The sisterhood of the deficit hawks

Add Tony Blankley and Charles “Chuckles” Krauthammer to the list of people who are being kept awake at nights over the deficit. First up is Tony — the inflatable pundit, with this:

Until a couple of years ago, … I assumed that America was on a slow, irreversible trek to the statist side.

Nice to know what Tony thought of the US until Obama was elected.

It is hard not to suspect that even the recent “big solution,” a $4 trillion alleged reduction-in-deficit plan (rumored to be $1.3 trillion in taxes and $2.7 trillion in spending cuts), is utterly inadequate to the challenge.

First of all, it would be too small a reduction; we need to reduce deficits by at least $10 trillion in 10 years.

At least $10 trillion. Which essentially means that deficits must be reduced to zero (PDF or this) — but then again one imagines Tony saying that number much as Dr. Evil would: It’s meant to sound scary and show seriousness but really all he can manage is showing he has no idea what the hell is going on.

And then there’s Chuckles, who is so out of touch with reality that he actually thinks this is the kind of stuff that could happen:

The Republican House should immediately pass a short-term debt-ceiling hike of $500 billion containing $500 billion in budget cuts.

Yes — these guys are going to pass a debt-ceiling hike:

“There should be no default on August 2,” Brooks said. “In fact, our credit rating should be improved by not raising the debt ceiling.”

Anyway — where were we? Oh, right — we were complaining about the fact the press has unfairly labeled Republicans as unwilling to compromise on the issue of taxes:

A pliant press swallows the White House story line: the great compromiser (“clearly exasperated,” sympathized a Post news story) being stymied by Republican “intransigence” (the noun actually used in another front-page Post news story to describe the Republican position on taxes).

The meme having been established, Republicans have been neatly set up to take the fall if a deal is not reached by Aug. 2.

Yes, the “meme” — if by meme one means actually reporting what the Republican leadership has been saying the entire fucking* time:

Listen, we’ve got to stop spending money that we don’t have, and since the beginning, the Majority Leader and myself [Boehner], along with Sen. McConnell and Sen. Kyl have been clear: tax hikes are off the table.

Next thing you know Chuckles will start complaining about the liberal meme that Reagan traded arms for hostages or repeatedly raised taxes.

The Republicans are being totally outmaneuvered. The House speaker appears disoriented. It’s time to act. Time to call Obama’s bluff.

They’re not being outmaneuvered — they’re exactly where they want to be. An appeal to reason only works if the people you’re appealing to aren’t, you know, unreasonable.

Chuckles goes for big giggles towards the end with this:

After all, by what crazy calculation should Republicans allow themselves to be blamed for a debt crisis that could destabilize the economy and even precipitate a double-dip recession?

Maybe by the crazy calculation that they’re the ones who got us here?

* Profanity added for the sole purpose of making this post most unserious.


Comments: 172




What do you expect from people who will claim 10 years of zero job growth proves low taxes generate jobs?


They’ll wreck the economy and blame it on the Democrats. And those old white sorehead Tea Party idiots will believe them.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


Left some short comments, end of previous thread.

Steepike awarded the distinguished Furstest Medal.

I’m very leery of this thread:

Always. Trust. The. Shorter.

But this thread has no Shorter! Fenwick has been shoved off the boat into the swamp. I now have no alternative but to wade into the fetid swamp full of alligators who belch laser-guided plumes of deadly fire, my nostrils assaulted by the stench of rotted vegetation and decaying mangoes floating like dead fish in oily, slimy, scum-filled pools.

My linen suit is sopping wet. Also I lost my hat. And my mint julep.


Deficits don’t matter. Dick Cheney said so.

I never argue with a Dick. They’ll shoot you in the face.

Or so I hear.



“There should be no default on August 2,” Brooks said. “In fact, our credit rating should be improved by not raising the debt ceiling.”

Zero his salary out for a start. At what point do we call it treason?


“In fact, our credit rating should be improved by not raising the debt ceiling.”

Yes, not paying bills does actually improve your credit rating. Credit ratings respect dick flexing.


Ugh. I hope I will be able to get the stink off my suit eventually.

Jeebus. This hideous experience reminds me why I never, ever, EVAH leave the boat.


The inflatable pundit looks a suspicious bit like Larry Flynt.


Also, I’m damn tired of that same damn graph. It’s been all over the intenetz toobs for months and months now.

(Fenwick is cranky. I miss my hat and my mint julep.)


Baseball always makes me feel better.

*slips off into the shadows*


Also, I’m damn tired of that same damn graph. It’s been all over the intenetz toobs for months and months now.

And yet we’re STILL not considering making rich people pay their taxes properly.

Even my stupid Democrat senator Patty Murray just sent me an email telling me about “shared sacrifice”. Bullshit. Rich fuckers, YOU FIRST.


Credit ratings respect dick flexing.

Many sexually active people do, too.

(Not going for the easy euphemism, after my screw-up in the last thread.)

