Your Erroneous Zones: A Republic, If You Can Keep It1

Erick Erickson, RedState:
The Peter Principle
We hang together or hang separately.

  • This is whe-ere the party ends,
    I just sit here, wondering why you,
    Won’t stand by your racist friends.2

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™



1 This is in keeping with Erickson’s form, ‘title of a 1970s pop-nonfiction bestseller: phrase attributed to Benjamin Franklin.’

Erickson, a man intellectually as well as aesthetically capable of writing the title, “Vichy Republicans,” then stepping back from his easel and squinting with his thumb extended and adding the subtitle, “The quislings have formed a fire brigade to shoot at Cheney, Limbaugh, and others for burning down the quislings’ potemkin village,” is reading this right now in his customary brick-red, fuming manner, unable to see what the joke is, and therefore certain that it isn’t funny.

Further posts in the series may include Looking Out for Number One: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed, and Final Exit: In This World Nothing Can Be Said to Be Certain, Except Death and Taxes. Mr. Erickson is asked whether he likes fishsticks.

2 Cf.


Comments: 247

Rusty Shackleford

Future Shlock


Fear of Flying: This town needs a library


Passages: Ow, this electricity shit hurts


He said peter.


Yes, I agree. By all means, you MUST stand by your men Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, etc. It’s really for the good of the movement. Please, more like this.



Peter, under pressure and fear, denied Christ not just once, but three times.



Chariots of the Gods: If you have no honey in your pot, have some in your mouth*

*I have no idea what this means.


…perhaps an even greater bother are the high minded types on our side who condemn any level of aggressive activism because it is icky, mean, or beneath us. There is a war going on. We fight. Suck it up.

More chickenshit right wing fat-asses on wingnut welfare blogging about how they are but valiant soldiers in a war, blah blah blah, hand me another bag of Cheetos while somebody else’s husband or dad or brother or wife or sister gets blown up or shot at or electrocuted in the shower in Iraq or Afghanistan.


The Romans were just lucky that Mark Levin wasn’t around when they were messing with Jesus, ’cause he would have picked up the entire city and thrown it into the Indian Ocean.

Rusty Shackleford


It is harder for us because we have standards on our side largely derived from the Judeo-Christian tradition and fear being labeled hypocrites by those whose “anything goes but decency” mindset prevents them from ever having standards. There are some things that cannot be accepted.

Ahem. Torture.


There is a war going on.

There are two of them, actually.

We fight.

No, you don’t.

Suck it up.

Yeah, you’re great at sucking up.


Ahem. Torture.

Torture is quite integral to the Christian tradition. There would hardly be one without it. And Mel Gibson couldn’t have made a best selling torture porn film either.


Depends and the Art of Tricycle Maintenance


Depends and the Art of Tricycle Maintenance

Awesome. Red State Trike Force, activate! Form of… service-dodging Churchill-spewing chickenshits with a sadistic bent for ass-piling Moozlim darkies!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Ahem. Torture.

There is no “ahem” needed. The actual case is that repigs have always been in favor of torture*, but have kept their true bloodthirsty inclinations hidden so as not to appear as such savages.

* as long as said torture isn’t applied to white American males

Rusty Shackleford

More Erickson:

The vultures in our mist are typically the ones squawking loudest about other conservatives instead of the leftists out to destroy the country.

Them’s good ritin


“Dress for Success: All Cats Are Grey in the Dark”

“Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: What’s a Sundial in the Shade?”

“I’m OK, You’re OK: If Your Head Is Wax”

This is fun!


as long as said torture isn’t applied to white American males

Bullsh*t. If they was libruls or protesters, that threshhold wouldn’t last 2 seconds.


Anybody with principles is a naive absolutist. The only valid principle is ad hoc moral relativism.

Now watch me fuck my hot stripper wife.

this game is easy

“Our Bodies, Ourselves”: Beware the Young Doctor and the Old Barber


The sign on the podium needs a belly button.

An inny in a fat, pale belly, surrounded by ugly black hairs.

That kind of belly button.


Uh oh! The dancing badgers have appeared here too! They are some multiplicatin’ lil critters!


Our Bodies, Ourselves: Fish and visitors smell in three days.


Looking for Mr. Goodbar – Tonight, Molly Stark Sleeps a Widow.


Inside the Third Reich: Content Makes Poor Men Rich

Better Homes and Gardens Fondue and Tabletop Cooking:Slower in Changing

Rusty Shackleford

Now that I get the joke I’d like to amend my post:

Future Shock: I Was Never President, Dumbasses


Quotes from Ben Franklin AND They Might Be Giants – in the same post?

Dude, it’s all like Xmas in here!

(Oh, and is this the guy who wankered about potemkin firemen in Russian fire drills on a hot tin roof or whatever he farted out the other day? ‘Cause man, he sure as hell looks like someone who’s gotten his edyu-katin’ from watchin TV Land.)


The sign on the podium needs a belly button.

An inny in a fat, pale belly, surrounded by ugly black hairs.

Pale fishbelly white, lined with stretch marks and Cheeto dust.

Actually I’m envisioning him as nothing more than a head on a pan in front of that microphone. THEY SAVED REDSTATE’S BRAIN, SUCH AS IT IS


Wait. Is “The Peter Principle” about balls?


vultures in our mist

Didn’t Sigourney Weaver star in that?


Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex but Were Afraid To Ask: A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.


I’m OK, You’re OK: Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Hey, that one actually works.


Up the Organization: If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect.


Alive: He that lives upon hope will die fasting.


Didn’t Sigourney Weaver star in that?

I thought it was a song by Da Lynch Mob.


Has Erickson always been this nutty, or has he just started losing it since Obama got elected?


Ball Four : We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall hang separately.


Honor Thy Father: Distrust and caution are the parents of security.


The Amityville Horror: If you would be loved, love and be lovable.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Up the Down Staircase: Our Poll Numbers are Climbing!


Future Shock – Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes


The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality : He that speaks ill of the Mare, will buy her


The Late, Great Planet Earth: If you would not be forgotten | As soon as you are dead and rotten, | Either write things worthy reading, | Or do things worth the writing.


The Bible: Never Murder a Man That’s Committing Suicide.

Moby Dick: All Cats Are Grey in the Dark

man, i'm totally shocked by this

Wow. Did you see where a female journalist of color was dragged kicking and screaming away from Scare Farce Won?

Me no recall Bushie ever do this.


All Things Bright and Beautiful: One good Husband is worth two good Wives; for the scarcer things are, the more they’re valued.


Breakfast of Champions: To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.


She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon and said she has White House press credentials. The newspaper’s Web site says it is a monthly publication, and a Brenda Lee column is posted on it.

“I said, ‘I’ll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'” said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. “He became annoyed that I wouldn’t give him the letter.”

Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident.

“I was afraid you could see under my clothes,” she said, her voice choking up.

