I’ll See Your Bill Haymin and Raise You a Guy Adams

OK, Travis, if that’s how you want to play the game, then check out this fine Guy Adams column entitled…



My very brief encounter with Joe Brummer’s gay BLOG

Guy Adams
July 29, 2006

Joe Brummer is a gay activist. You probably haven’t heard of him because he’s not well-known. I entered his Replace the Lies With TRUTH blog the other day and posted a couple of gentle messages about the truth about homosexuality.

Ah yes. We all know how Guy feels about homosexuality. Click here if you need a reminder (emphasis Guy’s):

In “Will and Grace,� we have what NBC describes as a “light-hearted drama,� but let’s imagine–just what does Will actually do with his boyfriends? I apologize for the question, but now you can begin to see that “gay� is not really gay. There’s nothing “gay� about anal sex or any other male-to-male sex act. I am not trying to be provocative for the sake of shock value alone, but with good reason I ask you, when the curtain folds and the light fades to black, just what do homosexuals do with each other in bed?

So as you can see, Guy spends a lot of time thinking about what homosexuals do with each other in bed. He says it’s “disgusting,” of course, but he curiously can’t seem to take his mind off it.

Anywho, let’s go back to his current column:

I was interested because of his continued criticism on his blog of Stephen Bennett and Stacy Harp, two well-known pro-family activists. What I found on his BLOG were untrue insinuations and other false information. I know Stephen, Stacy, and their work, and it would seem that Joe has misinformed his readers. At least, that’s my opinion after visiting his site.

We can only win the moral and cultural war going on in our country today if we practice and preach the truth. It is my belief that militant homosexual activists do not, and when truth confronts them, they turn it off and run away.

Oh, they run away, all right… to their beds… where they do things to each other.

Homosexuals accuse Christians of being intolerant, but now more than ever, I maintain that it is the militant homosexuals who are the most intolerant. After I posted a few messages exposing the truth about homosexuality, Joe logged me off saying “Wow, Guy[,] you have violated the rules on comments too many times.” Not true. I violated none of his rules.

Guy, you’re not really going to spend an entire column writing about a flame war you had with an uknown gay blogger, are you?

It was Joe Brummer who was being intolerant, I feel — meaning no disrespect. By and large, gays are not open to the truth. It’s their way or no way. They want gay marriage or else it’s marriage for no one.

Wow! Gays want to stop straight people from getting married?!! I had no idea! Why haven’t I ever heard any gay rights activist discuss this vile and wicked plot?!?! It must be the liberal media covering it up, just like they try to hide what Will and his boyfriend do to each other in bed.

Anyway, here is one of the comments that got Guy banned from Brummer’s BLOG:

I’m a little puzzled by the vitriolic view of Bennett and Harp. You say that Bennett ‘constantly paints a bad picture of gays,’ right? Okay then, paint me a good picture of them. Honest, I’m open, I really am. But having semi-anonymous sex in bathhouses just doesn’t paint a good picture, does it? Nor does any group of people that has 30% of its members having HIV and AIDS, and by their own repeated behavior. Dr. Diggs says this figure will rise to 50 within the next 2-3 years. Having unprotected sex despite these numbers — does that sound like good judgment to you? I know Stephen Bennett and Stacy Harp and they bear NO hatred toward gays.

“Nope, they just think gays are a bunch of disease-ridden bathhouse butt-sexers who do gross stuff to each other in bed. But there’s no hatred there.”

But they are trying to reach out to the gay in love.

Best sentence ever.

How? By honestly telling you that God loves you but hates your behavior. You can’t get around the word He has chosen to call it an “abomination.”

The same goes for all you shrimp-eaters.

I was at the Gay Games in Chicago last week with Peter LaBarbera and Sandy Rios. NONE of us were violent or used hateful behavior but you should have heard the overly hateful and profane speech used by the gays their in protest to our presence.

“We just called their behavior an abomination and they got all upset. I can’t see why!”

I was even hit over the head with a sign by a gay protester. Does his demeanor seem ‘gay’ to you? Are you truly ‘gay’ and happy in your heart, or is something missing? Like with a car, when in doubt refer to the owner’s manual, and in your case, that would be the Bible. God does not endorse any form of homosexuality so why do it?