*slips off fer realz*


Maybe we should all have listen to G Beck and invested the entire Fed with Goldline.


A mint julep is in the mail, Fenwick. heh heh decaying mangoes floating like dead fish is good.
Another side to this particularly germane to Chuckles is that he was a well credentialed psychologist (or mind doctor of some kind) and not an economists night sock but there he is with his brilliant economics analysis cut and pasted from
You need a magic chalkboard dude!!!


REAL MONEY!!! No fiat paper!

Turbine Yukon Palin

Given that I operate on the (heretofore safe) assumption that whatever Chuckles says is happening or is likely to happen, the opposite is true, I am disturbed by a couple of his latest “observations.”


Even my stupid Democrat senator Patty Murray just sent me an email telling me about “shared sacrifice”. Bullshit. Rich fuckers, YOU FIRST.

I’m all for “shared sacrifice.”

I’d love to see Teh Rooling Klass let so much as a penny evade their clutches. Fuck, I’ve been sacrificing heavily. Time to fucking share.

Also, too…

I’m all for “shared sacrifice.”

I can’t eat the whole damned virgin by myself.


They’ll wreck the economy and blame it on the Democrats. And those old white sorehead Tea Party idiots will believe them.

Forget the teabaggers, our so-called-liberal-media will broadcast this as fact.

And the corporate Dems will say, “See, we need to be even more craven rightwingers than we already were.”


And the corporate Dems will say, “See, we need to be even more craven rightwingers than we already were.”

Wait, they can get more craven?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Listen, we’ve got to stop spending money that we don’t have, and since the beginning, the Majority Leader and myself [Boehner], along with Sen. McConnell and Sen. Kyl have been clear: tax hikes are off the table.

The worst thing, and the thing these fuckers continually lie about, is the the money has already been spent. This isn’t about current spending, this isn’t about future allocations. The money has been spent on Bush’s dumbass wars, and Bush’s dumbass tax cuts.


The money has been spent on Bush’s dumbass wars, and Bush’s dumbass tax cuts.

Every time I see it I want to rub a ‘winger’s face in it.

“See? SEE? That dark blue bit that disappears just around 2010? THAT’s your fucking ‘bad home loans to minorities’, you goddamn lying shits. And the brown stuff is BUSH’S FUCKING FAULT, like all the brown stuff that we had to put up with from him for EIGHT SHITTY YEARS.”


Every time I see it I want to rub a ‘winger’s face in it.

Too subtle given their stupidity. You need to jam it down their throats, turgidly.


The money has been spent on Bush’s dumbass wars, and Bush’s dumbass tax cuts.

Right. And the money is STILL being spent on Bush’s dumbass wars and Bush’s dumbass tax cuts. I don’t see that anything has changed in this regard since President Obama took office.


I don’t see that anything has changed in this regard since President Obama took office.

Except that if it had been Preznit McCain we’d be protesting the bombing campaign over Tehran, not Tripoli.

Which, I know, is noxious lesser-evilism, but there you are – as long as we’re reduced to choosing Assclown “A” or Assclown “B” lesser-evilism is the only rational response to keep the shit as shallow as possible.

Which doesn’t make it any easier to live with.


Oh thanks, PU, there’s another lunch spoiled. Preznit McCain and VP Palin. Fucking A grade nightmares. You wouldn’t be having any deficit problems, though, it would all be part of teh plan.


I don’t see that anything has changed in this regard since President Obama took office.

We have even more wars for corporate profits now.


“Except that if it had been Preznit McCain we’d be protesting the bombing campaign over Tehran, not Tripoli.”

Perhaps you’re right, but then Tripoli is not Tehran, whose Imam Khomenei may have an index finger poised over an atomic button, if you believe the neocon nuclear warnings. And Iran actually manufactures weapons instead of simply importing them. I tend to believe that in spite of McCain’s bluster, the Joint Chiefs would have dissuaded him from war had he blabbered himself into that corner. I always thought McCain’s war dance was, well, just a dance, absent the war paint.


“We have even more wars for corporate profits now.”

Thanks. Another great link to lift my wavering spirits.

July 16th marks the Sandinista liberation of Esteli from Somoza’s Guardia Nacional, which means that the air here won’t be fit to breathe tomorrow, the sky will be so rent with homemade rockets and gunfire.


I always thought McCain’s war dance was, well, just a dance, absent the war paint.

I always thought so too, but when you give assholes tools with which they can become even bigger assholes they somehow don’t feel more restrained.



Anyone in particular, or are you just expressing the Weltschmertz we all feel?

Spearhafoc, who now owns 5 billion hats

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Mon pere, it’s good to see you back. You been okay?


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

No, D-KW’s mother.


Mon pere, it’s good to see you back. You been okay?

Yep, more or less. Money’s stressing me out, i want to individually punch every GOP assbag in the country, and my shoulder hurts.

Other than that, hunky-dory.

BTW I had a mad the other day.

And the Teabaggers now have their own Teabagger Tea.