Yep, that sounds like the kind of person we would want near the President. What next, gay prostitutes?

Xecky Gilchrist

The Joy of Sex: A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.


Say, why’d he strike through “Americans For Prosperity?”

It is harder for us because we have standards on our side largely derived from the Judeo-Christian tradition and fear being labeled hypocrites by those whose “anything goes but decency” mindset prevents them from ever having standards

“Torture is alright, but NO POOFTERS.” I believe cussing is also right out.

Games People Play: The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions…

Rusty Shackleford

Why would a reporter for a monthly in Macon, Georgia live in Anaheim?


Check some of “Reverend Lee’s” columns. A few wafers short of a full communion.

Emails are plucked from yahoo; phones lines are tapped and threats continue. One rejects all shots including Novocain at the dentist when one has been poisoned and one’s life has been threatened. Last week a dentist used a ray gun to dry a filling; it sent shockwaves through the body. Now there are headaches and pains that shoot from one side of the head to the other from time to time. It is the hope of some cowardly person or persons that these things will bring about a retreat. Not so! Another call is made to the Justice Department and a formal complaint will be written to President Bush asking for an investigation into the abuse by powerful people who have the means to make these things happen.

methinks the Secret Service was already familiar with her..


Are you sure she is “of color?” Maybe she just has an awesome tan. She lives in California, after all. I ask because nowhere in the linked story is her race, nor anyone’s race mentioned. Odd that you bring it up, innit?

Also, “…identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess…”

Nummm, me no think so.


Xecky, I could have sworn I did or was going to do that combo my own seff.

Rusty Shackleford

Bush would have tortured Ms. Lee. TTB, you know.


Erick, Son of Erick

Remapping the Interstices of the Sexual and Political: Wetsuits, Suspension, and Anal Reimaginings in the Conservative Movement: Strikeforcing while the irony is hot.

Xecky Gilchrist

Xecky, I could have sworn I did or was going to do that combo my own seff.

Sorry – didn’t see it. In any case it’s worth a repeat.

…identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess…

Clearly a time-traveler from the FUTURE!


Why would a reporter for a monthly in Macon, Georgia live in Anaheim?




The Georgia Informer website is a trip too. whoa. Not quite “Timecube” territory but still worth a trip…


Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s to dark to read.


I think probably some Secret Service dudes are about to get suspended.

A reporter for a small newspaper was forcibly removed from a press area near Air Force One shortly before President Barack Obama arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to depart California early Thursday.

Airport security officers carried the woman away by the feet and arms as she protested her removal.

She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon and said she has White House press credentials. The newspaper’s Web site says it is a monthly publication, and a Brenda Lee column is posted on it.

Calls to the newspaper and the White House press office were not immediately returned.

Lee said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that she wanted to hand Obama a letter urging him “to take a stand for traditional marriage.”

She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.

“I said, ‘I’ll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'” said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. “He became annoyed that I wouldn’t give him the letter.”

Lee, who was wearing what she described as a cassock, said she protested when she was asked to leave.

“I said, ‘Why are you bothering me?’ They escorted me outside the gate,” she said.

She said security officers allowed her to return when she promised she would not yell or wave, but then other officers arrived and told her to leave.

“I said, ‘I’m not leaving,'” she said. “They tried to drag me out.”

Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident.

“I was afraid you could see under my clothes,” she said, her voice choking up.

However, to describe her as a journalist is a bit generous. Here’s one of her columns from 2007, in the Georgia Informer:

Rev. Brenda Lee Gives Thanks For No California Earthquake

Several people have died in the California fires and their souls were required because death has taken them from this life into the next. One can choose to believe that one can be prayed into heaven after death, but it is stated, “It is once for a man to die and then the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27 (The souls of the dead were released from purgatory after the death and resurrection of CHRIST. Matthew 27:52-53)

KTYM in Inglewood, California hosted a series of programs on the pending doom of California in 2006. No readings were selected in advance. Week after week the readings pointed to destruction. Not one minister came to support the program or stated that they had also been warned of destruction.

Father James Ries of St. Mary’s Church recommended that the prophetess leave California to GOD, as the reading for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary time/C Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 suggested, “We shake the dust of this town from our feet as testimony against you. But know that the reign of GOD is near.” Psalm 106 was the reading for the morning as the prophetess took the advice of the priest and others and left town.

The Catholic Church, and powerful Californians who perverted the people had two months to enjoy their freedom. There was no talk of disasters and destruction. Everything was calm until the fires broke out

… One rejects all shots including Novocain at the dentist when one has been poisoned and one’s life has been threatened. Last week a dentist used a ray gun to dry a filling; it sent shockwaves through the body. Now there are headaches and pains that shoot from one side of the head to the other from time to time. It is the hope of some cowardly person or persons that these things will bring about a retreat. Not so!

Another call is made to the Justice Department and a formal complaint will be written to President Bush asking for an investigation into the abuse by powerful people who have the means to make these things happen.

Timecube! Other than that, I think she’s freaking out because she went to a dentist who uses that new-fangled non-biblical “laser” technology, but I’m sure there was a thorough Bush Jr. administration investigation into which powers were shooting pain into her head and causing the ungodly to suffer fires but not earthquakes in California due to rudeness experienced by the prophetess.


Woodrowfan: Good work — I guess I spent too much time formatting.


The fact is that you cannot offer watered down versions of the Democrat-Socialist plans and expect to win. You have to produce real alternatives.

Democrat-Socialists support higher taxes on working people, Republicans must support lower taxes on working people.

Democrat-Socialists support more government redtape and complexities in health care, Republicans must support allowing the free market to supply health care.

Democrat-Socialists support allowing invasive illegal immigrants to live in America and avoid prosecution, Republicans must support punishing and deporting every illegal immigrant to give jobs back to Americans.

Democrat-Socialists support union thugs strangling business with their mafia-esque organizations, Republicans must support the right of a worker to have a secret ballot and be able to determine his own destiny.

Democrat-Socialists like Obama are working to crush Republicans, and if we do not fight back, America will be a one-party dictatorship, much like Obama’s home town of Chicago, or the many decayed American cities that have suffered under the rule of Democrat-Socialists.


Holy shite! I gotta bookmark the Jawjuh Infawmuh. Dassome good stuff dere mang!


What Do You Say After You Say Hello: It is universally well known, that in digesting our common food, there is created or produced in the bowels of human creatures, a great quantity of wind.

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.


The Joy of Sex: A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.

Ack ack phhht gack.


if we do not fight back, America will be a one-party dictatorship

You mean like that “Permanent Republican Majority” Rove wanted?


The Romans were just lucky that Mark Levin wasn’t around when they were messing with Jesus, ’cause he would have picked up the entire city and thrown it into the Indian Ocean.