Now that thar is good logic! God doesn’t endorse wearing pants either, so I guess we can do away with those!

And if God calls it sinful behavior, surely there must be a way out, as Stephen Bennett and thousands of other ex-gays have done, and apparently quite successfully.

I do NOT hate gays. I do not advocate discrimination or ANY violence against them. I frequently get replies after email exchanges between me and gays who write me and I am appalled at the behavior of many Christians against gays. We are to confront the sinner with love, dignity and respect, as I endeavor to do. But true love also demands that we state the truth about the gay’s sin. It is medically dangerous, frequently lonely, and at times guilt-ridden.

“And this is why we have to stop gay marriage- because it might make the gays less lonely, and thus less guilt-ridden!”

If I fail to say that I am betraying myself and I am failing you. And I do suggest that gays have nothing to lose by at least checking out what God says about your lifestyle. You can also see SBMinistries.org to get some short-cut info, if you’re honest and sincere enough to do so.

Are gays like Joe Brummer tolerant? We’ll see. If my posts are removed and I cannot post any further, you’ll know. The ball is in his court. If you’d like to contact me, I WILL respond.

“And when you do contact me, tell me what you do with your boyfriend in bed. Just so I can be, uh, you know, properly disgusted and whatnot.”

Anyway, Guy sums up this little incident thusly:

At this point in the session, Joe abruptly and suddenly logged me off. So just who are the really intolerant ones? Am I wrong here? If I am, prove it to me in a rational and logical manner. To me, it seems that the homosexuals are intolerant. Although they accuse Christians of being “homophobic,” to me, they are Christ-phobic. They, like Joe, are afraid of hearing the truth. They want their sin and any religion, person or group that attempts to tell them that what they have chosen to do is wrong, is called “bigoted” and “intolerant.” It reminds me of the remark by Jack Nicholson near the end of the movie “A few Good Men” where he said “You can’t handle the truth!” So it is with many gays.

Jack Nicholson was, of course, the villain in the film whose unlawful orders led directly to the death of one of his soldiers. Now that’s what I call a role model!


Comments: 59


You know, when I show up at church and explain to all the attendees that they are delusional, sad and foolish for wasting all this time and money on a figment of their frothing, overheated imaginations, you wouldn’t believe how badly they treat me!*

(*a totally made up story: unlike Guy, I actually AM tolerant of and polite to people with whom I disagree.)


“The Brady Bunch” is described as a light-hearted comedy, right? But what do Mr. and Mrs. Brady do in bed? Yes, they have vaginal and anal sex! (But not oral, that’s Alice’s job)


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d rather imagine what Will does with his boyfriend in bed than Alice going down on Mike Brady. Ewwwwww!

Smiling Mortician

My default reaction to guys like Adams is to ask: incompetent or malicious? Is he truly so stupid that he doesn’t see the inherent difference between, on the one hand, his perceived right/duty to condemn through protest the personal characteristics of others that affect no one but themselves and their partners, and on the other hand our actual right/duty to condemn through protest the public decisionmaking of those whose every move affects everyone on the planet? Or does he understand that difference and cynically choose to feign thick-headed good-heartedness in order to gather followers who will ultimately act in response to his urging?

In this guy’s case, I lean toward option A — all that fevered imagining about what “the gays” do sexually is just . . . well, put some Queer as Folk on your netflix already and then you can stop wondering.

I guess in the final analysis it doesn’t matter whether he’s deliberately vicious or just ignorant because either way, I don’t see a way he’s going to change — I don’t even see a way for him to understand that there’s a huge and meaningful difference between his call for gay people to stop being gay and my call for him to stop telling others how to be who they are.



Yes, those bastard gays. Always going around being intolerant of your right to tell them, on their dime or on their time, that they’re abominations and that the Lord hates them and that what they do is disgusting and no better than kid- or dog-fucking, and that they don’t *really* love the people they’ve been living with for ten or twenty years.
I guess we know who the *real* bigots are: The gays.

