrenic episode. After all, this nice young man has shown absolutely no sign of being a lying asshole with a barely hidden agenda.

By using civil unions as the framework, gays and lesbians could have redefined the concept of gay family to encompass new forms of cooperative foster care, for instance, rather than trying to erase the role of biological fatherhood and motherhood.

No sign, whatsoever.

Most importantly, had civil unions been the focus, there would have been nowhere near as much resistance. One thing that I learned while being raised by a lesbian mother and her female partner (more on that in a moment) is simple but important: not everyone is going to like you. You can’t change some people’s minds. Screw them and move on.

Yeah, no. Sorry, but there’s no way in Hell that’s the lesson you learned.

You learned that if people hate you for who you are, it is important to fellate said people for the rest of your life. Because you think if you make enough overt displays of self-loathing with regards to everyone like you, you might earn a personal entry into the “honorary conformist” club and thus face slightly less personal attacks.

Fuck, I don’t even need to use your life as conservative homophobe apologist to demonstrate this. Later in this very post, you start whining like a stuck pig about how the selling of your soul to the forces of bigotry has led people to call you a bigot. More importantly, you do this with shock and outrage that demonstrates a life unscarred by legitimately fighting for one’s right to exist against a hostile world.

Real “screw what they say, I live my own life” people don’t view it as a Scorched Earth metaphor to receive mild pushback. They make jokes about the many times they’ve received death threats or been physically assaulted by angry defenders of conformity. Because if they allowed it any deeper it would break them.

Sorry, if that ruins your James Dean fantasy, Robbie, but it needed to be said.

The war for marriage was destined to be bloodier and costlier.

Swift blazing pride flag of the regiment,
Leather Eagle with crest of red and gold,
These men were born to drill and diet.
Point for them the virtue of slaughtering tradition,
Make plain to them the excellence of killing biological gender roles
And a field where a thousand marriages lie.

I might hazard a guess that gay spokespeople like Dan Savage preferred it to be bloody and costly, since in a strange Lord of the Flies psychology, they would be able to command the most resources by making gay people feel constantly embattled, hated, and in need of take-no-prisoners leadership of the kind Savage promised.

That’s right. You in your ivory tower elitist liberal brainwashing Mecca Ultra Mecha War Rooms might think that antipathy to gay rights and those perceived as queer precedes the existence of the modern gay rights movement and has more roots in say, the weird belief that there are “biological gender roles” that just so happen to correspond to 1950s TV stereotypes.

But that’s blinded you to the TRUTH that all those self-hating homosexual bullies that beat you up were paid actors employed by 3 year old Dan Savage in the hopes that he could eventually release a free web video series called “It Gets Better” to try and counter the fictitious problem. This somehow also helps him take over important natural resources like coal, oil, and high camp.

It’s just common sense.

In any case, the LGBT movement started at a solution — gay marriage equality — and then reasoned backwards, searching for arguments that would justify it.

I believe it more began with “stop killing us”. Heck, even if you get really egotistical and ahistorical and just look at the “modern LGBT movement in the US”, I’m pretty sure Stonewall was more concerned with preventing the continuous violent raids of their social clubs and maybe legalizing their right to be with who they love. Fuck, I don’t think most queers even thought marriage equality was remotely possible until the last 20 years or so. A testament to the great success they’ve had as a movement.

You’d think your Heatherian two mommies might have mentioned this more to you, considering your one and only claim to fame was arguing that your lesbian parents involving you in the Gay Rights movement at a young age fucked you up for life and forced all these nasty homosexual desires into your head.

It’s almost like you’re a lying self-hating fuck or something.

It is always ill-advised to put forward an answer and then go fishing for questions.

Yeah Queer Rights Movement, you need to stop doing that, because that’s the reason that your arguments keep getting laughed out of the courts and your research is treated like the unsubstantiated slop it is!

The LGBT movement was forced into that position since it had to fight for gay marriage equality in two places where argumentation carries the day — first, the court system, and second, the two-party electoral process. So gay marriage equality became a platform, a goal, a panacea, a nearly utopian mantra — for which there was no immediate or compelling emergency.

No immediate or compelling emergency.

Let us not forget that the LGBT community abounds in emergencies. Here is a snapshot of gay male life in 2010, as I wrote for an article that I ended up not publishing:

Meanwhile, gay men were not necessarily becoming happier simply because taboos crumbled and it was easier for them to have sex. Eating disorders, suicide, depression, and addiction were higher among gay and bisexual men than among other groups. In 2010, a report by the Center for Disease Control revealed that men who had sex with men were still contracting HIV at 44 times the rate of other men-despite decades of activism by a muscular and highly visible gay movement.

And naturally, high levels of suicide, depression, and addiction, especially among queer youths has absolutely nothing to do with social disregard for queer individuals by families and society as demonstrated by the second-class legal status given to their loves and relationships.

In Robert’s world, eating disorders amongst gay men aren’t caused by the inheritance of disastrous female beauty standards by a gay male community struggling against the sexism that characterizes such men as “might as well be women”. And new HIV infections (which are actually down amongst the gay community most targeted by safe sex practices) aren’t at all caused by internalized homophobia in african-american and latino populations, causing gay men to be on the “down-low” and engage in risky sex in order to protect a rep for being straight.

You’d think Robert might especially note that latter, considering this quote from his magnum failus:

I call myself bisexual because it would take several novels to explain how I ended up “straight” after almost thirty years as a gay man. I don’t feel like dealing with gay activists skewering me the way they go on search-and-destroy missions against ex-gays, “closet cases,” or “homocons.”

Suggests a rather personal current experience with said culture.

Are any of these real emergencies going to be solved by legalizing gay marriage?

Solved? Well, no, but-

Wait — before you take too long to deliberate about it, I’ll cut to the answer: no.

Hello, I was in the middle of something. Ugh. So rude!

As I was saying, no, but said issues are directly exasperated by giant cultural icons like marriage inequality. A queer youth who sees they are less than by the very directly less than way hir romantic desires or self-identifications are treated, is more likely to give into despair. Full marriage equality is an important step in being able to convince youths that their lives are no less valuable for being queer.