Oh, c’mon, Mark Levin would have been Herod in that scenario. Or Pontius Pilate. Or one of them Pharisees. Or a Sodomite.

(Biblical knowledge exhausted.)


Also, Obama’s Supreme Court nominee is a racist nitwit who doesn’t merit having a lifetime appointment to the court. She has said that being a Hispanic makes her smarter than white people. Which is pure racism.


There is a war going on. We fight. Suck it up.

He’s fighting. By the looks of it, he’s been fighting quite a few Carl Jr’s bacon-cheeseburgers with extra mayo and batter-dipped fries.

What is it about being a right-winger that requires you to be a fat porky son-of-a-bitch? Yeah, I know we’ve got Michael Moore, but at least he can afford to eat like a pig, whereas Erick (sic) Eriksson has to use food stamps.

To be fair, being a John Galt, he doesn’t actually use the food stamps. He sells them to the guy who runs the convenience store and then takes the money to Carl Jr.


Why would a reporter for a monthly in Macon, Georgia live in Anaheim?

They also have bureaus in Utica, NY, Astana, Kazakhstan and Conception, Paraguay.


Loath though I am to over-simplify, it sounds like Erick Erickson is arguing that everyone who wants to purge people from The Movement, should be purged from The Movement.


I have to say, as a longtime reader, it’s rare that you underplay the insanity of your subjects. Are we finally entering that zone where these pasty nutbags are so weird they escape satire? I mean, it’s been talked about, but…


“Oh, c’mon, Mark Levin would have been Herod in that scenario. Or Pontius Pilate. Or one of them Pharisees. Or a Sodomite.”

I vote for closet sodomite Herod supporter.


Erick Erickson is someone who could be a Congressman if he wished to do so. He’s just that smart.

The fact is that if this election was between Obama and Palin, Palin would have won. John McCain lost because Conservatives stayed home over McCain’s liberalism


” it sounds like Erick Erickson is arguing that everyone who wants to purge people from The Movement, should be purged from The Movement.”

Yes, they must destroy the Republican party in order to save it. This is a plan we can all get behind.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

What is it about being a right-winger that requires you to be a fat porky son-of-a-bitch?

Liberals say you should eat healthy and exercise – just like Hitler! – so naturally you have to take one for the team and stuff your gullet with cheetos.

No, seriously, it’s because they’re as lazy and self-indulgent physically as they are intellectually.


with extra mayo and batter-dipped fries

Whoa! Dipped in mayo AND batter?! I gotzta try me summadem. Brilliant!

Rusty Shackleford

Seems like nobody makes really good fries anymore. Why is that? Do you need lard or shortening to do them right?


Yes, they must destroy the Republican party in order to save it. This is a plan we can all get behind.

PAGING Lt Calley! Lt Calley! Your fifteen minutes have just been extended!


A vote for the closet sodomite He-rod supporter is a vote for FREEDOM!


Damn straight Mr Rupert. Palin / Erickson 2012, it is the Republican party’s only chance.


Get with it Calley and don’t worry – I’ve got your back.


Is there a Hall of Fail for internets ‘ritin? Because Eric he who is son of Eric should have his own wing.


I vote for closet sodomite Herod supporter.
Worst EVER remake of “Jesus Christ Superstar”.


“Reporter”/columnist Lee wanted to stuff an envelope containing a letter (ANTHRAX!!11!) into the President’s hand. She was let go minutes later. No claims of brutality, no indications of injury, & no up-skirts, luckily. W/o the photos, I might’ve thought it was the real Brenda Lee. Alas, Pravda only has pointed out how disconnected from reality the homo-haters are.

And could someone remind pseudo-fake Gary to start w/ “The fact is …” It’s just embarrassing.


“An inny in a fat, pale belly, surrounded by ugly black hairs.”



Seems like nobody makes really good fries anymore. Why is that? Do you need lard or shortening to do them right?

The fat does make a big difference. But even then, technique is all important. I do two stage frying. First at 325 F just until they’re gently cooked through – soft but firm and not browned at all. Second fry is at 375 – this time you’re going for texture and color/flavor.

Most important is probably that the fat “gets used” – it palls after cooking only a few batches. That’s probably the real reason, too much reuse of the oil.



Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

But brewing was developed by the Sumerians. Does that mean only the Sumerian god loves us and wants us to be happy?


Sure Erickson is crazy. Crazy like a Badger !


awfuck. As though it isn’t obvious anyway who would go off an a tirade about cooking.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

PeeJ – didja catch my message re: beefs yesterday?


Does that mean only the Sumerian god loves us and wants us to be happy?

Probably only the Sumerian god of beer, whoever he/she/it is.


Seems like nobody makes really good fries anymore. Why is that? Do you need lard or shortening to do them right?

Duck fat is the best. Olive oil’s also good – you just have to be careful because it smokes at a lower temp than most other oils.

But duck fat for cooking fries is just incomparable. When you’re done, top them with some crumbled sauteed foie gras and fresh mozarella, then finish with some really good pan gravy made from the juices of the sauteed foie gras. The best poutine you’ll ever taste.


The Romans were just lucky that Mark Levin wasn’t around when they were messing with Jesus, ’cause he would have picked up the entire city and thrown it into the Indian Ocean.

Oh, c’mon, Mark Levin would have been Herod in that scenario. Or Pontius Pilate. Or one of them Pharisees. Or a Sodomite.

Did you not read the words of Robert Stacy Darrell Jo Jo Rusty Leath Craig Jimmy Joe Bubba Austin Billy Ray Luther Rufus Tyler Dwayne Earl Cletus Roy Wilbur Leon Jay Bird McCain when he wrote that

To be a journalist in Washington is to live one’s life surrounded by men who have never driven 110 mph, never spent a night in jail, and never won a fightfight in their lives.

The upper echelons of American journalism have become the exclusive monopoly of former teacher’s pets, who as children were never sent to the principal’s office, who as teenagers were never suspended for showing up drunk for chemistry class, who as college students never woke up at 6:30 a.m. on the porch of the ATO house, who never played in a rock band or sold a pound of weed or dove from a 50-foot cliff into an abandoned rock quarry…

…One more thing: Mark Levin is a big man. His nasal tenor voice might lead the uninformed listener to picture him as a diminuitive nebbish. He is not. He’s the size of a Big 10 linebacker and I’d bet dollars to donuts Levin could take out Rod Dreher with a single punch.

Mark Levin is a big man.

Hell, if Mark Levin was around when the Romans was messin’ with Jesus, he would have built a giant crucifix and put all of Europe on it.


Last week a dentist used a ray gun to dry a filling; it sent shockwaves through the body. Now there are headaches and pains that shoot from one side of the head to the other from time to time. It is the hope of some cowardly person or persons that these things will bring about a retreat. Not so!

Oooh, that’s getting up into Francis E. Dec territory of crazy.