My religion, of course, requires me to troll wingnut blogs and tell them my goddess thinks they’re all dorks who will never get laid, and they may think they’re happy, but the truth is they’re just lonely, sad, pathetic little boys hanging out in their parents’ basements, jacking off to Tom Clancy and falling pathetically asleep with their Nuke Mecca t-shirts drying slowly on their corndog-and-Cheeto bellies, and dreaming of a perfect world where they really *can* let someone kill everyone who disagrees with them, and where that Milky Way bar really *does* turn into a tiny exotic (but not too exotic) chick who is in awe of everything about them. Repent!

I trust I will not be greeted with any anti-intolerance intolerance.


Actually, punkinsmom, Alice DOESN’T go down on Mike Brady. She only goes down on CAROL.
There, wasn’t that a better mental image?


BTW, is it possible Guy Adams is the man Dr Mike, Ph D, has been looking for all his life? They even have the same last name! That’d save a lot of trouble right there.

Please, nobody tell me they’re related. Unless, you know, they’re cousins, in which case let’s get John Stossel as Best Man.


“God doesn’t endorse wearing pants either, so I guess we can do away with those!”

I, for one, am looking forward to letting it all swing free. Praise the Lord!

Smiling Mortician

hanging out in their parents’ basements, jacking off to Tom Clancy and falling pathetically asleep with their Nuke Mecca t-shirts drying slowly on their corndog-and-Cheeto bellies

And there’s another difference between this Guy guy and the people he’s obsessing over: I’m pretty sure that none of the sinful studs he conjures in his sweat-drenched dreams spends a single moment fantasizing the above scene — no offense intended to the brilliance of D’s description, which is oddly beautiful, from a literary point of view.


They want gay marriage or else it’s marriage for no one.

Well, to be fair, that’s one (misguided, paranoid, batshit crazy) way of interpreting the rulings striking down marriage laws as unconstitutional.

Oh, and by the way, I oppose outlawing any consensual sex acts in part because I *really* don’t want to be on a jury where I have to think about somebody’s idea of fun. Sounds like Guy Adams really, really wants to think about sodomy.


I’ve heard this argument before from fundamentalists: “I don’t hate gay people, but I’m required to inform them that what they’re doing is a sin.”

Funny thing is, I can’t recall any other “sin” that bears this requirement.

“When was the last time you called your mother? Really? That long, huh? Well, I know we’re friends and all, but you should know that you’re violating the third commandment and are probably going to hell. Is that cool with you?”


“My religion, of course, requires me to troll wingnut blogs and tell them….. I trust I will not be greeted with any anti-intolerance intolerance”

Now there’s an idea!

I have to admit the first thought that came into my mind was that Guy’s whole column was written after he got himself banned for trolling some blog.

Guy also commits a common Right Wing logical fallacy by claiming that because one individual behaved badly, it refutes the political position that individual adheres to. (of course, I suppose it works the same way in his direction…..)


You know, Guy Adams is an anagram for Gay Dumas. OK, that doesn’t entirely work.


The same goes for all you shrimp-eaters.

For the record, shellfish is `sheqetz,’ while homosexuality is `to’evah.’

You’d have to ask a Jew what the difference is, but as I understand it, `sheqetz’ means `tomayto’ and `to’evah’ means `tomahto.’


Deception by omission, very good for you Mr. Adams. Kets fill the readers in on all the stuff you left out.

1)In our conversations, Guy never onced asked me what I believe about god, he just assumed I was wrong without even knowing what I do believe. Intolerant, nope, just don’t feel I should have to take insults from some person who doesn’t know me.

2) Mr. Adams informed me in an email that my partner of 7 yrs doesn’t really love me. Of course he doesn’t know us and has no right to say such things to others. When I objected to such insulting comments, I was being intolerant. Yup! I was, I do not tolerate lies and distorations what is what you were posting on my site. You weren’t posting any truths, just your religious opinions. Not facts. SOrry, I do do opinions, I would never tell someone their partner, male or female doesn’t really love them because it is not my place to say.

Either way thanks for the plugg, the more hits my site can get, the more the message gets out about you Westboro Baptst Church type of people. I don’t have to point out your bigotry and hypocrisy because you do such a good job showing the world on your own.