So, yes, Roberto de los Fuckstains, it’s pretty fucking important for those issues to have full marriage equality.

On the magical day, some time in 2015 or so, when gay marriage is legalized throughout the United States (it will happen, believe me), none of those problems will be significantly alleviated by the “right” to marry. In fact, many of them may worsen

Okay, I’ve let this one slide way too damn long.

As much as Robbie the Robot here would like to pretend that Dan Savagerommel and Wayne Beseichmann are monomaniacal marriage warriors on a single-minded campaign, it’s kind of disproven by said “generals'” own actions.

Dan Savage is most known for his anti-bullying and self-esteem campaign designed for helping young queer youths fight against suicide and depression. Wayne Besen has spent his life countering ex-gay propaganda designed to prey on the self-loathing in young queers. They are the very model of activists putting issues of suicide and depression above marriage equality.

And one of the big successes of the LGBT movement as a whole is that they try and resist attempts to make the movement about one issue to the expense of all others. Marriage Equality is important yeah, but a simple glance at Pride will show the LGBT movement focusing on issues of queer employment rights, violence against trans people, visibility for minority sexualities, anti-bullying initiatives, etc…

But even if we were to buy this fictional world where gays only cared about marriage equality, we’d still run into one giant problem.

Who else is fighting on these issues? Who besides the queer rights community and some allied organizations is fighting for the continued existence of queer youth shelters, lowered instances of queer youth suicides, etc…?

And who is “making things worse” while the gay rights movement is supposedly out picking wedding bouquets and forgetting their roots?

Seems rather passive to cut out the people actively working to make queer youth feel their only options are a lie or the early release of the grave. I don’t know why you are being so cagey here. I’m sure your fine allies at American Thinker would appreciate being highlighted for all their effort on behalf of “showing those queers the difference between right and wrong”. They certainly were all over turning Chick-fil-A Day into a national holiday and protesting the “Day of Silence” as anti-Christian.

It’s almost like something about your self-identification makes you wary of jumping wholesale in with your ideological allies, you self-loathing insecure fucknozzle!

, precisely because so much energy and money was diverted to fighting for gay marriage over civil unions, when a lot of the community’s most vulnerable members do not end up in couples.

The gay couples who got hospital visitation rights under civil unions will have the same hospital visitation rights under marriage.

Cause if having to have an extra fight just to secure a basic right automatically granted by marriage isn’t proof they are equal institutions, I don’t know what is.

Heck, I don’t know why gays aren’t all over this. All those extra fights must be like 10,000 times more frustrating and difficult than the bloody war against traditional marriage and thus allows Dan Savage way more relative camp resources than some boring old marriage battle.

The word “marriage” will be like the seventy pounds I lost in 2007. After being fat for years, I thought I’d be happy if only I were skinny. As it turned out, I had all the same problems, only now I was hungry.

That’s right, marriage is just like a dieting fad.

But remember, it’s the meanie liberals and queers who are trying to make a mockery of the hallowed institution of marriage.

That’s how those wedding photos and marriage certificates will feel for gay couples. After a few weeks, like the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the victory will be easily forgotten, and the people who weren’t helped by the “right” to marry nonexistent partners or the “right” to be stuck in the military will be quickly neglected.

I suppose that’s true. Queers are not overly grateful after they have finally won a difficult battle against hostile forces for a right that should have been granted decades ago. Like when they won the right to teach in schools without being fired for their orientation.

These days, queer teachers act no differently about the job than straight teachers, just working to become better teachers often forgetting how much of a fight it was just to get there.

Because that’s what happens when you win. People try and pretend to forget why they fought against it and find some new activity by the minority group to obsess about. And minorities affected by the victory see it simply as the new normal. It doesn’t always occur to them that there was a battle, because why would there be? It’d be stupid to think that women couldn’t read, blacks couldn’t be allowed to own property, and so on.

Also, is it just me or is your main objection to this, “It wouldn’t affect me, so therefore it’s meaningless”? Cause if so, I might start to wonder if the writer is a bit narcissistic.

Which brings me to me. To paraphrase Thoreau, I am sorry to speak so much on the topic of me, but it’s the topic I know the most about.


That’s that one averted!

Since I was a toddler, I have been stuck with all sorts of Gay Questions. You see, I have no memories of my biological father being around my house. My earliest memories are of my mother and her best friend, who I eventually discovered was her female romantic partner. They raised me together through all of my childhood and adolescence. My mother died when I was nineteen.

This is the beginning of Robert Lopez’s one and only shtick. Blaming his self-loathing train-wreck of a life on his two mommies, and therefore on all gay parents everywhere.

See, he’s only a gay drama queen and stereotype because he never had a daddy to beat him up for being such a fag.

Acknowledgment that said father seems to be a deadbeat considering there’s no mention of visitation or child support? Self-awareness that even with two mommies, he refers to their relationship in the most clinically dead and unromantic method possible to rob it of any meaning thus demonstrating the importance of marriage equality? They don’t relate to HIM HIM HIM and thus are unimportant.

It may please today’s gay activists to know that then, in 1990, my mother’s partner was able to be by my mother’s bedside.

See, his mom’s girlfriend was totally allowed to be by her bedside, so all those fags complaining about being barred from their loved ones’ sides must be lying.

No mention is made about whether the partner had to lie and claim to be a close friend just to be by her partner’s side as she was dying, hiding her affections as she had to from her partner’s egomaniacal son because of the way gay relationships were treated back then.

And no mention is even made about how said partner had no real way to continue her lover’s parenting duties and care for a son who needed critical guidance before he became an unlovable douche with an abandonment complex and a tendency to try and run away from his problems.

Cause see, if it didn’t happen to him personally, who the fuck cares unless it can be used as a weapon against people just like said parents.

What a charming young man they have raised.

Yet there has never been peace between me and the gay community. In the 1970s and 1980s, I was raised by two women, both of whom I credit for doing a great job in a rather intolerant era.