To quote Michael Malloy, have I mentioned yet how much I hate these people?

Spearhafoc, who now owns 5 billion hats

No, D-KW’s mother.

I’m pretty sure she skips the kissing part. It takes up too much time, and she’s got too many other people to see afterwards.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

To quote Michael Malloy, have I mentioned yet how much I hate these people?

Yeah, they’re awful, awful people. Mind-boggling how those who preach American exceptionalism are the ones who will bring our society down.


“…when you give assholes tools with which they can become even bigger assholes they somehow don’t feel more restrained.”

Scene: Oval Office, White House, January 20, 2009

David, General, bring me that goddamn globe.
Yessir, Mr President. Here your are, sir.
Let’s see here, cant plan a goddamn war without a globe.
No, sir, Mr President.
See, this is Iraq and this is Iran. Bomb here, on this star.
I see sir. Bomb Tehran.
Goddamn right. Bomb the sonsabitches right here, right on this star.
Tehran, Sir.
Goddamn right.
When sir?
When? Right goddamn now, soldier!
Right now, sir?
What are you, some kind of fucking eco? I said now, right fucking now!
Mr President, sir, this will require some planning.
Planning? I did that already, remember. Now quit wasting my time.
With all due respect, Mr President, I’ll have to contact the….
No, no, fuck no. Give me a damn phone.
Phone sir?
Goddamn what the hell’s wrong with you David, you fucking deaf or what?
No, Sir, no Mr President. Here’s the phone, sir.
What’s the phone number?
What, sir?
The goddamn phone number at the airbase David, what the fuck else?
I don’t know off hand, Mr President.
Well goddamn, don’t that beat all. Get somebody in here who does know, now!
Yes sir, Mr President. Right now, sir.
What the hell, in my day, we’duv already hit the sonsabitches by now.


I’m all for “shared sacrifice.”

I can’t eat the whole damned virgin by myself.

How risque! Also funny, Hogeye.

Non-Existent Patricia

And HTML fail. I am a moran.


The House speaker appears disoriented.

With the enormous pool of qualified white male pisstanks to put behind that gavel, did you HAVE to pick a weeper, America?

* Profanity added for the sole purpose of making this post most unserious.

If you curse, you’re the worst!

Spearhafoc, who now owns 5 billion hats

I am a moran.

Since you don’t exist, you must be a figment of my imagination. Therefore, it was my imagination that created the HTML fail, and it is my imagination that is in fact the moran. QED.

Non-Existent Patricia

If you read Brooks’ improved credit rating statement in the right way (say, like after sniffing massive quantities of glue non-stop for a week or so), it kinda makes sense. If a person keeps his lines of credit to a reasonable amount, his credit rating will improve. What makes this statement so breath-takingly stupid is that the US government is not a person and its budget cannot be run like my household budget. People in charge of making decisions that affect the entire fucking planet should understand this very basic concept.

Non-Existent Patricia

Spearhoc, he (or she) of the oh so many hats, I find your logic impeccable.

Non-Existent Patricia

Let’s pretend that I (your imagination) knows how to spell your nym correctly, but chose not to.

Non-Existent Patricia

And that I am not your actual imagination, but a figment thereof. I probably need another beer.


People in charge of making decisions that affect the entire fucking planet should understand this very basic concept.

Ah I think I see a problem.

Non-Existent Patricia

But I actually proofread that comment!


If you curse, you’re the worst!

I have finally decided to go ahead and rip loose with the classic Anglo-Saxonian on my blog, in further proof to the world that I am nothing but a rotten potty-mouthed DHF and I am to be taken unseriously.

Plus I’m getting kind of fucking pissed-off as of late.


the US government is not a person and its budget cannot be run like my household budget.

Of course, were they to incorporate the U.S. Gummint it would most certainly become a “person” and an immortal one at that. With First Amendment rights. Mr. Fed Gov, LLC. Whee.


Spearhafoc, who now owns 5 billion hats

Where do you keep them all?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have finally decided to go ahead and rip loose with the classic Anglo-Saxonian on my blog

Cool, I can’t wait until you start cribbing from Beowulf:

Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Where do you keep them all?

He’s got a hyperdimensional hatrack.

Non-Existent Patricia

Of course, were they to incorporate the U.S. Gummint it would most certainly become a “person” and an immortal one at that. With First Amendment rights. Mr. Fed Gov, LLC. Whee.

No, no, it (he/she?) wouldn’t be immortal, it (he/she?) would become a wholly owned subsidiary of ExxonMobil or Wal*Mart or Chase.

Wait, what?

Non-Existent Patricia

He’s got a hyperdimensional hatrack.

Does he also play hyperdimensional chess? I hear its fucking huge with the kids these days.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Does he also play hyperdimensional chess? I hear its fucking huge with the kids these days.

I think most of the kids gave it up when the kid in the big white house turned out to be a bit of a jerk.

Non-Existent Patricia

Spearhafoc really should close his imagination before he leaves.