Sex between consenting anuses? I thought the Bible was clear that only male and female anuses have the right to do that, after they fart ‘I do’.

I’ve been misguided for all these years by my gay friends. I thought they only gave each other blowjobs like happy neocons do.

I’m going to get me a T-shirt that says:

The Only Commandment of the GOP:
My pee-pee stops where your poo-poo begins.


I’m going to get me a T-shirt that says:

The Only Commandment of the GOP:
My pee-pee stops where your poo-poo begins.

One XXL size black, please.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

I’m convinced the gay marriage controversy will only go away when the teenage girls who write and read slash fiction get to voting age.


Ah, the old “You won’t let me spew my hatred, so you’re intolerant!” trick.

I hate those people, I really do. As if straight people have NEVER taken part in anonymous sex, orgies and any of the zillions of ways of getting off, no, it’s only Teh Geighs. As for his AIDS stuff, I’m too busy watching the Angels beat the snot out of the Sawx to really bother Googling it, but gay HIV rates have held steady while hetero women (especially women of color) are the fastest growing group.


Woops, hit submit too soon. Memo to Guy Adams:

You really shouldn’t be dissing on us gays when you look *exactly* like a gay leather bar patron, ca. 1978.

Just sayin’.


Henry Holland

Wasn’t he the Construction Worker?


Just as our friend Gary Ruppert regularly uses the word “Fact”, but apparently doesn’t really know what it means, I’m pretty sure Guy is unclear on the meaning of the English Language Word “Truth”…



Wow, reading the comments here is interesting but also saddens me. I remind those on the pro-gay side, the we cannot meet this type of hate speech with more hate. We must meet it with love and compassion. What guy is doing to gays and lesbians along with his coherts like Stacy Harp and Stephen Bennett is wrong and immoral. Doing something in the name of god, doesn’t make it right. Wars have been fought in the name of god. Killings in the name of a nonviolent god? Wrong and immoral.

If we are going to really win our rights we must meet this “interolerance” with love. I don’t really believe in the Loch Ness Monster. My friends have showed me pictures, videos, all this so called evidence, but I am sorry. I just do not believe. I am tolerant of my friends beliefs in the Loch Ness Monster, but I have asked him for the sake of our friendship not to try and convince me of its “truth”, because I do not believe it is the “truth”. He is welcome to have “his truth” about the Loch Ness Monster, but he needs to be tolerant andunderstanding that I do not share those beliefs.

If I can convice my friends to tolerate that do not believe in Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster and aliens, why cannot I not get Christians to tolerate that I do not believe in their “version” of he truth and that their version of the truth is completely out of line with the scientific evidence about Gays and Lesbians.

If you come to a site and post “scary things” about another group that “might” happen, but there is no evidence they will happen, you are only using scare tactics, fear and lies. I have NO TOLERANCE for fear tactics, and lies.

I respect the Guy Adams has his beliefs about Gays and Lesbians, but I am under no obligation to give him a platform for those beliefs when I know for fact those beliefs lead to violence against gays.

FACT: Hate crimes against gays rose 37% during the 2004 election where gay marriage was a hot topic and conservatives were spewing the “stop the homo” mantra. Whenever you blame a group for “destroying the family” or “causing disease” etc….you are asking for a call to arms against that group.

You got it. That same call to arms costs gays and lesbians lives. Dead. Done. Murdered. Why, so you can protect marriage. Was it worth the deaths?

Either way, I will meet Guy’s “truth” and what he has done with it with love and compassion. BUT I will continue to point out these lies and distortions until they are done. I will not stop until gays and lesbian can walk the street without fear of being bashed or being told they will burn in a hell many do not believe exists.

The Arc of the Universe leans to the side of Justice. Even for gays. Hence all the of Justice and Rights we have found. The Universe and god are with us and we will continue to win our rights.


The Brady Bunch. Now that was really a proto-typical neocon family. An alcoholic mother, a closeted gay father and a maid who never married. Sounds about right!


Oh and don’t forget the episode where Greg and Marcia shared that attic bedroom. Who knows what went on up there during the commercials, especially when it dawned on them they weren’t biologically related?