Rusty Shackleford

But duck fat for cooking fries is just incomparable. When you’re done, top them with some crumbled sauteed foie gras and fresh mozarella, then finish with some really good pan gravy made from the juices of the sauteed foie gras. The best poutine you’ll ever taste.

Holy fucking shit. I just came a little.


What is the difference between Jesus Christ and a Republican?
Jesus liked to turn water into wine. Republicans like to turn whatever into whine.


LDDM – yaz, I did! Thag you berry buch. Sent some emails this antimatter. Here’s hoping…..

PS – Since the flavor is astonishing, I told everyone to buy some grass-fed beef at the downtown marmer’s farket. Once you’ve tasted it, you gotta have more, ya see?


Somewhere at home I have the formula for fries a la Palisades Park, which are supposedly excellent. Haven’t tried it yet.


Mark Levin is so tough, he bench presses Chuck Norris without using his hands.

Fred E. Ceancis

Oooh, that’s getting up into Francis E. Dec territory of crazy.

Ding ding ding.


duck fat and goose fat are kitchen treasures. Knowing that there will be rendered duck/goose fat in the fridge is a huge bump for having duck or goose on the menu. Also, duck cracklings. What more can one say?

Not only does it make potatoeoeoeos the most awesomest thing EVAH, everything fried in it is necessarily fabulous. Just a teaspoon or two mixed into steamed veggies turns the world upside down.


You have to admit, his title is fairly accurate; the modern conservative movement personifies the Peter principle quite well. Very few of them have not risen to their level of incompetence.


Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

But brewing was developed by the Sumerians. Does that mean only the Sumerian god loves us and wants us to be happy?

Maybe Ben Franklin was a closet Sumerian–which would mean he was from terrorist country. So Ben Franklin was not only a president, but a terrorist! And probably not really born in the USA! Just like Obama Hussein X!

Rusty Shackleford

duck fat and goose fat are kitchen treasures.

I’m going to have to get some of that. Never cooked duck before, but how different from cooking chicken could it be? And I LOVE duck.


Fred E. Ceancis said,

May 28, 2009 at 23:49

Ding ding ding?

The hon. mr. snugglepuss

“Erick Erickson is someone who could be a Congressman if he wished to do so. He’s just that smart.”

To be a congressman? That’s not a requirement, my friend.


Great reference from the little-known alternative alternative group, “The White Be Giants”.


if this election was between Obama and Palin, Palin would have won.

Anybody notice who hasn’t opened her yap about the SCOTUS nominatin? Do you think it’s because she hasn’t been paying attention, or maybe she’s just not interested?

Actually, IIRC, the last national issue Palin made a statement on, I think, was the Miss California thing. Since then we’ve had some pretty scarey national security stuff, the torture debate, and the SCOTUS appointment – all a lot more important issues than Teh Ghey. If she’s a Preznitial contender, why isn’t she positioning herself on these issues?

She also had very little to say about the bank bailout, too. Also.

I know she’s a lightweight, so I’m not surprised she hasn’t got anything to say, but you’d think that her handlers would want her to maintain visibility. It’s curious.


Never cooked duck before, but how different from cooking chicken could it be?

Very tricky, because of the fat. Get a good cookbook and follow the recipe.

Rusty Shackleford

Get a good cookbook and follow the recipe.

That sounds hard. Can’t I just trap a duck and throw it in the microwave?


Also, duck cracklings. What more can one say?
Cracklings? Oooohhhh, aren’t they cute.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Does that mean only the Sumerian god loves us and wants us to be happy?

Probably only the Sumerian god of beer, whoever he/she/it is.

Inanna, oh Inanna, oh Inanna, Hey, hey…

Fred E. Ceancis

Pere Ubu said,

May 28, 2009 at 23:55

Ding ding ding?



You want to get the fat rendered out from under the skin, so you end up with nice crisp skin and meat that isn’t drowned in grease. There’s a lot of fat on the breast, unlike chicken.

I haven’t done one in a while, but there are methods to assure this. read Barbara Kafka’s Roasting book, that’s probably the easiest.

a concerned citizen

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: As in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

Rusty Shackleford

Thanks, g and PeeJ. I’m not even sure I can get duck around here without killing it myself, but if I can I’m gonna try it.


They’re still losing it. Here, a small Pennsylvania newspaper runs a personals ad which basically publicly wishes for Obama to be assassinated. Either that or something else is meant by “May Obama follow in the footsteps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy”, something like how sometimes you have a long extended primary season like 1968 and well, you remember what happened with Bobby Kennedy. It’s both scary and sad, like someone begging for Saint Jude to please help the dying Republican Party.


Fries are best if they are fried in duck fat from ducks that have fed on beef fed on grass grown on potato farms fertilized by .. wait for it.. PEOPLE!!OMG


FUCK Barbara Kafka! Well, no but her roasting book is NOT the place to go for learning duck. As always, Saint Julia is the go-to-guru. I’ll see if I can find her “designer duck” on-line. In any case, I’ll get back to you with the PROPER way to treat a duck.


begging for Saint Jude to please help the dying Republican Party.
Is he the patron saint of betrayal?



Fries are best if fried in duck fat from ducks that have fed on beef fed on grass grown on potato farms fertilized by ..wait for it.. PEOPLE!!!!ZOMG then dipped in ketchup.


Oh, alright. I almost said Julia, too, but decided Kafka was simpler for a newbie, and Julia’s books might be harder to find.

Her chicken recipe is perfect everytime for me.

What’s wrong with her duck recipe? (full disclosure, never tried it.)


Some have greatness thrust upon them and some just thrust at whatever they can find.


People disappear every day, kids. Where do you think we get the chicken salad?


The Joy of Cooking offers a good, basic roast duck recipe. With that under one’s belt, it is safe to approach St. Julia.


Fred E. Ceancis said,

May 29, 2009 at 0:09

Well how do you know I knew because I’m a pawn of the criminal robot frankenstein radio computer god?

Seriously. That woman’s writing sounds like all kinds of DSM-IV.


What is it about being a right-winger that requires you to be a fat porky son-of-a-bitch?

Well, thanks for reminding me why I will never attempt to meet you people in person ever. You’ll assume I’m a wingnut and throw bar pretzels at me.


Well, thanks for reminding me why I will never attempt to meet you people in person ever. You’ll assume I’m a wingnut and throw bar pretzels at me.

Bring us a giant sammitch and all will be forgiven.


BTW, the trailer for the movie about the internet lady who makes every recipe from Julia Child’s book in a year / Julia Child biopic actually makes the movie look pretty damn good.

But I’m wondering what it would be like to have a movie of, say, John & Jonah, where somebody resolved to make every argument from Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fatcysm in less than a minute.