And yet they raised a egotistical coward who has pledged his life in service to bigots because he was scared of facing a tenth of the hardship they did.

Somehow I doubt said parents would agree with his assessment.

But it was hard on me, and I have never been hesitant to share my experience truthfully. I suffered from not having contact with my father and lacking a male role model. Period.

One effect of the difficulties was that I dropped out of college and sought parenting from troublesome people.

Yes, it was totally your mommies fault that you dropped out of college and became just another silver fox obsessed self-hating gay conservative looking for a leather daddy who could make it all better.

Personal responsibility, thy name is conservative.

In the 1990s, I watched many gay men who had become surrogate father and surrogate mother figures to me die. One by one, repeating the tragedy of my mother, they disappeared. They were all alone except, in many cases, for me. The gay community treated them with shame even as they were the only sense of family I thought I’d have left.

So, let’s see here. The queer community took you in during your long dark angst of your early 20s, but they had the unforgivable GALL to die on you like your mommy did, so really it’s THEIR fault you tried to burn the community to the ground on your way out.

And their rejection of you had nothing to do with your self-hatred of your homosexual attractions or penchant for blaming everything you don’t like about your life on the queer people who tried to reach out to you.

In my late twenties, I finally lost my virginity to the woman who would bear me a child and become my wife. So bingo, I was suddenly “bisexual.” (My wife knows everything, and I do not plan on hiding my past.) I realized soon enough that bisexuals aren’t very popular among the gays. “You’re lying,” “you’re a wacko ex-gay,” and “those pictures are going to destroy you!” were all subtle ways of gay friends telling me they weren’t going to invite me to parties anymore.

Absolutely nothing.

Saying “your lying self-denial and cowardice in dealing with how your religious poisoning has forced you to deny yourself and the way you abuse the real orientation of bisexual to try and mask your ex-gay allegiances sickens me to my core and I wish you’d stop using the legitimate tragedy of your mom’s forced closet to try and excuse your homophobic bigotry” is just the way gay people say “hey, girlfriend, you ain’t allowed to come to the party. Fierce!”

There’s more, but I’ll stop with the autobiography there.

Yes, revealing more might make it apparent to even the most brain-damaged of American Thinker readers that your claim to have been rejected by the queer community unfairly is at best a slanderous lie. Heck, might even make the whole sickening “hey, my ex-gay shtick is fresh and new because I am willing to exploit the label of bisexual to sell it” so apparent that even the professional homophobe crowd find themselves involuntarily wretching and uncertain why.

The point is this: if gay marriage is a solution without a problem, I am the gay community’s problem without a solution. I don’t fit any of their narratives.

That’s rather impressive, because the queer community has a fucking infinite spectrum of “narratives” to fit into. Gender fluid asexuals into B&D kink scenes and are omniromantic. The various spectrums of boi. Suburban butch/femme soccer moms aping “traditional roles” with less of the baggage. Fluberts looking for shlinks into gatso play. And so on and so forth.

Especially strange as I’m pretty sure “self-hating ex-gay hiding from his identity and using religion to blame personal issues of adolescence on TEH QUEERS” is definitely in the narrative bin. Right next to “completely heterosexual homophobe who just so happens to like getting his luggage lifted” and “CLOSET CASE”.

Through no fault of my own, I explode every one of their myths

WOW! Every myth?!?

What could that even be?

Someone whose sexuality really did change on a fundamental physiological level rather than the usual experiential one? Someone who lacked an internal sex, but was biologically wired with social gender stereotypes? Proof of a legitimate fourth “biological sex” beyond male, female, and intersex?

This could be amazing. Surely, it’ll have to dwarf even the impressive list of self-descriptors I’ve had to use to describe myself.

I have to admit, I’m legitimately curious, it could change the face of Queer Studies for-

, from the narrative of idyllic same-sex couple parenting to the supposed fabulousness of post-Stonewall New York to the insistence that gay people are born a certain way and sexual orientation can never change.

(put curiosity bandana (NOT A HAT) away)

I see…

Should I even dignify this weak sauce with a response?

It’d be bad enough with just standard ex-gay lie 218 stapled there at the end if it didn’t come with two letters from a Broadway Musical. Cause that’s the only place I can think of that could remotely be accused of depicting gay relationships and parenting as flawless and never troubled by the same issues facing straight parents or thinking that gay lives have been issue free since the days of Stonewall.

I feel like walking around with a sign on my chest saying, “Dear Gays, Please Forgive Me For Existing.” Their instinct would be to do what they usually do, which is ignore me. Anyway, I am conservative. That makes me Satan.

Sorry to disrupt the bad ass fantasy Rambo McQueen von James Dean, but I’m sorry.

You chickened out.

You’re a cowardly, yellow-belly, gutless, lily-livered invertebrate lacking the intestinal fortitude and courage Bob, Guardian of Stuff, gave field mice.

I know you feel shame about that and want to hide your courage fail as some sort of principled stand against an uncaring majority, weathering their sticks and stones like a martyr.

But I’m sorry, we’re not friends. It’s not my job to put a band-aid on your mistakes and kiss your fuck ups. You had a choice. You could accept who you were and deal with a world a fraction as hostile as the one your mother faced or you could run screaming back into the closet, bolting the door behind you and hiding behind a lie that sexual orientation can change.

You chose the latter. Oh boy, did you choose the latter, and now you want all of us to hug you close and feed your delusion just because running into the conformist arms of the closet didn’t fully protect you from people criticizing your life choices?

Sorry, but no. Go straight to Fail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. You made this bed and you can damn well sleep in it next to the woman you are totally “bisexual” for.

So then, we get to August 6, the day the atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima in 1945, and the day, in 2012, that I published an essay in Public Discourse entitled “Growing Up with Two Moms.”

Yes, a sad self-hating post by someone without even the courage to identify fully as the ex-gay closet case he is is definitely equivalent to an act of mass murder that is credited with ending the Second World War.

Truly with proof that one egotistical kid managed to be a right-wing self-hating fuck despite having gay parents, the gay marriage debate is once and finally settled in favor of Team Homophobe.