Wow, reading the comments here is interesting but also saddens me. I remind those on the pro-gay side, the we cannot meet this type of hate speech with more hate. We must meet it with love and compassion.

Why, when mocking and derision are so much more fun?

On a more serious note….I, alas, am of the opinion that meeting homophobic bigotry with “love” cheapens the meaning of the word “love”.

Loving everybody is logically the same thing as loving nobody. If someone loves me, I want that emotion to be distinguishable in some meaningful way from, say, the emotion they feel for Karl Rove.


Here’s my question for Guy. How come so many straight men want to shove their dicks up women’s asses? EH? Looked at any straight male porn lately? Apparently they’re crazy for double anals..that’s two dicks up a female’s ass.

Homosexuals don’t have a monopoly on anal sex YOU RETARD.

Aside from this little truth about straight men, I have to wonder about straight men who spend oodles of time imagining what gay men do in bed.


“Wow, reading the comments here is interesting but also saddens me….we cannot meet this type of hate speech with more hate. …we must meet this “interoleranceâ€? with love…”

Look, Joe, and please believe me I sympathize with the cause. But you’ve come to Sadly, No with a misconception. What happens here is not “hate,” it’s snark.

Your rather hectoring post makes it seem that you haven’t fully read with comprehension either the opening post or the comments. Either that or you’re humor-deprived.

Anyway, fight the good fight, but don’t fight it by lecturing people at Sadly, No, who ALREADY ARE ON YOUR SIDE.


and you are Right “g”, I rushed through this post and actually thought it was put here by “guy”, I apologize for that misunderstanding. I was actually havening a yeard sale when I check my email and saw the link, so I rushed and should have thought more before repsonding. I hope you will take my apology.

As for thought about repsonding in love, well gays and lesbians have been fighting the right with caddy remarks for years and all we have made are enemies who use it against us. Imagine the power if we responded with unending Agape love in the same way the civil rights were won in the 60’s. The power of not giving them fire power against us, it strong!

I do have a sense of humor don’t get me wrong, but I feel strongly that there is a time and place to be serious and when it comes to fighting those who would just as well see us dead. Nope, I am very serious.

Sorry to be a downer. Really in life I am much more fun, but on this issue I am “militant” as they say!


I can’t be arsed to look this up, but wasn’t the Brady Bunch famously the first tv show where the parents actually shred the same bed? as opposed to having double beds like Lucy and Ricky or Rob and Laura or whoever.
Because all the close-minded prudes were afraid that people might eventually realize that parents might have actually done some squishy things that made them in 9 months time become parents.
don’t know if i’m going off on a tangent here. it just seemed apropros to bring it up.


There’s a good argument to be made that the civil rights movement was able to make the gains it did because the white power structure found that by appeasing the love ‘n peace crowd, they were able to block the appeal of the Black Power crowd.

Or in other words, “Agape love” only works when it’s backed up with the threat of an ass-kicking.

I sorta wish I didn’t find that argument as persuasive as I do.


er, “shared”. not “shred”.




The Brady Bunch was indeed the first U.S. TV show to feature a married couple sharing a bed. However, the staging requirements needed to get this past the censors were pretty intense – things like both actors had to have their hands *above* the covers at all times, and so forth. If you go back and watch episodes, you’ll notice they’re almost always sitting up next to each other in bed – it was about the only way the shot could be staged without the prude police having an aneurysm.


I thought it was Fred and Wilma.

Chris Moorehead

The condemnation of homosexuality in Leviticus is generally believed by most reputable theologians to have come, not from God, but from the Aaronid priesthood who were desperately trying to keep their jobs following the fall of the North Kingdom and the subsequent relocation of the rival order of priests (descended from Moses) from Shiloh to Jerusalem.

It’s also likely that what was being condemned was not homosexuality per se, but Canaanite temple prostitution, because it posed a threat to the Aaronid priests’ own religion. This makes perfect sense – if you were going to choose a religion from one of (a) you pay the guardian of the temple and then have sex with the priest or priestess of your choice; or (b) you pay the guardian of the temple and they butcher your livestock and burn it in front of you – which religion would YOU choose?