Non-Existent Patricia

I think most of the kids gave it up when the kid in the big white house turned out to be a bit of a jerk.

So, they took they’re pawns and went home, as it were.

Non-Existent Patricia

Please, as your reading my last comment, sub their for they’re. Fucking homophones, how do they work?

Non-Existent Patricia

And again, but with you’re for your. I really need to study up on fucking homophones and how they work.

Non-Existent Patricia

Fucking homophones


Fucking homophones, how do they work?

Exactly like straight phones.

I never sweat the proofing and tags, Patricia. But only because I have special exemptions from Zeus his own self.


B^4: I’m impressed with the Beowulf! Can you point me to the line numbers (or even better translate)?

Also, are you on Night Hawk duty tonite?

Non-Existent Patricia

Fenwick, alas, I only have a special exemption from Hermes and he charges by the pound.


so sorry

Indeed. Please get help.


special exemption from Hermes

Then you must have expensive lingerie…

Non-Existent Patricia

Shhh….its a Secret….

Non-Existent Patricia

That was the lamest joke ever, but I felt it had to be done.


So, Patricia, are you a West Coastie? Or working a night shift somewhere? Or living in some exotic and nifty place elsewhere in the world?

(Baltimore, alas, is not very exotic; I mostly live in imaginary realms.)

Non-Existent Patricia

I also, being Non-Existent and all, live mostly in imaginary realms. The imaginary realm I’m currently inhabiting is Maui, but my physical self seems to be in a suburb of Houston.

Non-Existent Patricia

Although, if I’m truly Non-Existent, do I have a physical self? My mind, it reels.

Non-Existent Patricia

And why would you assume I’m a West Coastie or working the night shift, its only 6:45!

Non-Existent Patricia

Also, are you on Night Hawk duty tonite?

Apparently I’m the Night Hawk on duty and I’m doing dirty things to this thread (see my Fucking Homophones above). BWHAHAHAHA!


Only 6:45? Oh, I get it: You’re using Sadly No time!

I’m up late waiting for west coast games to finish. The Baltimore Woes lost their ninth straight game tonight. Now we have the worst record in the American League. The only team in baseball with a worse record?

The Astros.

Thank God for Houston!


The World Sewers

I’ve got a great idea for Major League Baseball: Postseason play for the four worst teams in baseball: The World Sewers. The first round is a play-OUT series. The two winning teams ESCAPE from the World Sewers; the two losers then play a series to determine who is the worst player in baseball.

This would provide some postseason revenues and media exposure to team that seldom get any. I think the World Sewers would draw a sizable TeeVee audience: Everybody loves a laugh!

As of right now, here are the World Sewers teams:

.409 Kansas City
.404 Chicago Cubs
.400 Baltimore
.323 Houston

It ain’t easy being a fan of team that hasn’t had a winning season in 13 years….

Non-Existent Patricia

OK, now you just have to fuck off. Long time Astros fan because I have to be. Holy Lord, but they suck balls.


I’m re-reading The Lord of The Rings for the eleventy-gazillionth time. Now I’m off to the Gray Havens. G’night.

Non-Existent Patricia

Ya know, its harder to be an Astos fan. I seriously thought you guys were going to win it all before Jeff Maier. I really think that travesty turned the entire series – it was like the Orioles just see the point anymore. And justifiably so. I guess in Houston we’re lucky; the fans don’t let us down, the players do.

Non-Existent Patricia

That should read: …”the Orioles just didn’t see the point anymore.


Non-Existent Patricia

Now you will go into the West and diminish….


Long time Astros fan because I have to be.

I can trump that! I moved to Baltimore over 20 years ago. Before moving here, I was an ardent fan of the Kansas City Royals.

When Fenwick roots for a team, it is the Kiss of Death.

Next year I am moving to Albuquerque, thus casting my curse of the Triple-A Isotopes….

I’ve enjoyed the conversation, Patricia!

*slips off for Gray Havens*


“REAL MONEY!!! No fiat paper!”

How am I supposed to buy an Italian car then?


Perhaps you’re right, but then Tripoli is not Tehran, whose Imam Khomenei may have an index finger poised over an atomic button, if you believe the neocon nuclear warnings.

Yeah, how is that old Libya thing going again?

Non-Existent Patricia

How am I supposed to buy an Italian car then?

Wait, the inability to buy a substandard car is supposed to be a bad thing? Fucking Paultards, how do they work?


Listen, we’ve got to stop spending money that we don’t have …

You know, I think businesses should take that same stand — no borrowing money for things like, say, technology upgrades … or new vehicles that are safer and get better gas mileage … or new facilities in order to produce more widgets and, thus, creating jobs …

**bangs head on keyboardfekjrhakesjrkewrwerwe**

These assholes never took Econ 101 and (much like David Brooks) would prefer all the poor folks just die already so rich folks won’t have to pay any taxes.


Before moving here, I was an ardent fan of the Kansas City Royals.

When Fenwick roots for a team, it is the Kiss of Death.