Your ignoble “sacrifice” has stumbled onto its truest meaning. The forgotten statues to old gay generals shall disappear into the sands. Truly it will go down in history as the most powerful and courageous political act ever in the history of the World.

It was a simple 2,000-word essay defending a study by Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus.

Oh don’t be modest now. Trumpet your accomplishments to the Heavens so that the angels may sing of your cowardly bravery!

Mark Regnerus’s study found that children of gay or bisexual parents had greater difficulties than children of intact biological families with a mother and father. The gay blogosphere had gone mad, accusing Regnerus of being an anti-gay pig and distorting sociological data. After 59 studies, all forming a scholarly “consensus” that same-sex couples posed no disadvantages for children, Regnerus gave up consensus for the truth.

That’s not how science works. There isn’t some magical perfect study that undoes every bit of data already collected. Even genuine “revolutions” like Einsteinian or Quantum physics didn’t “replace” Newtonian physics and its discoveries with “the truth”. It merely supplemented those discoveries with situations it hadn’t thought of. Newtonian physics work fine on Earth, but needed editing to work in space or during near light speeds or so on.

And yeah, that study

It’s a mess. Half of it is cribbed bullshit designed to try and prove messed-up assertions from Scott Lively’s hate tome “The Pink Swastika”. The other half is the intervention of the author’s conscience undermining the bullshit points he was just making.

Like there’s a bit where he gets really close to trying to argue that lesbians are more likely to abuse their children. But he ends up backing off and noting that most of the incidents of child abuse he cherry picked were the result of the biological father who was divorced by the lesbian mother being studied.

Even as propaganda it is shit because it isn’t fully willing to shit-can the reputation of the author entirely into the wingnut welfare circuit. Which is really sad, because apparently NOM paid $785,000 for this pile of puke and who knows how much more to Robert to shitcan his reputation in support of it.

And on its own, it just has no scientific merit, because it is so clearly bought and paid propaganda once more trying to put a “scientific” gloss on Scott Lively and NOM’s hate frothings.

It’s mostly just pathetic.

And suddenly, I can see why Senor Lopez here felt such an emotional (in addition to financial) connection to the piece.

My defense expressed thoughts that undermined the legal penumbras involved in arguing for gay marriage under the 14th Amendment. Who cares? It was hard to be a kid growing up with gay parents — that’s all I know. I’m not a lawyer.


And apparently it’s entirely the fault of a pair of lesbians trying to do their best in the 70s and 80s that this empathy-less closet case had to deal with the reflected bigotry against his parents and found it distasteful.

That bully wouldn’t have beaten him up for being a fag with dyke parents if his mommy learned how to suck cock like she was supposed to.

Damnitt mommy, how dare you try and do something legitimately brave like be true to yourself?!? It’s like you didn’t even care how that would affect your clinically narcissistic son!

Since my article came out, I have been through far worse than I ever thought would happen. My job is at risk, and worst of all, my coworkers received an e-mail from a gay rights organization with the title “COMPLAINT AGAINST CSUN’S ROBERT LOPEZ: GAY BASHER.” Soon I got e-mails from administrators. People really investigate claims like this.

Gay basher?

What the heck has this movement come to?


But yeah, this man is a complete and utter coward.

Being someone who is resented by society, treated as a non-existant but potentially demonic entity just because of the way I was born. Someone who belongs to one of the most targeted minorities on the planet for hate crimes and who is seen as too dangerous to pee in peace…

I just can’t even begin to relate to him. I have absolutely no respect for someone who denies himself, turns on his own kind just so he can save his own ass a little and then squeals like a stuck pig when the people he betrayed note his betrayal.

I mean, I can at least understand and empathize with ex-gays. Religious poisoning, cultural messaging, I get it. Hell, I can even understand and have sympathy for quislings. Self hatred, perceived safety, the principle of sunk costs.


Nothing. I mean, sure, I can “understand” it on an intellectual level, but emotionally? I just have no fucks to give. It’s just that alien to me.

For God’s sake, I am a bisexual raised by a lesbian couple, who helped countless people dying of AIDS.

And as everyone knows, there is no such thing as internalized bigotry or members of a minority siding with those discriminating against them in order to achieve the “perceived safety” of being “one of the good ones”.

No kapos in the camps, no Concerned Women for America fighting against women’s equal rights, no Jews for Jesus, no self-hating black conservatives selling white resentment for a quick buck, no ex-gays, no Quisling, no Benedict Arnold. These things do not exist.


I wish these exiles from a better world would stop teasing us all with its awesomeness.

I’ve spent my life cleaning up the messes left by gay politics. I wrote an honest essay. That’s bashing?

Well, yes, but not because of a legitimately honest essay. Rather because you traded the supposed authority of an identify you claim only cynically to try and argue for the veracity of the talking points of a person who equates gay rights with nazism and has been instrumental in putting “final solution” laws into place in countries like Uganda.

Much like how “cleaning up the messes left by gay politics” takes on a decidedly bludgeoning quality when you note that the only thing it could be referring to is blaming “gay activism” for the existence of the AIDS crisis.

An action not only so ghoulish and victim-blaming, but directly ripped out of the pages of Scott Lively’s hate tome that I have a hard time believing you are not a sock puppet identity for that mass-murdering douchecanoe, much less that you have ever held anything akin to human emotions for those dying men you supposedly stood at the bedside to.

It is not just bashing. It is an unforgivable atrocity, which if there was any justice in this world would cut you off forever from your supply of Public Restroom dick.

Fuck, I’m willing to bet that’s the thing that makes you feel so much like a “Scorched Earth campaign” has been waged against you.

I’m actually curious to see how much worse you can get before we finally depart this attempt to forever associate “bisexual” with “pure evil”.

The gay marriage movement has finally crossed the line into insanity. They must burn their own villages to save them from their phantasmal bullies.

Anti-gay bullying is a fiction.

Sure, it’s evil, but you can do better.