In any event, if homosexuality was such an abomination, you would think that Jesus would have mentioned it somewhere in the New Testament. But Jesus (and Paul, for that matter) seemed much more concerned with those who were overly proud and self-righteous – sound like anyone we know?


Wilma does nothing for me, but I always thought Betty was hot…



Joe, I went to your site and I see where you’re coming from, but don’t take us too seriously: we are snarky. I am willing to bet that half of Renew America’s traffic comes from regular readers of Sadly, No! I’m also suspicious that Brad is the editor of the site, and encourages Grogan’s abuse of punctuation (“That’s it Kaye, MORE COMMAS, MORE COMMAS, YES, YES, YES”)

Oh well, we mock because we love.


I, alas, am of the opinion that meeting homophobic bigotry with “love� cheapens the meaning of the word “love�.

Loving everybody is logically the same thing as loving nobody. If someone loves me, I want that emotion to be distinguishable in some meaningful way from, say, the emotion they feel for Karl Rove.

Jillian, I love you for concisely saying in three sentences what I’ve seen some atheist authors try to express over several paragraphs, or even pages (though I do appreciate their efforts, however crosseyed and drooling they may have left me).

Oh, and for this: Or in other words, “Agape loveâ€? only works when it’s backed up with the threat of an ass-kicking. That’s heartwarming right there, that kind of succinct delivery.

Herr Doktor Bimler

joanthan said,
I can’t be arsed to look this up, but wasn’t the Brady Bunch famously the first tv show where the parents actually shred the same bed?

Is that where they put the mattress through the branch mulcher? I don’t remember seeing that episode.

er, “shared�. not “shred�.

Curses, thwarted again.


I wonder why he types “BLOG” in all caps. Does he think it’s an acronym for something?

Like, I dunno, “Being Lesbian Or Gay”?

Butt-Loving Orgasm Guy”?

Big Liberal Orgy Gang”?


I remind those on the pro-gay side, the we cannot meet this type of hate speech with more hate.

Lucky for me, I’m not on the pro-gay side. I’m on the “According to my religion, that’s a sin, but feel free to practice your religion” side.

The condemnation of homosexuality in Leviticus is generally believed by most reputable theologians to have come, not from God

I don’t know about that.

It’s also likely that what was being condemned was not homosexuality per se, but Canaanite temple prostitution, because it posed a threat to the Aaronid priests’ own religion.

But this is definitely true. That’s actually the explanation given in the Bible.

ned fucking flanders

What an idiot.

Nor does any group of people that has 30% of its members having HIV and AIDS

I wonder if Guy knows that one such “group” is the entire age 15-to-49 demographic in South Africa.

So I guess South Africans are naturally degenerates. I wonder what they do to each other in bed.


I am a hardhearted, cynical, cranky lady, Mr. Mordant, and I’ve come to realize that pussyfooting around the unpleasant parts of reality doesn’t make them any better.

But thanks for your kind words. Kind words are almost as much medicine for the emotions as monkeys are. Ever watch a bunch of monkeys? They’re so goshdarned cute.

I love monkeys.


I wonder why he types “BLOG� in all caps. Does he think it’s an acronym for something?

He also thinks banning is the same as logging out.
At this point in the session, Joe abruptly and suddenly logged me off.


Hey, if I post now, will it come out bold and italics too?

“I thought it was Fred and Wilma. ” Nope, Fred and Wilma slept in twin beds.

“I feel strongly that there is a time and place to be serious ”

Go in peace, Joe. But I’ve always been curious about people who seem to think that because other people spend a few idle moments commenting on blogs, it means that they don’t do anything else useful. Couldn’t a person have a few minutes of snarky fun while taking breaks from thei highly effective activist job? Or between writing pointed and targeted letters to their representatives? Or between serving in the trenches of charity?

Just wondering.


Sweet monkey Christ, he’s crazier than Swank.


Alice and Sam.



I’m convinced the gay marriage controversy will only go away when the teenage girls who write and read slash fiction get to voting age.



Tak: They’re not all teenage girls, sadly. Many already vote and it’s not enough.