Holy flaming Sumarians PeeJ. St. Julia, yeah ok, but get a Gastronomique already. From the entry on duck, cooking method: “Very tender- roast on a spit. Tender- roast in the oven. Less tender- braise or roast stuffed. Very Large Birds- use for pates and ballotines and also for cassoulets.” This is followed 4 pages of recipies, many adapted from the great masters, with portions in metric.



“I’m sorry,
So sorry;
Please accept my apology…”

A beautiful record it was, too, and a huge hit. Produced (if I recall correctly) by Owen Bradley with that gorgeous Patsy Cline countrypolitan sound.


A Kafka cookbook? What?
Roast giant beetle, stuffed with apple…


You know, I never read Your Erroneous Zones, but for the longest time I was convinced it was something about “Erogenous Zones” and the leering grin on the cover just didn’t help with that conclusion.


I used to listen to ‘Radar Love’ and wonder who the hell this Brenda Lee was. That was in the days before Teh Great Gazoogle, of course.


“Is that all there is? ”

Oh, no, that’s Peggy Lee.


Or if you only have an internet and are lacking cookbooks, Alton Brown is usually quite good.


Oh, no, that’s Peggy Lee.

That’s Miss Peggy Lee, and don’t you ever forget it.


The New Doubleday is always really helpful on explaining techniques for the different food types.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Till said,
May 29, 2009 at 0:55

Or if you only have an internet and are lacking cookbooks, Alton Brown is usually quite good.

Good Eats is the only TV show I’ve ever recorded every episode of.


A preparation of pork, rabbit, goose, or poultry meat cooked in lard then pounded to a smooth past and served as a cold hord’oeuvre.

which is followed on the page by

Pieces of belly or shoulder of pork, sprinkled with salt then cooked in lard and browned with caramel. “Balzac described them in Le Lys dans la vallee: ‘Pork trimmings sauteed in their own fat, which look like cooked truffles.'”

all with recipies. Foie Gras alone gets almost 5 pages of recipies.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Pieces of belly or shoulder of pork, sprinkled with salt then cooked in lard and browned with caramel.” I could feel my arteries clogging as I read that. Sounds delish.


They’re still losing it. Here, a small Pennsylvania newspaper runs a personals ad which basically publicly wishes for Obama to be assassinated. Either that or something else is meant by “May Obama follow in the footsteps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy”, something like how sometimes you have a long extended primary season like 1968 and well, you remember what happened with Bobby Kennedy. It’s both scary and sad, like someone begging for Saint Jude to please help the dying Republican Party.

Secret Service, white courtesy phone. Secret Service pick up the white courtesy phone please…


What is it about being a right-winger that requires you to be a fat porky son-of-a-bitch?
Michael Moore?


Pork fat rules, but duck fat is liquid love. And Michael Moore almost always turns out to be right. Plus: cracklings.


Bow down and worship me, mortals!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Ninkasi, the Sumerian Goddess of Beer said,
May 29, 2009 at 1:50

Bow down and worship me, mortals!

Yeah, but we had to drink your beer through a straw with a strainer on the end to keep the barley husks in the beaker. Time for a new revelation!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

From Erik MacErik’s comments… project much?

The single biggest ally conservatives have to help us on our road to recovery is Barack Obama. Unfortunately, He will make such a mess of things that it will take years for the country to recover. Conservatives will find opportunity in the rubble of Obama’s economic and foreign policy disasters – just as Ronald Reagan did.


Rev – I see nothing wrong with drinking beer through a straw.


What is it about being a right-winger that requires you to be a fat porky son-of-a-bitch?

Rillettes and rillons.


Conservatives will find opportunity in the rubble of Obama’s economic and foreign policy disasters – just as Ronald Reagan did.

Yes, Obama certainly left quite a mess for Reagan to clean up, didn’t he?


I see nothing wrong with drinking beer through a straw.
Real men pump it straight into their stomachs through a nasal tube.


All this talk about fat and grease is making me queasy.

I’ve never been much of conosseur of fat. I’m not big on cheese, or fast food, don’t like cheesecake. About the only fried thing I go for and would eat every day would be homemade pan-fried okra. I do eat bacon occasionally in limited quantities, I eat lean meat, use the butter and sour cream on potatoes, etc…but not much of big fan of rich fatty food. It’s funny that it only recently occured to me that I was like this even as a little kid – I remember throwing fits if they gave me a piece of meat that had fat on it. They soon learned to cut the fat off before putting it on my plate. My dad recited the Jack Spratt rhyme to me at more suppertimes than I can count when I was 4, 5, 6 years old. We must have some kind of innate individual dietary preferences that come into the world with us.


Erick is going all out:

Redstate compares Rush Limbaugh to Christ

Peter, under pressure and fear, denied Christ not just once, but three times. Peter, though, feared death. The strain on Peter was great. The rest of us, though, typically fear the opinions of others…The incidents of late with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dick Cheney, and others is why I raise this.

Yup. The Republicans who criticize Rush are like Peter and the disciples denying Jesus.

I’ve been considering whether there’s an internal contest among the right wing to come up with the most outrageous statement this week. Can there be any other explanation?


Oh, and this:

Yes, they must destroy the Republican party in order to save it. This is a plan we can all get behind.

Step one: Accomplished!!!!
Step two: ?????
Step three: Permanent Republican majority!!!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Pieces of belly or shoulder of pork, sprinkled with salt then cooked in lard and browned with caramel.

One of Haiti’s most celebrated dishes is grillots, which is similar to this, except the pork shoulder is marinated, then simmered in the juice of Seville oranges. The “hot sauce” on the side, much like the Salvadorenan curtido, masquerades as an innocuous coleslaw.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Uh, I forgot to add the part about taking the simmered pork shoulder and frying it in the rendered pork fat.

Redstate compares Rush Limbaugh to Christ

I can’t picture Limbaugh hanging on a cross… how many nails would that entail?


I can’t picture Limbaugh hanging on a cross… how many nails would that entail?

Some things can’t be imagined. So we’ll just have to give it a whirl and take some photos.

Everyone likes looking at photos of “fraternity hazing.”


Real men pump it straight into their stomachs through a nasal tube.

Women, on the other hand, know there aren’t any taste buds encountered via that passage to enteron.

Hey, B4, I made curtido this very day!


RE: Beer: I likes Guiness.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I likes Guiness.

Me too. I’m also partial to a local Salt Lake City microbrew called Latter Days Stout.


“Deny me three times/I’m goin’ away/Twice for tomorrow/Once just for today”


I like that Mormon Pay-Lay Ale. It gets you in where you’re going.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hey, B4, I made curtido this very day!

MMM… curtido… UHHHH…

Did you make pupusas as well?

RE: Beer: I likes Guinness.

I have a friend who was a roaster for a local coffeeshop, and he suggested floating a shot of espresso on top of a glass of stout. This may even be better than a layer of stout over hard cider or champagne.