All the real things that gays could do to improve their real problems are right before their eyes: be humane to one another, forgive others, care for their most needy, and most of all, pick their battles. Support pro-life politicians and adopt foster kids saved from abortion. Vote for Republicans who believe in school vouchers, get bullied gays into safer schools…

Ooh, vote for the Republicans who hate you, fight against even basic rights like protection from said bullying, and overall would like to die a horrible death for being such a fag.

Better, but still not ghoulish enough. C’mon, you can do better!

You may have been a failure with every other part of your life. Never having the courage to be honest, yet lacking the commitment to truly go Full Metal James Hartline.

But here, now, if you dig deep, you can move past passive-aggressive coded references to Scott Lively and ex-gay talking points claiming to be “an honest bisexual’s opinion” and truly stand for the worst humanity has to offer.

It wouldn’t be much, but it’d be something. A genuine risk for the first time in your life. You are so close Robert, I believe in-

But they choose not to. They have dedicated themselves to a scorched-earth campaign for gay marriage. And when that war is won, they will have conquered a wasteland. I wonder what Eliot would have to say.

Or not.

Yes, Roberto, I took Intro to British Lit too. And if I had to guess he’d probably say:

Twit twit twit
Jug jug jug jug jug jug
So rudely forc’d

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Seriously? “The Wasteland” by T.S. Eliot? That’s really where you want to end it? All right… We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 133

Bozo the Cocksucker

The only good fictional bisexual is Dora Bianchi.


Does the Gay Movement have Admirals?

Shirley they have some people in the navy…


I *am* in a world of shit.


1000 extra points for referencing The Doom Patrol.


Twas a good read. Could have used a shorter: I am a good house faggot, why won’t u like meeee…


look, cerbs…i am at the start of a celebratory weekend…it’s the 74th annual hooterville corn festival!!! since i do not need a downer…i will get enough of that by running into people i do not wish to reminisce with…i will catchya after the weekend, y’all!


I am disappointed that he didn’t once mention man-on-dog sex. Or even dog-on-man sex.


I am not high-fiving you until you wash your hands.


I feel like walking around with a sign on my chest saying, “Dear Gays, Please Forgive Me For Existing.”

I feel like you should spend the majority of your time doing that. I will supply crayons.


What is this Mickey Mouse shit? What in the name of Jesus H. Christ are you animals doing in my internet? Why is Private Pyle out of his bunk after lights-out? Why is Private Pyle holding that weapon? Why aren’t you stomping Private Pyle’s guts out?


This is why I’m afraid to have children.


While we’re on the subject of whineyass conservadix:

You are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing more than unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit.


I looks to me like he tried to stop off at bisexual on the way to gaytown, but to a bad turn around ricky martinville.


or the “right” to be stuck in the military

Remember, conservatives support the troops.


It was hard to be a kid growing up with gay parents

As opposed to being a kid growing up with poor parents. Or non-white parents. Or disabled parents. Or non-Christian parents.

I have a cousin who is mixed race and she has been subjected to vicious bullying. Kids called her “half-breed” and beat her up regularly after school. The racist white southern branch of my family blamed her father for “selfishly” marrying a black woman.

She’s had it rough, but fortunately she was smart enough not to try to join the Aryan Nation.


Fluberts looking for shlinks into gatso play.

I don’t know what gatso play is, but it sounds like performing buttsecks in view of a red light camera.


As opposed to being a kid growing up with poor parents. Or non-white parents. Or disabled parents. Or non-Christian parents.

Or lousy parents, or addict parents, or one parent, etc…

I was raised by 2 pretty good parents, born white in America. That’s kind of a jackpot in life.


Could have used a shorter: I am a good house faggot, why won’t u like meeee…

Seriously, that’s all I needed.


And that’s a not a knock on Cerb, that’s a knock on the brain trust at American Stinker.


Howcome no one linked to his original screed?


He blames his mother for not teaching him not to be effeminate, gays for not believing he’s into the chick (which is the only believable thing I’ve heard from him) and it’s all ‘woe is me, my mothers lived in different houses and I lived in a trailer park!’ Sounds like there are different problems here that gay marriage probably could have solved.

Or maybe your parents were just fucked up, have you considered it has nothing to do with their gayness?


Going OT already because I’m madder than shit.

Fuck you Russia, fuck you judge–even though you probably knew you’d disappear if you didn’t find these girls guilty and lock them up, and fuck you Putin you fucking slimebag KGB spook. I hope you die soon. GO PUSSY RIOT!




the “right” to be stuck in the military

It’s like those feminists demanding the “right” to be stuck with a higher education, or those Jews demanding the “right” to join the golf club.


He blames his mother for not teaching him not to be effeminate

I long for the ’50s, when every housewife knew how to swish.


“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan” is an anagram for “My ultimate Ayn Rand Porn”.

Pass it on.


From the “claim to fame” link:

Inside, however, I was confused. When your home life is so drastically different from everyone around you, in a fundamental way striking at basic physical relations, you grow up weird. I have no mental health disorders or biological conditions. I just grew up in a house so unusual that I was destined to exist as a social outcast.

Obviously the solution should be to make sure gay people are REALLY social outcasts.

” Their instinct would be to do what they usually do, which is ignore me.

Dude, your entire argument seems to be that because an absentee father fucked you up and because equality won’t magically solve every possible problem for every person, gay people should get back in the closet. What should they do, give you a pony?


Iffen everyone, straight or gay, appears to not like you, possibly it is not their fault. Gnome sane?


Fuck you Russia, fuck you judge–even though you probably knew you’d disappear if you didn’t find these girls guilty and lock them up, and fuck you Putin you fucking slimebag KGB spook.

You forgot “Fuck you Russian Orthodox Church fascist leaders who seized the first opportunity to collaborate with the Russian regime as soon as the regime stopped pretending to be secular”.
There is the one redeeming aspect of the Pussy Riot trial — that the Orthodox Church is revealed as every bit as vile as any other organised religion.


I just grew up in a house so unusual that I was destined to exist as a social outcast.



And it gets more complicated when you factor in the Kinsey Scale and have to explain that not all bisexuality is middle of the road 50/50 attraction to both sexes.