Wait … as a current Royals fan, I thought the team sucked giant donkey balls because the owner is a cheap piece of shit who has pocketed most of the revenue sharing the team has received.

But … but … now I learn that it’s your fault?


May the ghost of Mr. K haunt you for the rest of your days, you sonofabitch.

And, please, for the love of god, start rooting for the Broncos, Raiders, and Chargers. Please … pretty please … with whatever you like best on top times infinity …



Wow … I’m as good at tags as the Royals are at winning.

Sorry. Hope I didn’t bork the whole damn site.


Spearhafoc, who now owns 5 billion hats

Where do you keep them all?

Storage is not necessary.


I see the hobbits were out last night.


I see the hobbits were out last night.

Better that than the underpants gnomes.

Spearhafoc, who loves ya, baby

Where do you keep them all?

I actually am running out of room for storage. Right now, I have two in hat boxes and the rest stacked up on top of each other.

Storage is not necessary.

Man, I wish I had a straw boater. It’s been impossible to find one though. A decent one, anyway.


You know, I think businesses should take that same stand — no borrowing money for things like, say, technology upgrades … or new vehicles that are safer and get better gas mileage … or new facilities in order to produce more widgets and, thus, creating jobs …

I keep hearing people on the radio say, “how can the government do that? People can’t run their households like that!” and wonder at the vast number of people who never carry a balance on their credit cards and pay cash for all their cars and houses, which seems to contradict every study I’ve ever heard about on the subject of household debt in America.


You are all cockroaches, scurrying from the light of revelation.


Sounds like rationalization for empty theaters…


I dunno. Maybe we ought to just walk away from the table, let them hit the debt ceiling, let the economy go tits-up even more than it already is. It’s not as if the MOTU don’t have a whole fucking lot more to lose than we do. It might function as the “reset button” we’ve been needing. Plus, the long overdue return of Mme. Guillotine might finally happen. (Cue Atrios to fainting couch.)

I mean, these guys think that there’s no limit, right, that they can fleece us all until we’re living in the streets in rags, and in fact, they won’t stop trying until they achieve that. So…let’s let them have it. See how much our homes are worth to them when no one can even rent them for $50 or $100 per month. See how much shit they can sell to people who are jobless and moneyless. See how many people are buying the paper carrying Brooks’ or Krauthammer’s latest masturbatory fantasies and how long they keep their jobs when circulation falls to a few thousand or less. When that happens, I’ll rent them a space in my refrigerator box for the low low price of slitting their throats and stealing their wallets. Let’s test this motherfucker out. They aren’t going to stop otherwise, so we might as well get it over with so we can move on. At least we’ll be free of their odious lying bullshit for the next 30 – 40 years, before the cycle starts all over again. You think your 33% top marginal tax rate is an onerous burden? Fine, asshole. Keep going the way you’re going, and we can see to it that you never make it into that bracket again.


You are all cockroaches, scurrying from the light of revelation.

Hilarious! I wonder if my comment will ever see the light of day?


I dunno. Maybe we ought to just walk away from the table, let them hit the debt ceiling, let the economy go tits-up even more than it already is.

It’s not going to happen, Jennifer.

The ‘debt ceiling crisis’ is the phoniest pretext for doing something the public doesn’t want (cutting Medicare and/or Social Security) since Cheney and his lapdog used 9/11 to invade Iraq.


I recommend this Glennzilla post highly.

This arrangement, as Scahill told me yesterday, is consistent with standard Obama administration practice: “they continue even the most controversial Bush terrorism policies by having some other government technically operate it so they can keep their fingerprints off it.” Indeed, the administration has even resorted to this playbook by using “torture by proxy” — as we saw when the Kuwait government, with at least the complicity if not direction of the U.S., detained and beat American teenager Gulet Mohamed during interrogation sessions.

Scahill’s discovery of this secret prison in Mogadishu — this black site — calls into serious doubt the Obama administration’s claims to have ended such practices and establishes a serious human rights violation on its own. As Harper’s Scott Horton put it, the Nation article underscores how the CIA is “maintaining a series of ‘special relationships’ under which cooperating governments maintain[] proxy prisons for the CIA,” and “raises important questions” about “whether the CIA is using a proxy regime there to skirt Obama’s executive order” banning black sites and torture.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So what happened to the new Sci-Fi post with Geordie LaForge and Dick Solomon in a crate? It was there and now it’s gone….

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Jennifer, you can totally ride on my shoulders in the Thunderdome after the big crash.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

So what happened to the new Sci-Fi post with Geordie LaForge and Dick Solomon in a crate? It was there and now it’s gone….

It slipped through a wormhole.

Heh… slipping through a wormhole.


Fenwick: The Sewers, respectfully, is a nice idea but is a bit unambitious. Consider the possibilities of introducing the concept of relegation. You finish in the bottom of your league, and next year, instead of your individual under-performing overprivileged players being sent to AAA, you send the entire under-performing overprivileged franchise.