Assassination advert editor says:

“The person who took the ad didn’t recognize the significance of the names.

Our educational system at work & play.


•This is where the party ends,
I just sit here, wondering why,
You won’t stand by your racist friends

OK I don’t have time and am also too blowed, to be totally honest, to read through all tha comments, but did any of you all get this ref to this song, Your Racist friend,, on Flood by They might be Giants, which album my freaky fuckin father played at my tenth birthday party, thinkin it wold be good for kids, which dam it really was–Istanbul not consantinople is to this day one of my favorite songs of all time, oh an I also remember we played L:L Cool J’s Mama said Knock Out which was cool too but I’m sure has no relevance to this thread, which I’m not sure what it’s about. so Ok check out Flood and oh I don’t know why but Im hungry as hell…


Did you make pupusas as well?

I just started the curtido today, so now it has to ferment, but no on pupusas. I’ve made unfilled masa cakes which I’ve fried and topped with the curtido in the past, but my husband usually eats it on burritos or with beans and rice.


michael vick is historys greatest monster but foie gras is delicious cause dogs are the only animals capable of suffering.

dogs = people, all other animals = mosquitos.


dogs = people, all other animals = mosquitos.

As Denis Leary said, “and what are you?” “I’m an otter.” “And what do you do?” “I float on my back and do cute things with my hands.” “Alright then, you’re free to go.”

“And what are you?” “I’m a cow.” “And what do you do?” “I stand around eating grass and mooing all day.” “You’re not a cow, you’re a hamburger and a baseball mitt!!! ON THE BUS, pal!”


Michael Vick is… hey look! Dancing badgers, sweet!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Curtido, it’s like kimchi en español .

I wonder what American cuisine will look like in a century, what with all the cross-pollination the righties hate so much.

Of course, with decades of environmental degradation factored in, it’ll be mostly cyanobacteria patties and soylent green.


I can’t picture Limbaugh hanging on a cross… how many nails would that entail?

Astoundingly, Graeme has experimentally determined that the number of nails required would be precisely equal to the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin.


The person who took the ad didn’t recognize the significance of the names.

For this reason I knew not to get mad at the schmucks handling the personals ad section. It’s just the crazy it takes to think one is better off placing such an ad.


Denying Christ is over the top. A better comparison would be the time that Paul told Matthew to STFU.


More (from dried-up old prune Derbyshire) on the persecution & assassination of the English language by the dirty swarthy barbarians, including the obligatory “courtesy” mention:

Granted, it is a courtesy to refer to peoples and their places by the names they themselves use. But why is this consideration supposed to override all others? Here are some of those other considerations

Preview is very un-courteous. I’m goin’ in anyway.


Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed reading your most recent post. I think you should post more often, you clearly have talent for blogging!


Now, there’s a compliment you can really take to heart.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The Roma are the Gypsies. How many other people know this, I cannot guess, but I feel sure it is not many. So why confuse us like this? Why not say “Gypsy”?

The fact that “Gypsy” is based on a completely wrong take on Roma culture, and has taken on a pejorative connotation is lost on Derb.

With any luck, he’ll call a sinewy Pavee boy a “knacker” and get taken to the woodshed.


Clicking through on these dingdongs is beginning to feel like charity … not to mention madness, since being prone to unreasonable optimism (LOL), I never fail to expect more, er, coherence.

Instead I get this:

The incidents of late with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dick Cheney, and others is why I raise this. Putting it bluntly, were these guys on the left, their fellow leftists would at best be cheering them on and at worst silently nodding along. There wouldn’t be any on that side rushing to the nearest microphone to condemn them.

Yuh HUH. The right is justly famous for their constant backstabbing of poor defenceless folks like Bush, Cheney & Limbaugh, unlike the rigidly disciplined left who have NEVAR abandoned or ignored any of their own “Culture Warriors” … sigh.

Can he get stupider? Yes He Can!

There are lots of creeping leftists in the conservative movement who want to exile large segments of the movement so the media will declare them the next William F. Buckley.

What’s Buckley famous for, besides defending Tail-Gunner Joe, threatening to give Gore Vidal a beatdown on TeeVee, & starting up what is now another generic online fishwrapper? A smarmy accent? Bad teeth? A greasy forelock? Does anyone (neocons included) even bother to read Buckley’s opaque meanderings these days?

Don’t look now, Toto, but I don’t think it’s Morning In America anymore.

“Creeping leftists” in Freepertown? Name some. For someone who claims to admire Limbaugh’s “always play offence” strategery, he sure seems loathe to single anyone out here … perhaps because he’s secretly wondering if they’ve got the right idea — Stalinist fun like “Operation Leper” doesn’t look quite as brilliant when your party rates lower than whaleshit, hmm?

Shorter EE: there are enemies among us, our own neocon Benedict Arnolds who will destroy our movement from within unless they’re driven from the fold … who I won’t mention by name, because I may need a reference or a loan from one of them later.


dogs = people, all other animals = mosquitos.

oooh, look, concern troll haz concern.

And for the record, Jimmy Carter is in fact history’s greatest monster, and there’s a Simpsons quote to prove it. So nyah.


Granted, it is a courtesy to refer to peoples and their places by the names they themselves use. But why is this consideration supposed to override all others?

Okay, from now on instead of the name he himself and him uses, “John Derbyshire,” we’ll just call him Fuckwit Shitbiscuit.

Thus I free myself from nymofascism.


A smarmy accent? Bad teeth? A greasy forelock?

Don’t forget the slumping in his chair until his head rested on the armrest.


Stalinist fun like “Operation Leper” doesn’t look quite as brilliant when your party rates lower than whaleshit

Thus the GOP rolls out its “Benthic Strategy”.


dmichael vick is historys greatest monster but foie gras is delicious cause dogs are the only animals capable of suffering.
dogs = people, all other animals = mosquitos.

I couldn’t agree with you more about treating animals consistently.
However, some people object if I treat dogs and cats the same way they treat rats and mice.


Sorry, I hadda step away for a bit.

Holy flaming Sumarians PeeJ. St. Julia, yeah ok, but get a Gastronomique already

Well, I already got one. Plus a gazillion for citing Escoffier anyway. But…But… it’s a bit much for anyone without mad skilz awready.

With that under one’s belt, it is safe to approach St. Julia.

Non mon ami, non. The Way to Cook is, in fact and also my humble opinion, the ONE cookbook to have if you could only have one. It’s not organized around recipes, but by techniques. Sure, there’s chapters for soups, fish, poultry etc. Each chapter though, is organized by technique with several “master recipes” focusing on the method as much as the ingredients. These are followed by “variations.” From the jacket:

..make her simple but impeccably prepared saute of chicken and before long you’re easily whipping up Chicken with Mushrooms and Cream, Chicken Provencale, Chicken Piperade, or Marengo Chicken.

From the poultry sautes, she moves into ragouts, fricassees and stews.