Ya know, with the increased visibility of furries, vorephiliacs, robot fetishists clopping enthusiasts, and the like, the woefully inadequate Kinsey Scale should be jettisoned, and something resembling a spirograph should be adopted.


I just grew up in a house so unusual that I was destined to <strikeexist as a social outcast catch Stockholm syndrome and become a party to my own degradation, with no thought for the people I’d like to take down with me. I CAN HAZ WINGNUT WELFARE CHECK?


Pupienus Maximus

Is this the guy whose mother dragged him to a railed park every weekend where her lover would join them? It was just fucking weird. I had the distinct impression that the two weirdo women passed on their very serious neuroses to him. He is seriously fucked up. I kind of feel sorry for him.

Pupienus Maximus

FYautocorrect. A trailer park.

Pupienus Maximus

the woefully inadequate Kinsey Scale

I’m a Kinsey seven.


I don’t know what gatso play is, but it sounds like performing buttsecks in view of a red light camera.

GATSO started out as GOATSE, but it’s kinda hard to find too many guys willing to hide a right light camera up their butts.

Pupienus Maximus

Yep, I see that’s the guy. He’s more worthy of our pity than our scorn. But pointing and laughing is more fun than feeling pity so carry on.


The movement has its prominent generals, such as Dan Savage

I think “General Savage” has a nice ring to it.


fuck you Putin you fucking slimebag KGB spook

If only we had a president who could look into his soul.


Paul Ryan’s favourite band says he represents everything they hate.

I’ll bet Ayn Rand would have hated him too.


Paul Ryan’s favourite band says he represents everything they hate.

Ryan got dissed by the Monkees? That’s gotta sting.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker

“Also probably not helped by the unfortunate fact that a number of young gay men and women do use “bisexual” as a temporary self-identification while they are figuring out who they are which makes people unfairly skeptical when people self-identify as bi.”

Actually almost all the bi women I’ve known have used “lesbian” as a temporary self-identification before figuring out they were bi – and some continued to use “lesbian” as a label just to avoid that “skepticism” from the community.

As for Mr. Lopez, I suspect he’s trisexual – still trying still getting rejected.


And I’m betting that Geraldo would like to be kidnapped by them and disciplined until he escapes and turns them.


Cerberus: Fisking without mercy so you don’t have to.

Nothing wrong with that boy that a good cranial enema wouldn’t fix.


They did not go quietly into that good night gulag.


Geraldo Rivera: the Department of Homeland Security is run by a “lesbian cabal”.

And of course Little Debbie is in the thick of it.

That lawsuit is a goldmine.


Is a lesbian cabal more or less frightening than a bisexual junta?


Well,(GAK) you measure Schlussel’s pee to see which scares her most. Not me.


So basically, the complaints are:
1) A woman who was highly qualified and had worked with Napolitano before was given a job, EVEN THOUGH a penis person wanted it.
2) A vast conspiracy of dykes and fags persecuted said penis person by proving that he had improperly used government funds to fly to a baseball game.
3) The only other possible “lesbian” in the cabal allegedly loves to call up subordinates and scream that she wants to suck their dicks. She also rewards submissive men with bathroom offices:

Barr promoted and otherwise rewarded those male employees who woulod [sic] play along with her sexually charged games including the three male employees whose office she relocated to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters.

4) ICE Director John Morton has a gay working for him, which makes some of the men think that HE might be a gay too, which is icky and makes them uncomfortable to work there.


I’ll give Lopez this much: he’s mastered the Conservawhine. Bravo, sir!


I like your articles for the most part, but a few things: don’t use “fail,” stop making portmanteaus with “douche” and “fuck,” and get your historical traitors right (it was Benedict Arnold, not Arthur). The first two points are important, because they will make you stop looking like you don’t know how to write. If you’re going to blog, act like you give a shit and haven’t just strung together a few halfassed Reddit posts.

“Douchecanoe.” Good Lord, it’s so embarrassing to come across stuff like that in an otherwise decent post, it’s all I can do to keep from just closing the tab and heading to Driftglass.


it’s all I can do to keep from just closing the tab and heading to Driftglass.

Well, don’t strain your mouse-clicking finger on the way out.



No. No no no no NO!!

Not MY CSUN! Not my wife’s CSUN!! This shithead must have come from a different CSUN. The CSUN we attended (Cal State University Northridge) had gay festivals, porn stars teaching classes, a center for sex workers, and a huge sexuality department, complete with publishing!

If this closet-case-clown is truly at the same CSUN, his life must be a living hell, partially because of the company he has chosen to keep. In no way could he stand to work at a campus as tolerant as CSUN. Sexually Tolerant isn’t even the right phrase…. Open, maybe? In Your Face, perhaps.

I won’t go to bat for my old school often, but this is one time I can defend it. HE is not CSUN.


There’s a support group for people who grew up in screwed up families. It’s called EVERYBODY!


It’s try TO not “try and” something. “Try to resist” means something. But “try and resist” means something self-contradictory or muddled or something or whatever. When spoken, it’s “try’n resist” so it’s lazy and informal but not unclear. But when written, it just loses all meaning. Replace try with “attempt” and it’s clearly more wrong and more jarring.

Just trying and help, bro!


I call myself bisexual because it would take several novels to explain how I ended up “straight” after almost thirty years as a gay man.

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you JK Rowling’s next project.


Ladies and gentlemen, we give you JK Rowling’s next project.


Hmm…didn’t work.


Still nothing…




More grammar trolls? Why don’t you try and stfu, bro?
And Nate? I’m sure drift glass would enjoy your brand of douchecanoeing.


Don’t bring a douchecanoe to a douchedestroyer fight.


“I am become S’Eve, the douchedestroyer of worlds.”


Just saw a meme-pic of christopher walken…
Caption: know why this country is so messed up? After a decade of asking for more cowbell, you pricks still haven’t delivered the goods.


Interwebs Grammar Police … because the “Whorehouse Eunuch” position was already taken.

Useful as tits on a snake & almost half as appealing.