In their place, you promote the top clubs from AAA into the top flight of MLB.

Then you’d have (for example) local economies getting a boost when the St. Louis Cardinals visit their former farm team in Memphis. Meanwhile, the Chicago Cubs would have to duke it out with the likes of Toledo and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre for a shot at the MiLB title and a berth in the bigs, which is something that perhaps they could win after another century of trying. How’d that be for a warm cup of Old Style for the legions of frathole Cubbie followers?


But what about all the kitties????


Maybe we ought to just walk away from the table, let them hit the debt ceiling, let the economy go tits-up even more than it already is.

I lived penniless for a long time. (New business with few clients = living and working in a NYC-sized one-room apartment.) I have no interest in repeating the experience in my 40s with a wife and child. Also, depending on how you want to count dependents, I have six to ten people who depend on the salaries my biz produces. So, while I want to see the Repub asswipes crash in flames, I’d prefer that we don’t tank the entire economy to do it.

Of course, if I had any confidence that Obama wasn’t going to give away the entire remaining portions of the New Deal, Square, Deal, and Great Society, I’d be something approaching happy.


But what about all the kitties????


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The Sewers is a great idea! It would be the last piece of the nefarious plot by which Seattle would achieve World Domination™! Boeing, Micro$haft, Starfuck’s, and now a complete takeover of the Wide World of Sports! Mwah-ha-ha-ha!


It’s not as if the MOTU don’t have a whole fucking lot more to lose than we do.

They also know how to profit from everyone else’s misery: if the US does go tits up, they’ll have cornered the market on prime rat and all the best underpasses.


Man, I wish I had a straw boater. It’s been impossible to find one though.

Make your own instead of expecting one handed out by the government!


Hats for the Hatless!


(Baltimore, alas, is not very exotic; I mostly live in imaginary realms.)

But we do have the Visionary Arts Museum, Artscape (which I probably won’t get to again), Honfest and Miracle on 34th Street.


If you were to film The Sewers series in reality television format I think you’d have a big hit on your hands.

The Geocentrist

Laugh it up Libs, but when Voyager 1 and 2 bounce off the dome of the sky we’ll see who has the last laugh!



They also know how to profit from everyone else’s misery: if the US does go tits up, they’ll have cornered the market on prime rat and all the best underpasses.

I believe they’re already heavily hedged by selling the country/world short. They’ll make a mint on the collapse, just like last time. This is what makes me think it’s likely.

Apparently the fifteen trillion or so that we poured down their gullet a couple of years ago wasn’t enough to keep them content.


Apparently the fifteen trillion or so that we poured down their gullet a couple of years ago wasn’t enough to keep them content.

Underground bunkers in Wyoming aren’t cheap.



Spearhafoc, who loves ya, baby

You know who else couldn’t handle the Revelation? Belloq.

Think about it.


“What we call darkness is simply the absence of light, but once light comes, we see more clearly, we understand better, and we act accordingly. Light has come. The Undefeated is light. Governor Palin’s 2012 announcement will be light. The roaches don’t like it, and they’re already scurrying manically, but it’s too late. Their fate has been sealed.”

Oh my.



Adrienne Ross, July 16, 2011 2:22 PM

Ifthethunderdontgetya, if I were a prosecuting attorney and you were the defendant, this would just be too easy. “No one gives a darn” about Gov. Palin, you say. Yet the evidence is against you. You’re here on my site, a pro-Palin site at that. You clearly are interested. Furthermore, you took the time to actually write a comment about the person you say no one is interested in. Mind you, I didn’t call you here, didn’t summon you to this place. No, you showed up and displayed your interest. But no one is interested. I might also add that despite the reporter who sought to prove there was no interest in “The Undefeated,” and the MSM trying to bury the numbers, multitudes are interested and turning out to learn the truth. Your case falls flat. But you’re scurrying, it appears. I understand. Case dismissed, but I’m sure you’ll be back here soon.

She’s got me, I was summoned by the Beelzebub known as Sadly, No!


So what are the odds that Two if by Tea is made from homegrown American tea, picked and processed by real long form birth certificated Americans? Certainly Lush Rimbaugh wouldn’t be in it just to take advantage of his fans’ idiocy.

When I clicked through to the scurrying cockroach link and saw Sarah Palin and common sense together on the web page banner I knew there was no point in reading any further.


The Pacific Army, the Pacific theater of war operations, war in the Pacific, the Pacific fleet. No offense Balboa, but it seems you were way off on that name.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I think Balboa just called it “The Great South Sea.” It was Magellan who gave it the “Pacific” name, because they enjoyed freakishly good weather while sailing too far north to hit any islands and nearly starving to death.


Ballmer also has the shot tower. Can’t get much cooler than that.


And blue crab. The dungeness crap out here just doesn’t do it for me. OMFG softshell crab sammiches. OM NOM NOM

The Invisible Hand

I love how I’ve been reformed into an unfathomable god-like force of nature from a torch wielding mob of angry townsfolk storming the factory that poisoned them.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Ballmer also has the shot tower. Can’t get much cooler than that.