Mr Brummer, you’re a nice person. But every gay person gets to decide for themselves what their own response to “your long term partner doesn’t really love you, and you don’t really love your partner, just ’cause your innies and outies match up” will be.

Jillian is, once again, exactly right. And I’m frankly, even if it hadn’t been shown to not work, just plain tired of saying “I understand your point of view, but maybe you could stop comparing my entirely consentual, stable, and generally quite happy relationship with, you know, baby-raping, or at least stop doing it where my partner is likely to hear”.

There’s no reason to believe that turning the other cheek would have led them to greet us with open arms. Hasn’t worked out well for the democrats or the media, has it. I can’t bring myself to believe that people who sincerely don’t understand the nature of tolerance or love are capable of offering either if I just make the first move. It hasn’t worked before, and I’m not willing to keep at it until they round us up and send us to the ex-gay camps.

And on a personal note, I find it very difficult to even agree to be in the same room with people who apparently genuinely don’t understand the concept of “consent”.

Time is on our side. The ones who hate us because of what we are are dying off. It may take a while, but it’s pretty well inevitible, assuming they don’t in the meantime kill us all because they’re also convinced being Muslim is a sin punishable by death. They’re screaming louder because they’re fewer, and it bugs the hell out of them.

I’m not ready to make nice until I see just a little hint of good faith from them. Does that make me intolerant of intolerance? Sure as hell. Tell you what, I’m also bigotted against bigots. I’ve made peace with it a long time ago. It was a lot less revolting than trying to make peace with the haters under their terms.


Oh, they run away, all right… to their beds… where they do things to each other.

Bunk. I haven’t had any in… days!

Guy, you’re not really going to spend an entire column writing about a flame war you had with an uknown gay blogger, are you?

Yeah! At least have the decency to pick a fight with Aravosis, for crying out loud! ‘Course, it’s a pretty safe bet he’ll ban you, too.

At this point in the session, Joe abruptly and suddenly logged me off. So just who are the really intolerant ones? Am I wrong here?

Gee, maybe he realized that conversing any further with Mr. Hate-teh-sin-not-teh-sinner would be, oh what’s the term?, pointless? Really, talking to people who have internalized their ideology so thoroughly that they refer to it as the “truth” is really a giant fucking waste of time, plus it raises your blood pressure unhealthily. What a fuckwit.


I would like everyone to stop lumping all Christians together with people like you have been snarky to this weekend. They are IDIOTS, crazy idiots! Many Christians are extremely tolerant and accepting of gays and the gay lifestyle and know that love is love is love. If you have love, rejoice!


Relax. Wendy. Our snark is only for Guy.


Not so. Our snark is for people like Guy. Feel free to decide on your own if you fit that profile. I’m sensing you don’t think you do, in which case, welcome and feel free to snark about Guy yourself.

I’m actually going to guess that Christians who are not huge homophobes have some valuable insights for and on those who are.


I just don’t want Guy to be an example of what Christians are ALL like, and both sides seem to think so.


We think people like Guy are morons, so the fact that Guy self-identifies as a “Christian” is the reason we attack him on that level. In other words, it’s his own damned fault. OTOH, I don’t think anybody ’round here was making any sweeping statements about Christians in general, or even the more generic “religious.” We try to be pretty specific about who we insult, though sometimes, as in “wingnuts,” the category is fairly expansive.


Guy is playing to lose. The more he can feel persecuted, the more picked-on he can appear, the more he becomes just like Jesus. Only without the icky nail holes.

His inferiority complex is looking for reassurance and approval–and he’s decided the way into the Jets is by dissing the Sharks.


Guy links to some “ex-gay” “minister” who “was gay until he was 28” (snicker), who just happens to have strong ties to Timothy LaHay – the Left Behind(snicker) jerk.

These people make me wanna puke. Their assertion that being gay is a choice is so laughable. I don’t recall ever sitting back and thinking – “you know, I’ve been wasting my time chasing all these hot girsl all the time. I think I might like men!”

Whata bunch o whackos.


Oh, and thanks for not closing your bold tags, ned fucking flanders, you jerk!


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