Pupienus Maximus


*snork* The Romney campaign was not involved in making this

Pupienus Maximus

Haven’t we dealt with that douchebarge’s complaint before? Haven’t we already determined that “try and” is a long accepted formulation? Yes, yes we have. One trick troll is one trick.


… … … … also, one marvels that our visiting grammarian Mr. Skurf – he of the tender linguistic antennae – doesn’t pop a blood-vessel at teh Driftglass blog within the first five minutes, what with dg’s rampant editorial lapses. His posts truly can & do rock some serious casbah like few others – but O My Sweet Bob he REALLY needs a good editor like yesterday.


Funny trumps gramatical pedantry all day and all through the night. Also, it’s time to examine your life when you feel duty bound to cry about shit like that.


because the “Whorehouse Eunuch” position was already taken.

Damn straight! No Johnny-come-lately is taking my job!

Well, a Johnny-come-not-at-all might…


Prominent bisexual character in popular culture: Captain Jack Harkness in “Doctor Who”.

Jack is the first openly non-heterosexual character in the history of televised Doctor Who. The popularity of the character amongst multiple audiences directly influenced the development of the spin-off series Torchwood. The character became a figure of the British public consciousness, rapidly gaining fame for portrayer John Barrowman. As an ongoing depiction of bisexuality in mainstream British television, the character became a role model for young gay and bisexual people in the UK. [Wikipedia]

Also, in the episode where the Doctor and Martha Jones visited William Shakespeare, it was clearly implied that Bill the Bard was bisexual:

Martha: Whoa, Nelly! I know for a fact you’ve got a wife in the country.
Shakespeare: But Martha, this is town.
The Doctor: Come on. We can all have a good flirt later.
Shakespeare: Is that a promise, Doctor?
The Doctor: Wow, fifty-seven academics just punched the air. Now move!

Pupienus Maximus

Those fifty-seven acedemiacs must not have read the poems.


I thought I recognized this guy. I’m a college professor, I read the Chronicle of Higher Education; Robert Oscar Lopez comments on just about every single article, regardless of topic, and always manages to work in the “self-hating bisexual raised by two lesbians but ended up a conservative wanker” schtick into every last one of them.

Also, he’s usually FRIST on the comments page, hijacking whatever the original topic might have been.

If academia really does have a bias against conservatives (SPOILER ALERT: It does not.), then why can’t we fire up some o’ that sweet sweet bias and keep this guy from working in academia? He’s making us look bad.*

*If he’s actually good in his chosen field, then obviously we should not. Somehow, though, I doubt it.



Robert Oscar Lopez comments on just about every single article, regardless of topic, and always manages to work in the “self-hating bisexual raised by two lesbians but ended up a conservative wanker” schtick into every last one of them.

He never advanced past the “write about what you know” lesson in his mail-order creative writing course.


Neil and Jack and me
Absent lovers, absent lovers


he tried to stop off at bisexual on the way to gaytown, but to a bad turn around ricky martinville.



Also, one of the better t-shops of late.


“Try to resist” means something. But “try and resist” means something self-contradictory or muddled or something or whatever.

Well aren’t you the model of clarity and style.

When spoken, it’s “try’n resist” so it’s lazy and informal but not unclear. But when written, it just loses all meaning.

If you can’t understand it spelled out in writing, what hope do you have with a spoken contraction? You had no trouble understanding the meaning, you just seem to have some silly idea that written text should always be more formal, regardless of context. But this is a comedy blog specializing in poop jokes, so you’re wrong.

Replace try with “attempt” and it’s clearly more wrong and more jarring.
Only because it is not idiomatic. Now close the copulation upward.


@: Pupienus Maximus: “Those fifty-seven acedemiacs must not have read the poems.”

I think the point was that the fifty-seven academics HAD read the poems, speculated on Bill’s “enhanced sexuality”, and the Doctor had found validation for them to punch the air, as in, “yes! I told you so!”


Wm S never had chance after his two moms split up.


Gee, I had TWO dads, and a string of dudes who slept in my mom’s bedroom between them, and I STILL turned out to be a bisexual (according to this douchedischarge’s definition anyway).

I suspect there’s a gaping hole in his theory, one you could hide a red light camera in.


Try and understand that we don’t give a shit.


I believe that part is universally understood.

Have another round of Whisky with me, mate.


he tried to stop off at bisexual on the way to gaytown, but to a bad turn around ricky martinville.


Yes; I missed this in my hurry to post King Crimson lyrics, and to appear to remain relevant. Jolly good show!


I’ll have another round of Resin if y’don’t mind. http://sixpoint.com/beers/core/resin


Ok, now I’m drunk at 330pm and listening to “I Talk to the Wind” in my office on a beautiful summer day.


Another great song.


“Ok, now I’m drunk at 330pm and listening to “I Talk to the Wind” in my office on a beautiful summer day.”

That’s odd, I was just listening to that. Great song.

I would be drunk, but something got in the way of it. I am in my (home) office, though. Two-thirds eerie.


I think the point was that the fifty-seven academics HAD read the poems, speculated on Bill’s “enhanced sexuality”, and the Doctor had found validation for them to punch the air, as in, “yes! I told you so!”

The entropy is increasing and so is my density.


“Ok, now I’m drunk at 330pm and listening to “I Talk to the Wind” in my office on a beautiful summer day.”

Don’t gloat, it’s unbecoming.


Useful as tits on a snake


Echidne ! My favourite economist !


Useful as tits on a snake

I was about to say they’d hafta be arranged vertically, but this’d only be a true description if the snake was dangling or something.


I’ll have another round of Resin if y’don’t mind. http://sixpoint.com/beers/core/resin

I’d like to try that… but please tell me it also comes in bottles.


Ugh. I need to remember that “NSFW” can mean “don’t click this link at home, either.”


I just wanted to learn whether the tits on a snake are arranged side-by-side or one atop the other. Now I know, but at a terrible price.


“don’t click this link at home, either.”

I think that was the Rule 34 part more than the NSFW part…


I knew nothing about this “Rule 34.”


OK, then. Here’s an idea I’m especially fond of — I might even get this one myself.