Took me a while to parse this. “Ballmer”=”Baltimore”! Now I get it.

Living here in the Belly of the Beast, I see “Ballmer”, I think Monkey Boy™.


Mark D: Fortunately, I was a KC fan in the Glory Days. Willie Wilson, Frank White, George Brett, Paul Splittorf, Dennis Leonard, Charlie Liebrandt, John Mayberry, Hal McCrae, Dan Quisenberry, Brett Saberhagen, Darryl Porter. Still have the Sports Illustrated from 1985.

Ewing Kaufmann was one of great owners in baseball; I’m sorry KC is saddled with the piece-o-shit you have now.


Pup: I like crab sandwiches, crab cakes, and most of all crab dip (served as a hot dish in Baltimore). Crab dip seems so suited for a ‘lingering’ meal accompanied by conversation.

I’ll bet you could make KILLER crab dip (even with dungeness) … and perfect breads to accompany it.

OMFG softshell crab sammiches. OM NOM NOM

I know blues are expensive even here, but surely some must be air-freighted fresh to Portland. Splurge: Treat yourself and the Ho.


Case dismissed, but I’m sure you’ll be back here soon.

She done tole you! You’ve been pwoh-nid.


I make a good crab dip and it even uses lowfat ingredients and still tastes good.

I haven’t had one recently but the crabcakes at the Lexington market were wonderful and Atwaters at Belvedere square is great as well. We do have one in Catonsville where I live but it doesn’t have the selection (it does have art showings).
and of course Bawlmer inspired this


At least she published my comment.

Let’s see what happened at Condé Nast publication, WIRED.

That’s right, they blocked me from making new comments, and deleted the one I made.

What’s got these corporate whores/edgy new age coolkats going all Hitler and stuff?

I did not link but did people should read Glenn Greenwald at Salon for the full story.

Rather, the controversy was over Wired’s obvious concealment of matters outside of the scope of Manning’s personal issues, ones that were plainly relevant to newsworthy matters and, in particular, to Lamo’s claims about what Manning told him. The concern was that Wired was concealing material to glorify and shield its source, Poulsen’s long-time associate Adrian Lamo, in a way that distorted the truth and, independently, denied the public important context for what happened here. Wired’s release of the full chat logs leaves no doubt that those concerns were justified, and that Wired was less than honest about what it was concealing.

Hurray for corporate-branded Edgy New Media™!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So what are the odds that Two if by Tea is made from homegrown American tea, picked and processed by real long form birth certificated Americans? Certainly Lush Rimbaugh wouldn’t be in it just to take advantage of his fans’ idiocy.

George Soros should market a product called Oxycontea, with a caricature of a strung-out Limbaugh on every bottle.


So what are the odds that Two if by Tea is made from homegrown American tea, picked and processed by real long form birth certificated Americans?

I’m guessing “zero.” I believe this is the only tea grown in the US, though REAL PATRIOTS drink Monarda and Ceanothus like the GOTDAMN founding fathers did.

The Invisible Hand

If McDonald’s had to pay security guards to escort you from your home, along the rutted gravel road, and across that usually (except for 3 months each year) shallow stream, how much do you think your Big Mac would cost?

I guess a god-like force of nature is easier to buy than one generation after the next working to build a cleaner & safer society?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m guessing “zero.” I believe this is the only tea grown in the US, though REAL PATRIOTS drink Monarda and Ceanothus like the GOTDAMN founding fathers did.

Silly, REAL PATRIOTS drink a jimsonweed tisane… Dateara!


Silly, REAL PATRIOTS drink a jimsonweed

That ‘splains a lot.


I’m reading as fast as I can, which ain’t easy since the background colors keep changing from gray to bluish gray, but this, this caught my attention:

“It’s not as if the MOTU don’t have a whole fucking lot more to lose than we do.”


“They also know how to profit from everyone else’s misery: if the US does go tits up, they’ll have cornered the market on prime rat and all the best underpasses.”

And all the best used clothing:

Here, in the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, used clothing from the U.S. is very popular and until recently, fairly cheap. It is shipped via ocean containers in plastic wrapped bundles of assorted trousers, shirts, slacks, blouses, etc., called “pacas”. There must be used clothing shops on every block, sometimes two or three to a block. The Nicas prefer this “high quality” clothing to the sorry new articles usually made of synthetics and designed for the blind. Nicas actually do have a pretty keen sense of style and fashion.

I went in one of these shops the other day to look for a long sleeve shirt since the weather here is now deep winter, which means sixty or so degrees fahrenheit. The lady who ran the little shop told me that prices had nearly doubled and that they were seeing poorer quality merchandise. She explained further that her sister in Miami had said that “hombres ricos” were buying the pacas and separating out all the good stuff and repackaging it into expensive and cheap bundles and were either selling the higher price material in the States or charging a much higher price to the vendors here.