Pictures galore showing the preparation at several steps. Side notes, tips, and on and on. I’ve been cooking seriously for over thirty years, have mastered much of Larousee Gastronomique, and create completely new dishes with remarkable success. But I still go back to Julia – The Way to Cook in fact – frequently.

My first one got quite beaten up over the years. About five years ago the Ho, my dear dear Ho, got me a brand new replacement. Made me very happy.


have mastered much of Larousee Gastronomique

“Add spicy Dijon mustard to everything.”


OH, that’s all very fine for chicken. But what about duck?

[not really differing with you….but what about the duck?]


I aint gonna read whatever follows (nor what precedes) this but I am going to ask a simple question.

Granted, it is a courtesy to refer to peoples and their places by the names they themselves use. But why is this consideration supposed to override all others?

What “others” does he mean? Other courtesies? Such as? Yes, that’s three questions, quit yer bitchin. Here’s ONE then: Does he use that formulation to imply, if not overtly state, that such overriding of courtesy really means overriding his God Given Right as an American to stomp on everyone not like him?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Non mon ami, non. The Way to Cook is, in fact and also my humble opinion, the ONE cookbook to have if you could only have one

Given the context, should this not be NOM NOM NOM, ami?


Really though. If Rush equals Jesus and various righties equal the Apostles, who are the Romans? Nancy Pelosi? (AM I NOT MERCIFUL?) Who is Pilate? Who are the Jews?

Plus, it’s not the the nails so much as the size of the fucking cross. Does the Levant have trees big enough to support such a load?


There’s nothing quite like goose, with its crisp brown skin and its wonderfully flavored all dark meat. It’s grand on a platter and when you perform a little trick surgey on the joints before roasting, it’s amazingly easy to carve.
steam roasted goose

Steam-roasting solves the three-fold problem we supermarket shoppers have in cooking our 4 1/2 – to 5 1/2- pound ducks: all that fat under the skin, tough leg-thighs, but tender breast. Roasting the regular way can’t give you perfect breast meat and tender legs plus crisp skin, but with the steam-roast you can have all three.
The other solutions are to separate the duck, as described starting on the next page; this works beautifully but it’s labor intensive. Steam-roasting is a relatively simple procedure and it gives savory results. Except for timing, it’s the same method as for steam-roasting a goose, and here are the brief details.

5 pound duckling
1 lemon
Sage or thyme, optional
1/2 cup each: chopped onion carrot and celery
1 1/2 cups red wine, white wine, or water

Special equipment suggested: A covered roaster or casserole with rack, just large enough to hold the duck comfortably; a shallow roasting pan with rack for final cooking.

Preparing the duck for roasting. Pull all loose fat out of the cavity of the duck*, remove the wishbone**, and, for even easier carving, cut through the ball joints of the wings and thighs (as described for the goose, p. 174). Chop off the wings at the elbows; save them, as well as the neck and giblets for duck stock. Wipe the duck dry, and rub all over the outside and inside the cavity with cut lemon. Salt the inside of the cavity lightly adn add, if you wish, a sprinkling of thyme or sage.

Preliminary steaming – 30 minutes.
Place the duck breast up on the rack in the casserole, add one inch of water and bring to the boil on top of the stove. Cover the casserole tightly, reduce heat and let it steam for 30 minutes.

Braising – 30 minutes at 325 F
Remove the steamed duck from the casserole, pour out the liquid (which you can degrease for your duck stock) and drain the duck***. Place a double thickness of foil over the duck, breast down. Strew the vegetables around and pour in the wine or water. Bring to the simmer on top of the stove, cover the casserole, and braise in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Final roasting – 30 to 40 minutes at 375 F. Remove the duck to the rack in the shallow roasting pan. Roast uncovered to brown and crisp the skin – the duck is done when the legs feel reasonably tender.

Sauce Meanwhile, skim the fat off the cooking liquid**** (or should that be *****? whatever) in the covered casserole and simmer the liquid, mashing in the vegetables. Then boil it down untilit is almost syrupy. Strain, pressing the juices out of the vegetables – you will have just enough delicios liquid to moisten each serving.

Notes to follow in next comment.


The Son Also Writhes: The Age of Warnopgraphy and the Fappiest Generation

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hey, how soon before some wingnut makes some comment about Judge Sotomayor’s record being spic-and-span, and then tries to pass it off as not a racist comment? Any takers?


* save that fat!
** full instructions with close up photos given earlier in the book.
*** save that fat!
**** save that fat!

I like to poke a few wholes in the fattier places being careful not to puncture the meat, just the skin. I toss the saved fat clumps into the water so they render out in the same place.


Erick: Like a vulture flying in flock with swans, they benefit from the work the rest of us are doing to gain themselves credibility. The media plays along calling the vultures swans so others, they hope, see ugly ducklings around the vultures instead of swans.

Do vultures ever fly in a flock(?) of swans? Does anybody ever misidentify a vulture for a swan? Would misrepresenting a vulture as a swan really delude other people that swans were ducks, ugly or otherwise? Only if people had never seen a real swan before, right? Anybody who had seen swans before would know a vulture wasn’t a swan, even if they had never seen a vulture before. And if anybody had ever seen ducks before, this plan wouldn’t work either, likewise vultures. So, for his postulate to be valid, people would have to have never seen swans, ducks, or vultures. Their only experience would have to have been with republican politicians who were chickens…ahhhh!


On the other hand, I suppose a vulture would steam-roast in the same way as a swan.


“Mama bought a rooster/Thought it was a duck/Brought it to the table/With its legs straight up”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I don’t think a vulture would steam-roast in the same manner as a swan. Swans, like their fellow Anseriformes, (family Anatidae) the ducks and geese, have a high fat content.

Much would depend, however, on whether the vulture in question were an Old World vulture (family Accipitridae, allied to the hawks and eagles) or a New World vulture (family Cathartidae, probably members of the Falconiformes).

Have I mentioned that I am a total nerd. Also, it helps to know these things, just in case one meets up with a sexy falconer.


Plus, the Cathartidae tend to defend their nests by vomiting, while most Anseriforms are just mean somebitches:

Adult mute swans may become dangerously aggressive toward people and pets, especially in areas where they have become accustomed to food handouts. There are numerous cases where mute swans have threatened and attacked people in parks, backyards, and small boats. Although this often involves some degree of bluffing, mute swans are capable of inflicting bruises, sprains, and bone fractures and, on at least two occasions on the East Coast, human fatalities have occurred. Aggressive tendencies vary widely between individual swans but are most pronounced in territorial breeding males.


Whatever happened the the Red State heraldic shield of Christian soldiership?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Reading over my comment, I screwed up the HREF link… I am not Grrlscientist, and do not want to intrude on her turf. However, I stand 100% behind my statement regarding sexy falconers.