And if you’re not so open minded, then I found a more mainstream snakes on a tit image for you.

Personally, this one will make Golem Heart’s day.


Personally, this one will make Golem Heart’s day.

Err… personally i believe this one will make Golem Heart’s day.

For some reason, I have a terrible record for reviewing and editing my posts on WP. And I don’t blame WP.



It’s like Glaurung mated with Niniel.


It’s try TO not “try and” something

Creation says, “Get bent!” It’s considered poor form for grammar pedants to fail to take into account the use of vernacular tongue in situations where more formal constructions may be eschewed in order to conjure a more “conversational” writing style.


Wow … I unleashed a GIS monster! Keen!

Robert Oscar Lopez comments on just about every single article, regardless of topic, and always manages to work in the “self-hating bisexual raised by two lesbians but ended up a conservative wanker” schtick into every last one of them.

… but you gotta admit – he DID do what it took to pwn that “Pedagogic Methodology In 16th Century France” thread LIKE A whiny little man-bitch BOSS.


And if you’re not so open minded, then I found a more mainstream snakes on a tit image for you.

Personally, this one will make Golem Heart’s day.

The “more mainstream” photo is the day-maker, hehe. I hope that snake appreciates being warmed above room temperature. The method of warming is sadly lost on him/her.


Try And doesn’t fucking work with things you are trying not to do. If you try and resist, it’s senseless. If you try and bake a cake, at least you aren’t actively working against your goals. Even vernacular language has rules.

Shorter me: go eat a parking lot diaper, shitwits.


Somebody is evading a very valid point about “situations where more formal constructions may be eschewed in order to conjure a more ‘conversational’ writing style.”


Somebody is evading a very valid point about “situations where more formal constructions may be eschewed in order to conjure a more ‘conversational’ writing style.”

Somebody is way out of his league and would probably enjoy “New Clopping Republic” more than this… how you say? Oh, yes, this comedy blog specializing in poop jokes.


“Even vernacular language has rules.”

I’d say that no vernacular is very systematic, but that each exception to a rule follows its own logic or derivation. A catalogue of oddities particular to any given vernacular could be classified into types, but the important insight would be that each exception or family thereof arose in a certain cultural hothouse.

“Try and” is just such an expression. When you see it, part of your mind should simply substitute the obvious equivalent. Appealing to rules is silly when you can easily translate. I mean c’mon. Cerberus is not writing gibberish, not even borderline gibberish. A computer could easily be taught to parse this expression as you encountered it.


If you try and resist, it’s senseless.

GrammarBorg ISREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always remember: I before E except after FAIL.

See, it’s funny, because in this case the “shitwits” are both more sensible & technically correct, whilst the “pedant” is desperately trying to avoid his glaring ignorance of real-world usage circa 2012 by pretending for dear life that a comedy-blog comment thread is really the secret love-child of a grammar textbook & a seminar in General Semantics! LOLZ!


It’s perfectly good usage. A major part of the navy, for decades, has been the fleet of Tryand submarines.


I unleashed a GIS monster! Keen!

If by “unleashed a GIS monster” you mean “used a common metaphor which incidentally inspired a drunken lout to google the words ‘tits’ and ‘snakes’ in various combinations and post links to the results that made ‘im laugh…”

Then yes.


See, it’s funny, because in this case the “shitwits” are both more sensible & technically correct, whilst the “pedant” is desperately trying to avoid his glaring ignorance of real-world usage circa 2012 by pretending for dear life that a comedy-blog comment thread is really the secret love-child of a grammar textbook & a seminar in General Semantics! LOLZ!

He hasn’t been back in a while. I’d bet a giant sammich (VERNACULAR USAGE ALERT!!!) that he’s been looking at “New Clopping Republic” all this time.


On other topics…

Benen posts a crib sheet for the factually inclined.

Article of the day.


Even vernacular language has rules.

The great conedic writer William Faulkner wants to have a word with you.


Consume the contents of said diaper by use of a jumbo-sized straw. Do so with “gusto” or whatever your modern argot utilizes to connote exuberant gluttony.


Timewaster of the day

Aside from snakes and tits, that is…


The great conedic writer William Faulkner wants to have a word with you.

And that Chaucer mofo can’t spell worth a damm:

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

I mean, like, WTF, Chaucer?


Omg. U mad bro?


Timewaster of the day

That is great. Have you ever seen Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution? That Substance McGravitas feller clued me into it.


I’m more amused that apparently “daphne” has had a sex change since last we saw hir. Welcome to the demonic transgender horde. Your devil horns and androgynous outfits for bewitching and confusing heterosexuals should arrive shortly.

New post in the morning PST.


It’s try TO not “try and” something

I cannot be arsed and care about this.


Dame Celia Molestrangler: Do you try to care?
Binky Huckaback: I try to, do you?
DCM: I try too, too much. Do you
BH: I try and too much too.
DCM: I know
BH: I know too
DCM: I know you know.
BH Do you know I know
DCM: I know you know I know.



“Round the Horne” scripts FTW. Does Another Kiwi have the 1974 collection of scripts, with the Hewison illustrations? Enquiring minds need to know.


New post.


I know where there is a copy. Not readily available but it can be obtained.


forging a new model of romantic commitment in a nation where the old notion of “marriage” had long suffered from stasis.

Think somebody needs to point out to this idiot that in ancient Greece “stasis” was a time of civil unrest and confusion? Or would that shoot too far over his head to be worth the time?

gaz (toaster pastry)

I’m pretty sure I saw this guy cruising the restrooms at Volunteer Park.


I am bi. The gay guy in the said gays think bi’s are just confused. I like sex just as much with either sex. It all feels good. Just how it is. Can’t change it, nor do I want to.


Too bad you can’t link anymore to Robert’s piece from three years ago asserting that the Gay Left’s push for the DADT repeal was fueled by its fascination for gay male military porn. Pretty priceless.


[…] Oscar, Oscar, Oscar. When last we left God’s gift to internalized biphobia, he had been lightly tonguing the balls of Homophobia […]


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