They have cornered the market on used clothing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They have cornered the market on used clothing.

How much of that used clothing was donated by people clearing out their closets? Fuck, I hate these assholes.

Fucking Cantor’s stands to make money should the U.S. default. How the fuck could that ever be legal?


acrannymint said,
July 16, 2011 at 19:14

(Baltimore, alas, is not very exotic; I mostly live in imaginary realms.)

But we do have the Visionary Arts Museum, Artscape (which I probably won’t get to again), Honfest and Miracle on 34th Street.

And VSN’s Kinetic Sculpture Race. Gets my vote for Best Event in Baltimore. Also the B&O Museum has some Really Big Machinery* on display in an 1890’s roundhouse. [*VPR]

I expressed myself poorly last night. I like being a Baltimoron! I’ll miss it after I move.


Silly, REAL PATRIOTS drink a jimsonweed tisane… Dateara!

Datura is apparently a severely bad trip.

Though that would explain quite a bit about the Teabaggers.


Is it really true that nobody’s seen the entirety of “Undefeated” because every showing quits halfway through?


Quits, the projector jams on the mountainous pile of vomit in the theater, what’s the diff?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s not quitting, it’s GOING GALT! Get it straight.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ya know, if Undefeated included a clip of the “WOLVERINES!!!” scene, I’d feel compelled to watch it.


Ah, I think they would have to pay for that, B4 and, you know, not a lot of profit margin already.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ah, I think they would have to pay for that, B4 and, you know, not a lot of profit margin already.

It’ll be interesting to see if any of the rightbloggers try to shame their sheep into watching the film in the theaters.


Shaming the sheep.


A friend told me that they are pretty shameless


Is it really true that nobody’s seen the entirety of “Undefeated” because every showing quits halfway through?

If I had a hat, I’d be doffing it in your honor, Pere Ubu (if that is your real name!).

Spearhafoc, who loves ya, baby

A friend told me that they are pretty shameless

Damn right! The sheep are just asking for it! Going all woolless in the spring after they’re shorn…

‘Scuse me, I’ll be in my bunk.


I hear you can see Russia from the theater, too.

Spearhafoc, who loves ya, baby

As Hollyweird has long been infiltrated by Communist fifth columnists, you can see Russia from all theatres.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I hear you can see Russia from the theater, too.


Poor conservatives, they have to subject themselves to a diet of crap culture in order to avoid badthink.

Spearhafoc, who loves ya, baby

they have to subject themselves to a diet of crap culture in order to avoid badthink.

I believe that’s the official mission statement of several promoters of Christian Rock.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, Christian Rock, An American Carol, The Half Hour News Hour, The Overton Window… the list goes on. In order to make any claim on a cultural item which doesn’t suck, they have to totally misrepresent it- e.g. Rock the Casbah, not about attacking Arab countries.


The top ten percent’s vision for America’s middle class. The poor will have already been ground up for glue, fertilizer, and dog food.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The poor will have already been ground up for glue, fertilizer, and dog food.

They’re in the bag. Damn, shouldn’t our society have helped the poor woman on the garbage heap rather than moved to reduce it’s own members to that state.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Midnight grammar fail… substitute a question mark for that period.


“It’s not quitting, it’s GOING GALT! Get it straight.”

When she wears that Star of David, she’s going gevalt.


In their place, you promote the top clubs from AAA into the top flight of MLB.

Always thought that North American sports could do with a big of relegation/promotion fights that is normal practice in our football (soccer to the uninitiated). Like you suggested, the bottom teams could play off to find the worst team, who would then be relegated to whatever you call the next level down in baseball/american football/basketball/hockey, and promote the winner of those leagues. Increases the interest, nothing like relegation death matches, and give some new boys a chance.

Supporting a team that has had four up and downs in the last 15 years, it certainty keeps it interesting (although the relegation part does send me into deep depression for about 3 months).


and more seriously, it was bound to happen,

so when do we start bombing the Libyan rebels?


When she wears that Star of David, she’s going gevalt.

Such choots-pah.


Fucking Cantor’s stands to make money should the U.S. default. How the fuck could that ever be legal?

Like I said @19:33, it’s shit like this that makes me think it’s going to go down.

Cliffotines are the only thing that will stop this shit. The banksters and their minions have been given too much control to go back now. They want it all, want it the fuck now, and want it over your dead body so they can laugh while skullfucking your corpse. If we are ever going to have a middle class again, the violence will make any previous labor struggles look tame. I don’t think anything short of that will wrest a single iota of power from their grip.

Nice little dustup gocart got into over there. Are the purity trolls always so thick on the ground at bj?


Datura is apparently a severely bad trip.
Some things even I won’t do.


Are the purity trolls always so thick on the ground at bj?

There are some very serious people there.


There are some very serious people there.

I lolled. Also, I love to watch Motoko_chan argue with them. Man, it’s a good time.


I like the relegation idea, applied to the NFL. If Cleveland had to go down and replace Ohio State, would anyone notice?


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