Have I mentioned that I am a total nerd.

No need to bother. None at all.




Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

May 29, 2009 at 5:02

Hey, how soon before some wingnut makes some comment about Judge Sotomayor’s record being spic-and-span, and then tries to pass it off as not a racist comment? Any takers?

When you’re a Jet, You’re a Jet all the way.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I don’t think a vulture would steam-roast in the same manner as a swan. Swans, like their fellow Anseriformes, (family Anatidae) the ducks and geese, have a high fat content.

Vultures are renowned for being low-fat. Especially Turkey Vultures, and even more so Turkey Breast Vultures.


No good scavenger
Catfish vulture
My hands are chisels
And this comment is sculpture

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

There’s a park at the north end of Lake Washington where millions of ducks congregate, quite a few geese, and a certain number of coots.

If you’ve never personally met a coot, let me tell you: when you call someone that, it’s not a compliment!


There’s a park at the north end of Lake Washington where millions of ducks congregate, quite a few geese, and a certain number of coots.

Oh, you mean Foster Island. Or the duck trail off the MOHI parking lot? I used to take my now-21-year-old there all the time when he was a toddler. Loved it.

Have you rented canoes from UW and paddled thru there? Really wonderful.

And yeah, coots are funny, but buffleheads? even funnier.




I’m hoping the yellow strikeout through “Americans for Prosperity” on the image wasn’t photoshopped by SN.


Actually, now that I recall those days – we used to be involved with a visiting music faculty member from the Gambia. He would marvel at all the ducks and geese swimming in the reflective pool on UW campus – the Drumheller fountain. He would ask people – “why does no one hunt them?”

It didn’t make sense to him that we were wasting these resources.

Frankly, I think Canada geese are probably nasty tasting fowl.


Also, what is the “work” that swans do that a vulture would benefit from? Do swans go around slaying creatures and leaving their carcasses to rot in the sun?


Winning Through Intimidation: Early to Bed and Early to Rise.


Erick Erickson is someone who could be a Congressman if he wished to do so. He’s just that smart.

Smart enough to be a Congressman? Oooooh, THAT’S impressive.


How To Be Your Own Best Friend: He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.


Smart enough to be a Congressman? Oooooh, THAT’S impressive.

Hey, it ain’t just anybody who can be at least 25 years of age and a citizen for 7 years. Sure, it’s most people, but not just anybody.


I would not eat anything that spent any time in Lake Washington.


The Final Days:Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oh, you mean Foster Island. Or the duck trail off the MOHI parking lot? I used to take my now-21-year-old there all the time when he was a toddler. Loved it.

Oh, yeah, Foster Island’s very cool too, but that’s down on the UW’s property, just north of the Ship Canal and where the Evergreen Point Bridge starts. The one I was thinking of was the Kenmore Air Harbor Park at the very northern tip of the lake. People love to feed the ducks, but they’re constantly amazed at how unfriendly the coots are.


OK, one more, since I joined the game late.

Born Again: I am in the prime of senility.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And g: Props on “The Gambia”. I’ve been fatigued into compliance on The Lebanon and The Labrador, and even The Cameroons, but I dig in my heels when people leave the article off The Sudan and The Ukraine!


One Hundred Years Of Solitude: the history of republican outreach towards minority voters
(eh, its early in the morning)


Q: What’s the password to get into the republican party?
A: There’s a vulture hiding amongst the swans.


Q: What’s the pass safe word to get into the republican party?

Fixed like a patched double-wetsuit.



“They look like bandicoots! Bandicoots with thalassaemia!”


Salt Lake City also has Polygamy Porter. “Take some home to the wives”


You know, I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me earlier:

“A wingnut came to me and said
I’d like to poison your mind
With false ideas that appeal to you
‘Cause I am so unkind”


A cøøt once pecked my sister.
Cøøt pecks Kan be pretty nasti.
[True story, oddly enough].


Nosfer-Blart-Two you stole my joke. So now I’ll have to read deeper into the article. I hate you.*

“There are lots of creeping leftists in the conservative movement who want to exile large segments of the movement so the media will declare them the next William F. Buckley.” I wish. I wish so much that we had a secret sixth column dastardly plotting away. No, it is actually even more horrifying. People have just stopped buying the old lies. Well some of them anyway.

*No we are totes awesome. Even if I do have to read the rest of the article now. Jerk^

^totally not kidding~

~You can actually do this about 24 times before it is illegible


So wp shows html markup but doesn’t do it. Lovely


Carrion is THEFT!


Carrion is THEFT!

Offal is a finite good.


What, no new thread yet?


Carrion is THEFT!

So is “carry-on”


I see nothing wrong with drinking beer through a straw.
Real men pump it straight into their stomachs through a nasal tube.

Real men lean their heads back and open wide and take it down the throat raw.


Everything you wanted to know about sex*: Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

*but were too afraid to ask


Infinite Guest: Inside the Guantanamo Detention Facility, by Dick Cheney

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I wish so much that we had a secret sixth column dastardly plotting away.

If only conservatives had some difference in brain chemistry that could be distinguished by a weapon….

Rusty Shackleford

Duck cavities are rare as hen’s teeth


My god you are the lamest bunch of st00pid punk bitchiz evah

At least the punks I used to hang out with spent their days getting strung out on speed, nodding on smack, waking and baking, getting drunk, playing crappy music, etc etc

But the st00pid punk bitchiz here on Sadly, Blow spend their days trading fucking recipes!

Do you all live in nursing homes?

Have you had your prunes sauteed in duck fat yet today? It’ll make you regular!


Salt Lake City also has Polygamy Porter. “Take some home to the wives”

Also, “Why have just one?”

Love the brew, got the T-shirt (and the hat!)

Rusty Shackleford

The people in nursing homes don’t get to prepare their own food, The Fool.


Hey! Erick is great!

Nothing brings a smile to my face like an Erickson post. Well, that and a tube of amyl nitrate.

Wonder how the project to drum out insufficiently conservative Republicans like David Frum is going.

Keep going Erickt! Keep the Party pure! If we can move the GOP to the right we will certainly win the next election cycle!!

Xecky Gilchrist

Love the brew, got the T-shirt (and the hat!)

Salt Lake City has some very tasty microbrews. Which may seem surprising, but during the ’90s microbrewing was sort of an underground political statement and people took it very seriously. Likewise coffee houses – some very good ones sprang up. That decade saw a big cultural shift in the more populated areas.


Carrion is THEFT!

“Carry on Carrion” was somewhat of a low point in the English movie industry’s production of comedies.


Salt Lake City has some very tasty microbrews.

This is way late to respond but I’m gonna anyway, you can’t stop me or I’ll go Galt on you!

Anyway, it was my understanding that Park City was always a bit of a liberal oasis from the SLC mainstream. Which makes Polygamy Porter just that much more subversive (and beloved).


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